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  1. tjake68

    ich question

    so why does it only come out at night
  2. tjake68

    ich question

    2 fish in my tank have ich a pebble butterfly and a pork fish they were treated with copper it goes away but always comes back after 30 day treatment my question is it only shows up at night and early in morning then goes away allday the fish seem fine they eat dont hide they breath fine any...
  3. tjake68

    stock list for 39g

    i use fiberglass screen its cheap u can cut with a siscor and its flexable i used it after my snfleal got out luckily i saved him it goes right around my skmmer all i did was cut a circle and placed it over i using this for 2 months with no problems execpt evaporation
  4. tjake68

    yellow margin or titan

    i went back to were i got the trigger fist off it was only 20bucks so i was very doubtfull about it being a true titan or ym when i asked they told me it was a pinapple trigger it only grows about 12 they have the same markings as the others i mentoined so far it gets along fine with bursa and...
  5. tjake68

    yellow margin or titan

    i bought awhat was advertised as a titan trigger know it looks like ayellow margin does anyone know how to tell the diffrence and how big do they get
  6. tjake68

    yellow margin trigger

    i just bought a yellow margin trigger anyone know how big do they get or any other info on this fish its rare and hard to find info thanks
  7. tjake68

    A little help

    go to dr forster and smith .com everything u want or need super cheap u can get the biggest biowheel for 30 witch is great with a canister filter a fluval404 is 90 its 140 in store get a ph for 20seaclone skimmer 80 livesand 30abag20pounds sallt super cheap you dont need uv but there good in...
  8. tjake68

    cleaner shrimp not cleaning

    when fod is made available they will take food and not clean if your fish get parisites the will clean them tere might be nothing to clean but once they get use to food they dont really clean
  9. tjake68


    simple question when buying a wetdry what do they mean by a prefilter some have them and some donot is it necessary
  10. tjake68

    Need help with my Canister Filter....

    remove impelar check that therse nothing in th slot were it goes u can blow in it or try to wipe it out with a qtip put a little grease on it look at the shaft on impella see if its sitting straight and not broxe there could be 2 bushings were guide shaft goes in make sure it sits in those holes...
  11. tjake68

    fish dieing

    it sounds like finrot but that wouldnt kill them if clown died it could be brookanilla witch is a clown fish disies you can have a internal pariste and finrotting is a secondary problem try melafex and pimafex its great for fins and helps with parisites just shut skimmer also use garlic on...
  12. tjake68

    wetdry question

    i saw a marineland wetdry its a tidalpool its is an overflow that goes into a huge biowheel has draws for 3 kinds of media a huge sump anyone have any experiance with this type of filter comments would be helpfull im switching to a wetdry i may build my own but im looking into all diffrent kinds...
  13. tjake68

    skimmer question

    just wondering what sze tank are u doing must be big
  14. tjake68

    Is this possible with my canister...

    i was reading your post u shouldnt have any problems going with that tee but try to find the rt size but if u cant that will be fine keep them at seperate coners on top try to break water surface and as much movement on top of water im trying to eliminate all my pumps and equipment in my tank...
  15. tjake68

    Sick Foxface Rabbitfish?

    foxface turn blotchy and get spots loose all there color when lights are off they stick there fins up for defence they are venimous is any other fish bothering it its normal for them to change colours but temp changes make them prone to ich even if its just a few dagrees try to keep steady...
  16. tjake68

    Everything In My Tank Is Dead Please Help Cowfish

    when buying those types of fish your water quality must be perfect you need to keep them healthy and with calm fish i stay away from anything that can wipe out my whole tank i would think u have to start over new water filter media sand i dont now about your liverock hopefully u can save it...
  17. tjake68

    Question for all cat owners

    i have 2 cats they love to watch all 3 of my tanks they swat at the glass they go crazy watching my snowflake eal suprisingly when my snf jumped out of tank they left him alone and one of my cats woke me up and luckly i was able to save him they never jump on tanks but are very jealous when im...
  18. tjake68

    Wet/Dry made with kitty litter box!

    looks good but i use a10 gallon tank make 2 sections one for bioballs 3ichs from bottom of tank about 4-5inches wide next section go 3inches from top put your filter pads leave room in middle for sump last make small section for uplift pump 3inches from bottom you an put a sponge in it if u...
  19. tjake68

    diatom pros and cons

    well i use quarentine to get ich off my fish with copper its only a 10 gallon i was going to use diatom to get free swimming ich out of main tank so far its working well how would you polish water without diatom filter my water is very clean without diatom i have a uv and do water changes...
  20. tjake68

    UV FILTER. Pros? Cons? Is it REALLY Worth the $$??

    i have a 8 watt on a 60 gallon tank it is to small it said it was good for 125 gallon but its to small for a 55 use a 15 watt as far as uv killing ich im not completly conviced but it will help keep yor water crystal clear and all u have to do is get the flow rate right for what u want to use...