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  1. duke13

    red algea

    Cyano bacteria. Usually the main reason for Cyano is overfeeding and old lights. I personally feed once every other day in a controlled amount. What kind of lights do you have and how old are they? If PCs get old, the light spectrum changes and promotes a lot of unwanted algae growth.
  2. duke13

    nitrates to high

    I wouldn't worry too much about your PH level, most good salts out there will sustain that. Like CELACANTHr said, get rid of the crushed coral immediately. Crushed Coral = Nitrate pockets waiting to release at first disturbance
  3. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    I have a friend who has a Cherub Angel in his 55 reef. It has been overall good except for the poor Cat's Paw. IMO, one coral getting picked on is too much already. I think Cherubs are pretty cool but I'm going to stay away fro dwarf angels at the moment. And yes, Jawfish can be happy with...
  4. duke13

    electric blue hermits

    The biggest gripe most people have with them is that they get big and they bulldoze your tank. Other than that, they're cool to have.
  5. duke13

    question about clown fish

    Nope, never mix different breeds of clowns. There are plenty of fish that you can get to accompany the pair though. Here some suggestions: Firefish most all Gobies and Blennies most smaller wrasses Your possibilities are big, most all fish get along just fine with clowns. The hardest part is...
  6. duke13

    ***** and Sea Horses !

    Originally Posted by jhebi i believe aclimation depends on the fish store and not only *****. 1 time i went to this big LFS, where thy bring bunch of fishes and have excellent selection of corals....i was there checking some corals and they got a bacth of fishes from hawaii (yellow tangs...
  7. duke13

    Nitrate levels!!

    A full cycle can take anywhere from a week to a month. You're probably still cycling the tank. However, if you wish to help reduce the nitrates, just do simple water changes. 10-20% changes every week should help.
  8. duke13

    ***** and Sea Horses !

    Originally Posted by jdragunas nuh, huh, they offer a 14-day money-back guarantee Not on SW, only freshwater. At least at my store...
  9. duke13

    Super New...Super Skimmer!

    I justed wanted to add that this is a great skimmer. I have 2 Aqua C Remora and one of these guys and there have been times where it seemed that the Coralife produced more skimate. Definitely a good price for a brand new one.
  10. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Am I missing something here? Who wanted you to delete your post?
  11. duke13

    ***** and Sea Horses !

    That's why ***** offers a 'No money back guarantee' :)
  12. duke13

    ***** and Sea Horses !

    ***** + any SWF = death. Good luck. If possible, buy the seahorse before they put them in their tanks.
  13. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Not sure about the cleaner wrasse. I've read that they have more of a specialized diet. I'm not looking for a finicky eater...
  14. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Originally Posted by jdragunas an angel raping corals... there's an image for ya... LOL
  15. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Originally Posted by Meadbhb Hiya, I had one coral beauty that picked on feather dusters until they left their tube. I lost that one, don't know how. Couldn't stand not having one in my tank so I got another one. So far so good. Meadbhb I know what you mean about the Angel love there. I...
  16. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    I would love to have a Mandarin but I'm against cruelty to animals :) I'd ONLY get a Mandarin if I have witnessed it eat frozen foods and survived for many months. Usually if you see a Mandarin like that, they're not for sale or already have a home.
  17. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    I've heard of Sixline being a little aggressive, especially towards inverts. I don't necessarily have to have a Sixline. However, the fish I'm looking for should behave like the Sixline, less the aggressiveness.
  18. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    What about a Sixline Wrasse? I'd be worried about compatibility issues with my other wrasse though...
  19. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Originally Posted by jdragunas What about a firefish? I've also thought about Firefish. I like them and I think they're really cool. However, I've also seen them hide a lot, just like the Grammas. I guess it's a hit or miss for personality-wise.
  20. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Here's my list of inverts I forgot to add: 1 White Tuxedo Urchin 1 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Cleaner Shrimp 3 Sauron Shrimp No Starfish Countless hermits and snails Royal Grammas are alright, I have just seen to many of them hide or stay way too stationary. I appreciate the suggestion though.