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  1. niskyvaulter

    Six second rant

    i hate when stupid people sign up for advanced classes and waste my day asking the same thing over and over again
  2. niskyvaulter

    this or that

    steak (i like how this has become just the same 10 people) sneakers or sandals
  3. niskyvaulter

    Do you eat seafood?

    i find no problem with seafood, as long as its kosher. but if you think about it, saying i won't eat it because it reminds me of my fish is like saying i won't eat beef b/c i have a cat. fish is a group of animals, like mammals or birds.
  4. niskyvaulter

    fish list?

    I think a yellow would be fine in a 72. some people may disagree with that, but a regal (dory) tang wont work in a tank that small. IMO, replace the copperband with a yellow tang, or if you want something more exciting, a purple.
  5. niskyvaulter

    120 or 125

    125, its 2 feet longer. i think it would help if you stated the dimensions
  6. niskyvaulter

    Shhhh I am Upgrading To A 75 & The Wife Doesn't Know

    yeah, a 29 would be good for a 29. i have a 20 long under my 55
  7. niskyvaulter

    this or that

    double stuffed. friday night or saturday night
  8. niskyvaulter

    Seaweed From The Ocean

    also, us water is generaly much colder, so the snails on the beach are suited for cold water and will die in a month or two in your tank
  9. niskyvaulter

    this or that

    colbert, but i like jon. running or lifting?
  10. niskyvaulter

    need advice in CUC...

    also, a note on your stock list. triggers are very likely to bite at the lions fins. i wouldn't recomend getting the lion.
  11. niskyvaulter

    True vs. False Percula

    also, trues are less hardy than ocelaris clowns
  12. niskyvaulter

    will my lighting support an anemone????????

    how big s your tank? lighting depends on depth and lighting type. also, most anemones need a mature (at least six months old) tank of at least 30 gallons
  13. niskyvaulter

    Mixing LS and CC

    use online stores for skimmers, but before you buy, ask on the message boards to get feedback. i do this with any major equipment i get. also, you will need much more live rock. for my 55, i bought 20 lbs live rock and 55 more dead. dead rock is much cheaper. its just dried out rock that has no...
  14. niskyvaulter

    I Got The Craziest Idea!!!!

    i have a friend who's real rich and lives in a big develpoment. he got a pool and told me its saltwater, not chlorine. after i heard that i got the same idea. then i realized all the problems with it (keeping stuff e.g. leaves, rain, local kids and animals out). but its still cool to think about...
  15. niskyvaulter

    Stocking levels

    if you get into anemones imo, i would get a better lighting system. i had the same coralife setup my lfs sold me when i wasnt knowledgeable and trusted their opinions (and i didnt know about this place), but i just ordered a 2x150 mh system for my 55
  16. niskyvaulter

    temp high at night?

    i have no idea what it could be but i just had to compliment your rockwork
  17. niskyvaulter

    My Texas Holey Base Rock

    rocks with holes seems like it would have pros and cons. it would provide your fish lots of hiding places, which in turn makes them more secure, which will actually make them go out and about more. the con is that it doesn't look like it would have good places for placing corals. basically, the...
  18. niskyvaulter

    enough flow

  19. niskyvaulter

    how do I drill holes in my plexi glass tank?

    i'm not sure if its logical thinking but my (dad's) table saw thats designed for wood can cut plexiglass, so bits designed for wood might be able to cut plexiglass.
  20. niskyvaulter

    enough flow

    I have a 55 gal tank with a koralia 2 (600gph) and a mag 7 pump at 2.5ish feet below water level (~550). if directed so there are no dead spots, would this be enough flow for an sps tank?