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  1. bdhough

    Help!!! Hurt Stylophora!!

    it will generally break where you want it too. the brown stuff may be brown jelly disease which only set in because the coral was nuked by the anemone. if it is brown jelly i would suggest getting the coral out of the tank as i've heard tht stuff will spread. good luck :) its one reason why i...
  2. bdhough

    why do my fish die in a week

    allrighy ill assume you have live rock. your mechanical filter, the dual pengiuns, can help to filter the water. the pads that are in the filter serve to filter large particles and the carbon will help absorb impurities. the pads in the filter are entirely optional and if you wish to remove...
  3. bdhough

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    the 20 high from the side
  4. bdhough

    Aquarium of the Month -- Win a Free $75 Package

    my 20 high, common baby bring it home.....
  5. bdhough

    3 fish dead in one week!!

    more details............. did they eat, did they have spots or any discoloration when they died, odd behavior, how many other fish in the tank, are they ok? whats your alkalinity? did you do anything different in the past couple weeks?
  6. bdhough

    ***** buyers beware!

    well plain and simple there are alot of people out there who don't know better and will buy something full retail. they are a store and can make whatever prices they like but its up to the consumer to say thats expensive and not buy it. i used to work in a private fish store and the owner...
  7. bdhough

    FrogsPawn Sick?

    your levels are a bit high. 600 calcium is much to high. it needs to be no more than 500. the ph is a bit high but not that high. 8.3-8.0 is a bit better. same with salinity i would bring it down to .025. what is your tanks temperature? 79-82? thats normal..... if its 85+ then you need...
  8. bdhough

    why do my fish die in a week

    hahaha. thats laughable. :) hmmm. do you have live rock at all? let me know and then i will explain how filtration works in salt tanks. im a little busy so ill get back to you.
  9. bdhough

    30-55 gal reef package

    variety is the best thing you can do with a clean up crew. the more variety the better job done.
  10. bdhough

    Dying Fish

    go to the disease forum i think there is a sticky that explains it at the very top of the forum. i would suggest doing a new thread saying "newbie needs hypo help" or something like that. one of the members Terry B seems to be a pioneer in the treatment and has authored papers on it that are...
  11. bdhough

    5th Fish - Need Something Blue

    its blue.... its more midnight blue from what i remember. the assessors are of the pseudo/dottyback family. they are pretty docile. i never have seen one that swims around alot but they hang out and swim upside down all the time. they are great for any tank, kind of like the royal grammas...
  12. bdhough

    why do my fish die in a week

    well, you're doing it right but i can only guess that since your water conditions are so much more different than the stores that the fish are not acclimating very well. raise your ph as well as your salinity. start with some water changes. i would recommend you use seachems 8.3 ph buffer...
  13. bdhough

    30-55 gal reef package

    buy yourself a turkey bastor and spot feed all your shrimp one or two times a week. other than that everything should be ok should be able to find its own food. as a side note i never understood swf packages. they are way to stacked with hermits and snails sometimes. what you ordered was a...
  14. bdhough

    5th Fish - Need Something Blue

    sorry as for the psedo doris suggested its a good buy but not with your tank. since you have the bicolor blenny you will probably run into fighting between the two. the bicolor is pretty docile but the two fish look to much alike and will inevitably fight.
  15. bdhough

    5th Fish - Need Something Blue

    i think 3 of those would work in your tank. i would not buy any more fish for your tank though. they are very lively and will swim all over the place. they shimmer as i said going from blue to green depending on how the light hits them. they have a blue "lip" as well.
  16. bdhough

    Lets see some sps!

    golfish is that hydnophora maybe? ANYONE HAVE A TURBINARIA?
  17. bdhough

    Dying Fish

    one more thing. never buy a cleaner wrasse again :) they rarely survive. they need a large tank with alot of large fish. if you must must must have one make sure it eats regular food before you even consider it. they are a neat fish as ive had one clean my hands before but they rarely survive...
  18. bdhough

    Dying Fish

    wow, where to start with you..... unfortunately you made so many mistakes in starting your tank that its to late to correct alot of them. 1) you overstocked the tank greatly. 10 fish is entirely to many for a 55 gallon. i would say 6 or 7 is the max you could put in there and thats with...
  19. bdhough

    Changing filter pads on wet/dry filter

    i have a wetdry, minipenguin, and have gone without the pads without noticing any effect for several months now. your main filtration will all be done in the tank with whatever live rock you have. it contains all the bacteria and organisms, big and small, that you need to keep your water...
  20. bdhough

    5th Fish - Need Something Blue

    heh, thats actually a green chromis. the picture came out dark for some reason but heres the blown up version. he's much more green than blue. if the light shifts right he does look blue though. green chromis shimmer like that. but i have to tell you that they look better and do better in...