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  1. bryce.martin23

    new tank ????

    you should be fine but make sure when you do this that you put your sand in first before the water. The reason behind this is that your sand contains alot of toxins and when stirred up, will release into the water, thus contaminating your water. A good idea is to siphon out as much water into a...
  2. bryce.martin23

    Ich Problem in 55G reef tank.

    Originally Posted by day262 I have two saddleback clowns (One of them has the ich) two green Chromis, a mandarin, two sapphire blue damsels, one red fire fish, one scooter blenny. So far only the bigger clown in showing ich. Freshwater dips scare the crap outta me, LOL. Never done one. Can...
  3. bryce.martin23

    feeding corals

    Just got a killer deal on a ton of green star polyps, ricordeas, zoas, and a huge montipora. In the past I have had only some corals but now my tank is completly stocked, I have (2) 250 watt MH and (4) 65 watt atinic PC. I have been feeding with pytoplex and I belive its called rotifiers? about...
  4. bryce.martin23

    anyone have an idea?

    I think I might of had this same problem with my tank just the other month. My tank was making a noise similar to that and my water level in my upper tank would rise and fall constantly untill one morning I woke up to a huge puddle. What caused this for my system was I had installed one of those...
  5. bryce.martin23

    anemone spliting?

    just got this anemone from a buddy of mine who does not know what it is. He said that it had split once before and I think it may be doing it again, mid day it takes on a shape of a peanut or of a figure eight. I cant seem to find what type of anemone this is to do any homework on it but does...
  6. bryce.martin23


    no offense but what type of response did you think you were going to recieve on a thread like that.
  7. bryce.martin23

    Tank problems

    i dont know if this is the answer to your problem but heres a shot. I also had this same problem in my tank at first. A couple of things I did was one-stop putting anymore corals or fish in the tank, two-try to feed the tang only what it will eat in a hour or so with the seeweed salad, this...
  8. bryce.martin23

    I think I need a water cooler/chiller

    also would like to point out that the some of these in line towers do have setups to where you can hookup an internal heater, i have not done this to mine but it is definitly somthing to consider.
  9. bryce.martin23

    I think I need a water cooler/chiller

    I would recommend getting a chiller for the fact that you set it and walk away, using fans evaporates the water to rapidly, unless you enjoy constantly adding water every other day. I picked up a used 1/3 hp prime in line water tower that cools down my 75 gal tank great.The best part about this...
  10. bryce.martin23

    pre mixed water or salt mixes

    I have been hearing alot of debate between using pre mixed water or salt mixes in a reef tank, i have been using salt mixes so far but was refered to pre mixed water by friend, dont know what direction I want to go any suggestions.