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  1. skrimpz

    Feather Dusters

    Do the feather duster's need any special lighting or can they be kept in a FOWLR tank that only has i light?
  2. skrimpz

    Penguin Filter

    the bio-wheel should be fine it is just a source of natural benfical bateria, it shouldn't effect the meds
  3. skrimpz

    Visi-Jet Protein Skimmer by Aquarium Systems

    ok thanx, I'm in STL
  4. skrimpz

    Visi-Jet Protein Skimmer by Aquarium Systems

    ok tahnx thats what i though are the Seaclone Protein Skimmer from Aquarium Systems much better? they sell them at petsmart for a resonable price i was just curious of weather it was worth it
  5. skrimpz

    Visi-Jet Protein Skimmer by Aquarium Systems

    Does anyone have any experiece with this skimmer isa it really cheaply made?
  6. skrimpz

    Getting Live rock today, one quick ?

    Hi all, i am going to my LFS today to get some live rock probley figi , i belive that is the only kind they have. Anyways my tank is already up and has 2 blue finned damsels in it. My question is i don't want to stress my fish by putting the live rock in with them, should i put the live rock in...
  7. skrimpz

    New tank Live rock to late?

    Tanx yes i will have to go see if i can find any locally in my area alough i don't think there are too many places in Missouri that carry LR except ***** and i dont want to go there ( escpically since i work for their main competor, LOL)
  8. skrimpz

    New tank Live rock to late?

    hi again, i was reading some old posts about Live rock and someone said that you cannot add live rock if you already have fish is this true? does this mean i will never be able to add live rock except for if i took my two damsels out ( and put in hosptial tank)and then added the live rock?
  9. skrimpz

    New tank Live rock to late?

    Thanx so much i will defiently have to go get some live rock now! Does anyone else use a fluval though i am still debating between the HOT amgnum and fluval 204
  10. skrimpz

    New tank Live rock to late?

    I only have one light it was a power-glo i got it from my work and said it was good for saltwater fish and inverts. My mother threw the box away so thats all i know, plus my tank is a hexagon which doesnt alow much space for lighting
  11. skrimpz

    Puffer and 29g

    Yes i work at a petsmart, ( in which we dont sell salt water fish, only supplies) and i went to a ***** to talk to a employee and get their opinon and the guy informed me that he doesnt even buy fish from there he told me i should order all of my fish online, plus all of *****'s prices at...
  12. skrimpz

    Explain where your user name originated

    its how my frinds and i say shrimp( when we are referring to cocktail shrimp that you eat) kinda stupid i know, but i really like shrimp!!! ( to eat amd look at LOL)
  13. skrimpz

    New tank Live rock to late?

    Hello All, I al new and started my Fish only tank about 4 weeks ago i has been running and i have added two blue finned damsels 2-3 days ago. I have been looking at all the forum and reading how live rock itsnt that much differnt from a fish only tank and doesnt really require any special...