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  1. lil.guppy


    Are those Mexico Turbos or Floridian Turbos? Be careful becasue the Mexican Turbos are HUGE but the Floridians are much smaller. Crabs will eventually kill off your snails looking for shells so I would try and stick with just one. Unless you dont mind adding new snails every 6 months to a year.
  2. lil.guppy

    torch coral

    It will be fine and no it doesnt have to be in the upper part of the tank. I have had a many LPS in lower wattages then that on the sand bed. They just wont grow as fast.
  3. lil.guppy

    29g Low Light Reef

    Have no idea it came in on a colony of coral. It was bigger but a piece got stuck in the filter. :(
  4. lil.guppy

    Aquaclear and biomax filter media

    I used both the stones and the sponges in all 4 of my tanks with no issues
  5. lil.guppy

    29g Low Light Reef

    Set up technically as a frag tank but I wanted it to look more natural. Need to get a filter and another powerhead in there but so far just using the sand and live rock.
  6. lil.guppy

    T5 bulb question

    Try and put a Fiji Purple in there! I added one to my tank awhile back and love the results. Usually the Fiji goes in the 3rd from the front or the 2nd from the front. UVL is really good. They can be more expensive but well worth it. I changed out my lights from stock to my own combo and I love...
  7. lil.guppy

    hermit crab luck?

    you scared me there for a second
  8. lil.guppy

    hermit crab luck?

    A skimmer is a skimmer I would assume lololol for a reef tank 1.024-1.026 is a good range If your going up to 1.032 that is a waste of need in that much. You can take some tank water out and add freshwater to it and put it back in the tank and keep doing this until the salinity...
  9. lil.guppy

    Stock List-What to Add First

    In my opinion your selection looks ok to add when ever you want. I added my Fox last so I am unsure as to which number it should go in if at all. What are your plans on when your adding them? Are you going to try and add a few at a time?
  10. lil.guppy

    hermit crab luck?

    why is your salinity so high? Or am I reading it wrong?
  11. lil.guppy

    Sleeper Gold Head Gobies Suck

    Im sorry you lost your favorite Brain Coral Have you tried a sand sifting star fish? Or a bunch of Nassarius Snails? I have an engineer goby that stays near the bottom and have never had issues with him swimming up and spitting the sand out. There are alot of gobies that will swim up and spit...
  12. lil.guppy

    Purple Montipora?

    I was second guessing myself because this looks like its part of the skeletle structure here. I thought Monti's grow off of a structure.... The colony is flat with this bubble effect on it
  13. lil.guppy

    Do Most Non Reef Safe Fish Leave Mushrooms and Leathers Alone?

    Yea that is what I was thinking was most of them would just eat the CUC.
  14. lil.guppy

    Do any of your BTAs do this?

    How strong is the current around it? It could also be in the process of splitting
  15. lil.guppy

    what tangs?

    What ever you decide be very careful with the Powder Blue and Powder Browns those are almost guaranteed to get ick. If they are placed in a large tank first before anyone else your chances are better at avoiding the issue. The Clown Tang can be aggressive so it depends on what kinds you want. Do...
  16. lil.guppy

    Do Most Non Reef Safe Fish Leave Mushrooms and Leathers Alone?

    Im thinking about turning my 55g frag tank into a fish only tank but I would still like to put leathers, xenia, mushrooms and maybe some polyps like green stars. Can you give me a good list of fish that are said to be non reef safe that will do ok with those coral?
  17. lil.guppy

    Looking for a good coral husbandry book.

    I never got any books message boards is where I learned everything and I have come a loooooooooooooooooooong way let me tell ya MUA HA HA HA Thanks to everyone here of course
  18. lil.guppy

    Big White Spaghetti Strings Coming Out Of Rock

    Friend of mine sent this pick to me wondering what it was and I have no idea.... I figured it was too big to be spaghetti worm... What do you think
  19. lil.guppy

    Do aiptasia need light?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef My copperband will eat anything but aiptasia! Really!! Interesting.....
  20. lil.guppy

    Coral is always making me sick

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff I don't get infections from cuts and scratches which I never tend to bandage. Could be luck or environment. Grew up in the middle of an oil field. My immune system probably resembles something from another planet from all the toxic stuff we played in as kids.