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  1. duke13

    Suggestion for my next fish

    Ok, I have a 40 Gal Breeder Reef and currently stocked with 4 fish. 2 Occelaris Clowns 1 Yellow Watchman 1 Canary Wrasse I would like to add just one more fish, preferably something that moves around more and provides just a bit more color. I used to have a Lemonpeel Angel and I loved it's...
  2. duke13

    cleanup crew for 55 gallon

    Originally Posted by corally Can anyone suggest a good cleanup crew for a 55 gallon that will eventually be a reef tank? 10 Cerith Snails 10 Nassarius Snails 10-20 Astrea Snails 20 Scarlett Reef Hermits 2-5 Peppermint/Scarlett Skunk Cleaner Shrimps
  3. duke13

    Do I have enough crew members?

    Originally Posted by newfishguy 15 gallon tank 8 hermit crabs 3 cerith snails 1 cleaner shrimp 1 camel shrimp 1 long spined black urchin (will move to my larger 75 gallon when it gets bigger) Should I get some more snails? :notsure: Your crew looks good, I would suggest getting more snails...
  4. duke13

    fish in a 15 gallon tank

    Originally Posted by newfishguy A sea horse would be cool but I heard they were hard to keep. Can you keep inverts with sea horses? I thought they didn't like anything but other sea horses? As long as the other inverts don't outcompete the Sea Horses for food, they'd be fine. I would...
  5. duke13

    For sale

    Originally Posted by fishfreek Would you concider shipping the light? Does it take square or straight pin bulbs? How old is the fixture? thanks To answer part of your question, all 96w bulbs are square pin.
  6. duke13

    Possible to overskim?

    Hi Jewban. Regarding "overskimming", there's no such thing. You'll find that this particular topic has been argued over for a while. IMO, you CAN'T overskim.
  7. duke13


    Coralife Super Skimmers (needle wheel) and the Aqua C Remora/Urchin are great skimmers. Personally, I would go with an Aqua C because they're the best for the money (and boy are they expensive). I personally have 2 Remoras and they're workhorses. I just bought a Coralife Super Skimmer for a...
  8. duke13

    over feeding polyps?

    I don't think you can harm the polyps by overfeeding them. However, you can harm the rest of your tank by overfeeding. Polyps really don't need to be fed, the light is their food. They do benefit from additional spot feedings though. I'd say you can spot feed them like once or twice a week...
  9. duke13

    DSB or no DSB?

    DSB does have its benefits. However, a 29 gal isn't that tall and a DSB will take away from your 'viewing' space. DSB are great if you're going to have a burrowing fish like a Yellowhead Jawfish. I have just a 2-3 inch sandbed and I do fine. Maintenance wise, it would be the same either way...
  10. duke13

    Care for zoos????

    Zoos are very easy to care for. Depending on the species, most don't need intense lighting (PCs will do). You don't need to spot feed them but they will benefit from phytoplankton (like DT's Phyto). They like medium flow but try to keep the flow indirect.
  11. duke13

    brain coral

    So how's your brain doing? Updates?
  12. duke13

    brain coral

    Yeah, that's definitely tissue recession. Try to isolate the brain now, put him another tank or a fuge. It's hard to say why he's receding, most common reason is stress. Blue shrooms shouldn't be a problem. However, some leathers can give a toxin that's deadly to LPS. The best thing you...
  13. duke13

    brain coral

    BTW, do you have any pics of your brain?
  14. duke13

    brain coral

    Make sure no one is pestering him, don't let hermits or shrimp walk on him. When you feed a brain, just place the food right on one of his mouths. Within 5 minutes, it should be slowly opening its mouth and eating. Be patient, it does take a while. I have a pair of Skunk Cleaners that...
  15. duke13

    brain coral

    When brains are dying, usually their flesh starts to recede from the skeleton. What are you feeding it? Open brains in general need to be fed meaty foods, not phytoplankton (ie DT, marine snow). Open brains don't have big feeler tentacles like closed/favia brains do. I feed my lobo a piece...
  16. duke13

    Snails FS or Trade for mushrooms

    I have sent you email. -Al
  17. duke13

    A little Help!

    Wrong forum. But to answer your question: IMO, you don't have enough lights for zoos. However, shrooms and zoos are probably the only thing you can do. You may also try corals that don't require light, like Sun Corals.
  18. duke13

    Who wants a mantis shrimp?

    Mantis' are the toughest damn shrimps ever. They'll live in LR that's been out of the water for 2 weeks and still survive.
  19. duke13

    AquaC Remora Skimmer $110 shipped

    The Remora is a hang-on-back. The Aqua C Urchin is the sump counterpart.
  20. duke13

    Wanna swim through my tank? (Video)

    That's one beautiful Yellow Fiji Leather you got there. How big is it?