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  1. spline9


    I asked the same question a while back, from the responses, it doesnt seem so. I think they all are considerably better than a hydrometer regardless of what brand you get.
  2. spline9


    The one sold on this site is good. I have one thats similar.
  3. spline9

    ID Please

    They are very good for your tank/sandbed. Keep em. :) My sand sifting star gobbled them all up and now I'm a sad sad sad monkey. *weep*
  4. spline9

    What to do If a Mushroom Tears in Half

    Pantyhose, the popular "wedding veil", or any sort of mesh/net will work. You can also just put it on a piece of LR rubble in a shallow container (like a disposable tupperware container) in your tank. The walls should shield it from strong flows that could blow it around.
  5. spline9

    ID just pulled from tank

    Its definately a killer. Gorilla crab maybe?
  6. spline9

    tring to put pic on

    Or if you dont like downloading/installing programs... Here are a couple web-based image resizers. Both are good. The first one allows you to specifiy exact size, the 2nd one is much easier but only has preset sizes to choose from.
  7. spline9

    air in U pipe

    Every once in a while, when I take out my overflow box and have to restart the siphon, I'll sometimes get an air bubble in the U tube. I just get a piece of paper towel and let the siphon suck it up in the overflow. The towel will catch the bubble and carry it out the other end. Just make sure...
  8. spline9

    Can anyone id this thing ?

    I believe its a skirted keyhole limpet. Do a search for this, you will get some good threads on it (if this is what it is).
  9. spline9

    Question about cleaning sand...

    Sand sifting stars will eventually eat up all the critters in your sandbed rendering it useless as a biological filter. You may be ok with one in your 75 (the tank may be able to replenish as fast as the star eats) but in my 29, all the worms and pods just disappeared. :( I had to sell him to...
  10. spline9

    Refractometer / Hydrometer

    A lot/yes/yes/refractometer. Heh. A refractometer measures salinity (and sometimes specific gravity). A hydrometer measures only specific gravity. Hydrometers are generally not very accurate but they are consistant in their measurements. The temperature can affect measurements but most...
  11. spline9

    Should I through the sandbed out?

    Woah. I had no idea you had a rock jungle in there. That mustve been a hell of a weekend!
  12. spline9

    Still fighting the hair algae

    Yeah, sounds like the bulbs then. I cant give much info about the DSB, though. Sorry.
  13. spline9

    Still fighting the hair algae

    Refugiums with macro algae help remove excess nutrients suffocating out the "bad" algae. Might be something to look into. I just got a fuge myself. Trying to fend off a potential hair algae explosion.
  14. spline9

    Should I through the sandbed out?

    You may want to consider why its turning like that first. The source of your issues could be overfeeding. Overfeeding = excess nutrients. Excess nutrients = algae food. Another reason could be that you may not have a large enough cleanup crew to handle the leftovers and excrement. Generally, 1...
  15. spline9


    Molting is basically the same as shedding (ala snakes and lizards). Crustaceans molt when growing. Their shells are hard and cannot expand when it grows so they shed their shells off as they develop a newer one underneath it. The new shell is soft and allows them to grow into the new shell...
  16. spline9

    ? on sand getting new sand.

    You dont need to use 100% LS. To keep costs down, just use some LS and some dry sand. The LS will seed the rest of it and eventually become LS. I'm redoing my 50/50 LS/CC substrate. I have a small tank that I am seeding a bag of dry sand with a mesh bag filled with my current LS and 1lb of LFS...
  17. spline9

    Finishing up my new canopy... ideas with acrlyic

    Heh, fair enough. :) I wish I could give you some good advice on the acrylic but I cannot. The MHs will definately be hot and I would be concerned as well... hopefully somebody will be able to help out. Oh, how about just using small glass shields over the MH bulbs since they arent very big...
  18. spline9

    Finishing up my new canopy... ideas with acrlyic

    Why not use glass instead of acrylic?
  19. spline9

    Crushed Coral Owners only poll

    I have CC/LS mix and I simply got tired of the way the CC looks. I should be switching to full LS this weekend (time permitting). As a sidenote, CC sandstorms seem to clear up faster than LS.
  20. spline9

    What's Happening to this Coral?

    What about light? Which LFS? I shop some LFS's in S.F. Valley.