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  1. gen1dustin

    whats purpple up™ smells like...

    Originally Posted by colourmop my *friend* give me a new bottle of purple up, just wondering what does it smells/looks like. mine is white liquid which smells kinda like...chemical water. not sure if it is a real purple up or he put something in there just to kill my corals.. yeh he is pertty...
  2. gen1dustin


    Originally Posted by jdragunas i was just saying that adding the shrimp before the LR was not as effective as adding after the LR, and for some reason i wasn't thinking about the filter... my bad! Ok I see, I didn't want anybody especially a newb to get thrown off there.
  3. gen1dustin

    can mirror be stressfull?????QUICK

    I gotta agree though with NEreef that a mirror or reflection wouldn't cause an infectin.
  4. gen1dustin

    Something to look at, comment if u want

    Definately one of the nicest reefs I've ever seen.
  5. gen1dustin

    Mature? Tang Police

    The whole inch per gallon theory is not a good rule line at all. For niether salt or fresh water. In FW terms I only see it usable with small community fish in a small tank. It all depends on the tank & fish. Activity levels, waste levels, & aggresion is different for each species of fish...
  6. gen1dustin

    can mirror be stressfull?????QUICK

    I could definately see a mirror could be stressful if it is a fish that would fisght it's own species. Like My way previously said. Take a betta for instance many people will hold a mirror by the tank to bring out the flaring beauty in the fish, but if a mirror is mleft by the tank all the time...
  7. gen1dustin

    Got the LR, now to cycle.

    Kool, thanks ya'll. I just got back in town today & it seems as though the ammonia is off the charts(literally) my nitrItes look to be less than 0.3 mg. So I guess it's time for a water change how much would you guys say somewheres around 25-50 %??
  8. gen1dustin

    Got the LR, now to cycle.

  9. gen1dustin


  10. gen1dustin


    You can really go either way. Forget about live rock for a second. Ok fill up your tank with saltwater (whether you mix it yourself or buy premixed). Ok add a few dead shrimp, like frozen ones from a grocery store would work good. After the cycle is finished then add your cured live rock. Ok or...
  11. gen1dustin

    bio balls or rubble rock

    Yeah a pre filter does work from what I hear & I have me a nice piece of blue bonded filter pad above mine. I think a lot of times that might be over done with them being nitrate traps, JMO though. I think it is that rocks would be porous unlike a bio ball.
  12. gen1dustin

    bio balls or rubble rock

    Originally Posted by sign guy Is lava rock better than rubble rock I'm not for sure, I do believe however that both would have more surface area for bacteria than like plastic bio-balls. I would think the rubble would be best since it is already inhibited by things.
  13. gen1dustin


    Originally Posted by aquatics24 Hey thanks man. I was just assuming that the premixed saltwater would already be at the levels that are suitable, but ofcourse i would test the water before anything...or are you saying, even if the levels are at 0, i still want them to go up to say 1.0, and come...
  14. gen1dustin


    Jdragunas summed it up pretty good & a book is something great to invest in. Be sure to do your research I've been keeping FW for over 10 years & trust me reasearch & research before buying anything or adding any living creature into your tank. I just added un-cured live rock to my first ever SW...
  15. gen1dustin

    Got the LR, now to cycle.

    Well I just recieved my 60 lbs of Caribbean live rock for my 55 gallon tank. It was uncured, & I plan to cycle the tank with it. I've done washed it in a high salinity bucket of water to get any critters off, I picked off a few things including some worms. I don't see any hitch hikers like...
  16. gen1dustin

    bio balls or rubble rock

    Originally Posted by RSWrestler be cautious about the lava gravel...the lava rock can have some earth metals in them that are harmful for your tank. From my understanding only true natural lava rock has that. Which any lava rock made for aquarium use is man-made & I'm pretty sure everything...
  17. gen1dustin

    cleanup crew first?

    Everyone has told me to add a cleaner crew after the cycle is over. This is what I'm planning on doing. I plan on getting some hermits, snails, & conchs.
  18. gen1dustin

    I Had To Put My Lab Down Today....

    Man sorry about your loss. A few years ago we)my familly) lost our beloved mini yorkie Hershey. She drowned in our swimming pool sadly. They're very loyal dogs & protect everyone. When everyone was playing in the pool shw would always run after them barking when they jumped in. Then one day she...
  19. gen1dustin

    myspace people & my other one
  20. gen1dustin

    New to e.b.a.y.-Please help!

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE and communicate. sometimes things go sour, or bad timing happens. most problems can be avoided and or worked out just by communicating. i had somebody back out of an item of mine due to bad timing. he was willing to pay the ---- seller fees, and any paypal fee...