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  1. falconred

    Nitrate levels

    your skimmer will remove organic matter befor it turns . this is why i say turn lots or water it keeps these organics suspended in the water alowing the skimmer to remove it
  2. falconred

    Nitrate levels

    with lots of water movment you skimmer will remove the waste before it is broke down in you sys
  3. falconred

    Nitrate levels

    water movement you need to move lots of water . now im talking lots .in my 720gl 9000 gal gph is running in this tank and could be more
  4. falconred

    cleaner clams & shells

    but clams will inprove you water big time this is a fact
  5. falconred

    need large capacity skimmer they make grate skimmers
  6. falconred

    Cleaner wrasse

    red sea cleaners you can keep . you need vary large fish to keep the all others
  7. falconred

    Pink and Blues zoo's

    true blues under 50.00 most will run 150.00 +. now im talkin blue zoos not well look close they could be blue . pink get them alot
  8. falconred

    UV sterlizers

    no will not cure just prevent
  9. falconred

    UV Sterilizer?

    i use and would say yes use one http://link violation look over link you make the call 120watts uv
  10. falconred

    clam question

    if your water is good and good movement you will be fine cal needs to be 400 + buy one over 3"
  11. falconred

    clam question

    you can keep anything you like you have good lighting
  12. falconred

    UV sterlizers

    i use them to prevent not cure
  13. falconred

    french angel
  14. falconred

    french angel

    dont know how to post
  15. falconred


    bring salt down in your tank 1.010 this will help
  16. falconred

    french angel

    easy to keep will eat anything . i keep a pair in a 300 gal they are all 14" no rock in this sys
  17. falconred

    Different shark species???

    black tip reef need lots of water
  18. falconred

    hang on refugeium

    true but some are better than nothing pods repro vary fast .cpr makes a nice hang on
  19. falconred

    hang on refugeium

    not true i have a hang on on a 200 gl 24x12x4 it works well
  20. falconred

    sohal tang.....

    custom tank any size yu need