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  1. spline9

    im setting up a pod tank.

    I dont think chaeto has any specific light requirements. Just light. As far as I know a simple incandescent bulb should work fine since algae-type plants thrive in lights more on the red end of the spectrum. I could be wrong, though. Somebody please correct/verify/elaborate for me.
  2. spline9

    What's Happening to this Coral?

    I have the same polyps and they are doing the same thing... No idea why. Where did you get them from?
  3. spline9


    Also, what are you using to measure your salinity? If youre using one of them swing-arm deals, there could have been an air bubble on the arm causing it to become lighter. But sebae0 is most likely right. Is there evaporation in the tank? Have you topped off between the testings? If so, did you...
  4. spline9

    NiTrAtEs and LiGhT-aTeS

    They are LED lights that people run at night and sometimes 24/7. LEDs have very minimal power requirements so you wont notice your electric bill change any if you ran em 24/7. Anyhow... they are blue. Usually found within a particular spectrum of blue that apparently simulates natural...
  5. spline9

    I.D. Please.....

    Excellent! I <3 google. :D
  6. spline9

    I.D. Please.....

    To quote BangGuy on a previous post... I'm definite on this one. Keyholes mostly eat Algae but they sometimes scrape the top layer of skin off of leather corals. This can damage the coral if done too often. Read this post, also... p.s...
  7. spline9

    Repair scratches or build from scratch?

    I have a 50gal reef with a 110gal fudge :D weird eh? Thats a lot of fudge! :o Hehehe. Seriously though, I'm pretty sure this is going to turn out to be a display tank. Maybe the 20gal tall will be a fuge ...despite how much I'd love to fill it with fudge.
  8. spline9

    I.D. Please.....

    The first pic, possibly a sponge. They pop up on occasion. The orange thingamabob, i believe, is a skirted keyhole limpet according to what I remember of BangGuy's previous IDs. Probably a hitchhiker you never noticed until now. Excellent pics, btw. :)
  9. spline9

    need help replacing fans

    Hehe and I was thinking to suggest possible reversed wires. I think I was just figuring that the fans would just spin reversed. *shrug* Glad you got them working! :D
  10. spline9

    salt water pleco equivalent?

    I dont see why not, you may want to check other sources to be sure.
  11. spline9

    salt water pleco equivalent?

    Yeah, mag-floats are awesome.
  12. spline9

    Syringe for aiptasia

    Concentrated lemon juice is reported to work also.
  13. spline9

    salt water pleco equivalent?

    Fighting Conchs are good for diatoms, if thats what you have.
  14. spline9

    Help me fix my scratched up glass.

    Yeah, that sounds like my most reasonable option. Although I dont have the space for 2 55gal tanks considering I'm practically shoehorning in just one. So, if I just take all the stuff in my 29gal tank and move it into the 55... Just add some more water and LS, will this cause another cycle...
  15. spline9

    Help me fix my scratched up glass.

    Whats "RR"? I called a glass company and they didnt do scratch removal. I couldnt contact any other companies since time was limited. Its a standard 55gal tank. But the thing is I paid $50 for the tank AND stand. I went to see if I could sell the tank to a 1 month old LFS I have good relations...
  16. spline9

    Newbee to reef

    You can do both. If you just place them you need to find some sort of method to keeping them stationary until they attach, though. Otherwise they will blow around in the current. A popular method is using "wedding veil" or some sort of open mesh stuff to hold it down (its least obstructing for...
  17. spline9

    Sand Grain Size for bacteria growth?

    I dont think grain size matters. Bacteria should grow on everything. Thats what people use liverock for. Consider a piece of LR as one giant grain. :)
  18. spline9

    Need Help with Removing Polyp Eating Nudibranch

    Look into doing a quick freshwater dip. That might help. There may be differing opinions, though so wait for more replies (or do a search). :)
  19. spline9

    Liquid Life

    Glad to be of service. :)
  20. spline9

    Repair scratches or build from scratch?

    Well if my other 2 alternatives are too expensive, than I may just do that. The only issue is room. I was going to move the 29 and keep it as a spare and replace it with the 55. I cant really have both in that spot at once. Since my apt is small, I dont have many other (decent) places to put it...