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  1. joerdie

    Question to all long-time reefers

    i have often wondered about this my self. more so for the gorgs and sponges ect. sometimes i worry that those air bubbles are adversly affecting my sponges. there arent that many (most of them comming from my return line witch has been a nagging issue in my mind any way.) i do have one sponge...
  2. joerdie

    just bragging

    well im back and i must say that.... im not that impressed. they use a reverse plenum (sp?) and ozone.... thats it no skimmers and no wet/dry on any of the big tanks. the ozone room was cool though and i need to get the pics developed to post them (my didgital is acting up not sure whats wrong)...
  3. joerdie

    just bragging

    hello all i live in cincinnati and there is an aquarium near us (the newport aquariuum) its a pretty cool place (not the best but far from the worst) anyhoo. I GET A BEHIND THE SCEANS TOUR TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just thought id share. ps i am so interested in how they filter their water!!!
  4. joerdie

    refuge refuse

    what are you doing with your mico-algie? most people i know feed the weeded out calerpa to the tank. tangs and other fish love to snack on them and if you throw the calerpa into the display the pods will be eaten too. thats one of the coolest parts about having a fuge in mo. not only does it...
  5. joerdie

    tank meltdown

    wait... what? you put the pump on low? how big is the pump. im not trying to flame you but something seems amis.
  6. joerdie


    i do vocational training for the m.r. population.
  7. joerdie

    Ot: Finding Nemo

    i hate disney and ill be there
  8. joerdie

    found out the real amount of gallons on the tank

    i have been kicking my self for a while now because while i have a lot of lr in my tank as i was putting it in i did not count. i have no idea how much is in there.
  9. joerdie

    Pictures of my fish tank

    great!!! keep up the positive vibe. i too was once flamed for days... then i came here:)
  10. joerdie

    Pictures of my fish tank

    THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE A FLAME!!! 1. okay tasha i hope you are still reading because what i am about to tell you might help you out. in my time here (whitch isnt too terribly long) i have read about a thousand times where people say they are going to buy a bigger tank. and because the are going...
  11. joerdie

    Please Help...anenome Stuck In Ph

    well you could put the power head into a bucket of your aquarium water and just wait. if he is still alive he will come out on his own. i would seperate him anyway because you DONT want him dying in your tank. Also you might want to go to the lfs and buy a pre-filter. this should keep this from...
  12. joerdie

    i took more pictures. and here they are

    i really try not to judge people but you have a purple tang in that 55g. IMO not cool.
  13. joerdie

    can you feed fish frozen shrimp like you buy at the supermarket?

    i make a slery (sp?) with shrimp, seaweed, silversides, brine shrimp, and whatever else i can find. then i blend it all up and put it into ice cube trays. after they are frozen i drop one into the tank for the fish. i also thaw one or two weekly and place it in an eye dropper so that i can spot...
  14. joerdie

    a Tank.. and just a Tank!!

    just in case you arent aware of this what you have currently is called birlin filtration. it is benificial. after my tank became established i took out all of my bio-balls (a little at a time) and am now running just the tank a seperate fuge and a berlin sump (well i do have some ls in there.
  15. joerdie

    Just a question

    with my 150g i have been doing a 10 gallon water change every sat. my reasions are just because i want all of the "not thought of" elements to be replenished. i dose calkwaser, iodine, and betta blocks. this probably takes care of everything anyway but i just got in the habbit and now i cant...
  16. joerdie

    Staying away from windows?

    i had always direguarded the hole "no direct sunlight" shpeal. mostly for the reasions stated above my 150g is placed about two feet from a window and one side gets lots of light from noon on. i have not had alge problems so to speak... there is a little more but imo its better to let the tank...
  17. joerdie

    what about??

    what about a thorny oyster i know next to nothing about oysters and my wife saw one and asked if we could get it. i said id look into it but when i ran a few searches i couldnt find anything? does any one know any sites or have info?
  18. joerdie

    How To Feed My Orange Link Starfish

    i may be incorrect in saying this but it was my impression that you could not touch a lenkia. so if you "pick it up" to place algie underneath that would hurt it. i think.
  19. joerdie

    What the hell is this????

    lmao!!!! that was just what i needed after my day today!:)
  20. joerdie

    just a thunked?

    okay try and follow (it will be hard) i have a fuge that is NOT attached to the display. (im in the process of making it all one system but it will be a few months) There is currentlly a plethera of different mico-algies and a dsb with a little lr. would it be smart to swap out water between the...