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  1. itom37

    how do you get a pair of clowns?

    Apparently you can't use the word s e x, but that's what's missing.
  2. itom37

    how do you get a pair of clowns?

    Don't tell the conservatives or they'll make a law against it, but one actually changes --- if need be to make a pair. Typically the more dominant one becomes the female. If your clowns are older I might guess the chances would be less that this would happen, but I don't know for sure. If...
  3. itom37

    metal halides or actinics?

    Yeah, that's why I didn't get halides (and the cost...). I can't afford a chiller.
  4. itom37

    metal halides or actinics?

    Sure, but if you've got MH i'm guessing you're keeping corals that need the light. If you keep the lights off, they will suffer.
  5. itom37


    Well... if you actually had no pods in your tank then it will take several months for the population to build up. Hopefully you've got them already and you just don't know it. I think with that much LR and no major pod consumers other than the mandarin you should be able to build up a...
  6. itom37

    Extremly Small Reefs

    safely is an interesting choice of words... or word i guess. I've seen one that couldn't've been more than half a gallon. They kept a shroom or two and some polyps, as well as a cleaner shrimp and a baby percula.
  7. itom37


    8 months... that much rock... should be crawling with pods. Do you see any in the sand or on the glass? Little white flea looking things... actually there are tons of different pods. Before I first saw a pod I thought i had none. Then I saw them munching on a dead zoa frag and realized they...
  8. itom37

    THE Most Dominating City in Sports Today!

    Originally Posted by bjoe23 every1 has tried to so far but they have all came up short. wat an increadible game tho, BC and VT are got alot of respect from this game i think. Beating BC is completely in line with Clemson's MO. We probably lose to Maryland or Wake (PLEASE NOT DUKE...), then, as...
  9. itom37

    Ever have this feeling about a fish???

    Love my diamond. Keeps the sand nice and clean, though I'm told he's eating all the pods in my sand keeping me from a mandarin Oh well, it's a cool fish.
  10. itom37


    You're on your way to a tank that can support a mandarin, but you've got to give it time. After a few months of set up you should be on your way to a solid pod population, but it's generally recommended that you wait 8-12 months to allow a large population to build. Be patient, it will be...
  11. itom37

    what is your stock list

    55 gallon 70 lbs LR Fish: 2 firefish 2 tomato clowns 1 blue sided fairy wrasse 1 diamond goby Critters: 2 camel shrimp 1 cleaner shrimp 1 coral banded shrimp 1 arrow crab several hermits and snails Coral: green brain lobo kenya tree green star polyps zoas shrooms rics Misc: ALL MY MONEY
  12. itom37

    it finally happened

    Fill it with water from your tank. Some sort of filtration will be needed (at least a cheap mechanical filter), and a heater of course. A few places for him to hide are important. Biofiltration will be an issue since this tank is not cycled. You can put a few pieces of LR in there or add a...
  13. itom37

    i'm new to ick (help!)

    Your tank is still cycling. Fish waste is excreted (as ammonia). It is very toxic to fish, and should be zero in a cycled tank. Next, bacteria in your tank convert it to nitrites. Nitrites are less toxic, but you still want them to be zero. The final step in the marine aquarium is...
  14. itom37

    i'm new to ick (help!)

    a water test kit... for what? i don't think the medicine will change anything. make sure you're using a real refractometer if you're doing hypo, and follow the procedure on this site. it needs to be done right. those plastic hydrometers aren't going to be sensitive enough to safely do hypo.
  15. itom37

    THE Most Dominating City in Sports Today!

    That was an incredible comeback. I guess it'll have to be Clemson to ruin the national championship hopes of BC
  16. itom37

    i'm new to ick (help!)

    You can gradually lower the salinity. This is one method that works well, and you can read exactly how to do it here This would be a good treatment method for you if you don't have LR or many inverts (like i said, you'd probably have to...
  17. itom37

    Help with possible Ich??

    Sorry to hear that. How do you appropriately QT a mandarin since their diet is so specific? I suppose you can transfer some pod-laden rock into a QT, but what if it needs treatment (hypo or copper)?
  18. itom37

    i'm new to ick (help!)

    Another thing: be wary of a LFS employee who tries to sell you a reef safe ich treatment. The failure to success ratio is high, from my experience and what i gather.
  19. itom37

    i'm new to ick (help!)

    If you've got no live rock or invertebrates in your tank then you can easily do hyposalinity in your DT. Beth has a very good article on it in the disease treatment forum. I guess the cleaner shrimp and crab will be problematic, but you could use the ten gallon for them. Even if those fish...
  20. itom37

    Whats the Difference

    I don't know specifics, but different populations are going to have slight differences. They may or may not be visible, but given that these populations haven't interbred in a long time, they have diverged slightly, in an evolutionary sense. It may be the case that two fish of the same species...