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  1. dejaco

    need help guys/girls

    Need to know - How big your system is and how much water flow are you running? Turnover rate per hour. Try adjusting flow to get more flow accross sand bed!
  2. dejaco

    Are candy cane corals really that hard to keep?

    Candy cane or trumpet corals have been relatively easy in my experience. Just kind of set em and forget em. I have 2 and treat them more like a filter feeder - I don't spot feed them.
  3. dejaco

    210 setup

    Nice looking set up. Our 210 ate 300 lbs of fiji rock , and 160 - 180 lbs of sand. In your picks I see a quiet one pump - we run 2 6000's + 6 Maxi jet 1200's. Also we just put in the coral life needle wheel skimmer and love it. As far as lighting goes we run 2 - 250 watt MH and 2 - 160 watt...
  4. dejaco

    Carpet Anemone and Sebae clowns

    Don't worry about clown going into anemone, they are getting aquainted. The more aggressive the clown gets the more immune it will be and the anemone will begin to know for sure this fish is ok. As far as feeding, feed the tank and the anemone at same time, the other fish should be busy and...
  5. dejaco

    anemone question

    The anemone will move around until it finds just the right current and lighting. Patience and leave it be! once it settles in front of your viewing panel you will be pleased I'm sure!
  6. dejaco

    new Carpet anemone pics

    Excellent specimen and the clowns are a hoot to watch in it I bet!
  7. dejaco

    Why is my Live Rock Not Curing???

    Hey slow down, okay look and think about the nitrogen cycle. Waste products = Ammonia (NH3). When your NH3 spikes high there is an over abundance of food for a nitrifying bacteria (nitrobacter sp) which cuases a population explosion. NH3 is consumed and the levels drop. The NH3 is converted...
  8. dejaco

    ph problems please help

    Try Kent Marine products - Turbo Calcium and SuperdKH buffer. Pre mix salt water with your mix but add about 1 tblspn of each, mix for 24 hrs, test, if ph calc & alk are where ya want it great if not keep adding until your new 5 gallons of mix are right where ya want them. Then every time ya...
  9. dejaco

    feather duster question

    I personally do best with featherduster worms in the rock work, better water flow since they are filter feeders.
  10. dejaco

    Undergravel/ noundergravel

    don't use it, live rock and sand and water changes - and rethink a 20 gal salt tank to mee anything less than a 55 salt and you are really just throwing away money!
  11. dejaco

    Poor Clowns

    clowns will host in captivity many other things other than anemones. I believe until your system is older and more established I would keep your status quoe and let the clowns play in the corals!
  12. dejaco

    new Carpet anemone pics

    Carpet or Saddle Anemones are Stichodactyla (S.), Mertensii - Merten's Carpet usually electric green in appearance, smaller dense tentacles, "stickier" feel to the touch, usually attaches to rock work. Haddoni - Haddon's Anemone - more color morphs (usually more of a mottled than solid...
  13. dejaco

    new Carpet anemone pics

    Krill, squid, possibly silversides (mine only took silversides once in awhile). Tongs or feeding stick required, do not force towards central oral disc. Wiggle piece of food along outer portion and it will "fold" or enclose on it like a venus flytrap. Give it time as it is a slow process. And...
  14. dejaco

    Candy Cane

    That's also my finding with candy cane / trumpet corals!
  15. dejaco

    problem with live rock

    Some of my coraline died back white when my parameters went off the charts. Check your Ca and Alk!
  16. dejaco

    Review of Purple Up for Coralline Algae

    IMO it's one of those products for impatient people. I bought a bottle I admit. Was running two tanks. Used in one and not the other. If calcium was maintained at around 440 to 460 and dKH was kep in 11 to 12 range Coraline grows everywhere with or without the product. It's that simple...
  17. dejaco

    To Simple Of A System To Be True Or Not?

    Plenum or not? If you have plenty of live rock it isn't needed. The LR and plenum serve the same purpose. But decision is up to you. I can't see it hurting anything, just redundant back up up system.
  18. dejaco

    New Reefer in the Making!!

    Spur of the moment and spontinaeity (sp) great for shopping and relationships. So now you have a tank, lights, rock and sand from old set up - MAKE A PLAN! I think it's the real secret of success. Research, plan, and stick with it. GOOD luck and boy do I remember the excitement. Startif a...
  19. dejaco

    Metal Halide temp recomendations please

    Hi all, I have 2 metal halides over my 210 (and two VHO 160 watt Actinic R's) Question - the one MH is a 10,000 K bulb and is actually pretty blue/violet in appearance. The other bulb claimed to be a 20,000 K and is pretty yellow looking. I need to replace bulbs this summer and would like the...
  20. dejaco

    Keep a reef journal

    I have kept a journal on my reef since it's construction was started. I also find that making a data sheet with Temp., pH, salinity, Alk, Ca, Am, NO2, NO3, Phosphate, and Iodine level with date stamps on top. You can actually at a glance check level for a few months at a time when there is a...