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  1. skrimpz

    my first anenome

    HI all, i just got this an. 2 days ago from here and i had actually posted the pic on a differnt post but someone suggested i post it on here becuase they though it looked funny, does it look ok its my first one, since i got it seems to be doing ok it moves around alot its weird though whenever...
  2. skrimpz

    How does this aquascaping look?

    ok thatnx everyone ill try getting a sealent i guess i know ive seen them before at LFS i just got the anenome 2 days ago from here, hes been the same color the whole time he moves around alot so i assumed he was ok ( the tank also was kinda cloudy making evrythink look whiter cause i have...
  3. skrimpz

    How does this aquascaping look?

    I'm not liking how my aquascaping if going i dont know exactly how to do it when preparing for polps and soft corals etc im gonna try and get a little more rock so i can make the rock go up higher but is there anyway to serure the rock cause once i have corals and stuff i cant move the rock...
  4. skrimpz

    skimmer issues

    HI i jusr recenlty got a seaclone ( i know nobody likes them but i got it for free) anyways there isnt anythign collection in the cup i was just wondering if it is bacause it the 150 and my tank is only a 46 or what else may be causeing the problem. Tahnx
  5. skrimpz

    post ur pics of clowns and anenomes

    I know this is a dumb question bu tanenomes wont hurt any ohter fish will they? and is the type most or you use the pink tip? thanx
  6. skrimpz

    Lyretail Anthias

    Hes doing great he not nearly as scared he still hides if you go right up to the tank like to put food in but he will come out after a few seconds when he sees the food so much better
  7. skrimpz

    Lyretail Anthias

    Well i have been feeding him tons of differnt foods and figured id share of what he responded to the best for other Anthias keepers his favorite food including frozen is The formula one prime reef flakes
  8. skrimpz

    Lyretail Anthias

    thanx for the info i will def try that i can tell hes freaked out whenever anyone walks by the tank he hides behind the rock
  9. skrimpz

    Lyretail Anthias

    HI all, I just got a male Lyretail Anthias and was told that they were a fish that were like intermediate to care for i was just wondering if ayone knew if they any special requirements and thats why they were intermediate i couldnt find anything about them really of the two main fish sites i...
  10. skrimpz

    New reefer brown algea

    I used all the water form my old tank when i put everything in the new bowfornt and then slowly added water over a few weeks ive been using Disstilled and also had gotten 10 gallons of Ro at my local SWF store ive been leaving the lights on for 12 hours cause i set the timer to that cause i...
  11. skrimpz

    New reefer brown algea

    Hi all, i just recenlty switched from a 30 FOWLR to my 46 bow whihc i got a new light system for not mh but i think they will be good enough and i havent gottten any more live rock yet or obivoulsy any soft corals or polyps but my question in i now have a ton of this borwnish algea which appears...
  12. skrimpz

    New Pictures of my 100Gal.

    vbery nice i like it
  13. skrimpz

    What to use for top of bowfront

    well i figursed i would just get a peice of ioether the plexiglass or the glass and just get it in a 35x8 rectangle and just leave to bowded part open for like food etc...
  14. skrimpz

    What to use for top of bowfront

    Should i do glass then and if i do get glass should i get it a 16th or an 8th thickness? i glad u pointed that out thouigh i hadnt though of it getting warped by the light, i was just hoping to do plexiglass cuase i would be light enought that i could miove it on my own...
  15. skrimpz

    What to use for top of bowfront

    I am going to switch from my 30 hex to a 46 gallon bowfront my question is i dont have a hood for my bowfront and plan on buying a good lighting system to upgrade to coral etc. I know many dont even have covers on the tank but i dont want to loose that much due to evaptoation i was considering...
  16. skrimpz

    who lives in missouri?

    I live in St.Louis, hope you like humidity
  17. skrimpz

    My tank progress 7 mths. what do u think

    I alternate between both phytoplex and zooplex whihc i add for my feather duster every few days. What vitiins do you mean?
  18. skrimpz

    My tank progress 7 mths. what do u think

    2 percula clowns 1 Green Mandarin ( and he's not skinny he had his fins down in the pic. and i have 20 pds live sand 20 pds live rock in a 30 gallon plus i had live brine shrimp about once to twice a week) 1 purple fire fish 1 cleaner shrimp 1 chocolate chip starfish 1 turbo snail...
  19. skrimpz

    My tank progress 7 mths. what do u think

    The first pic is of my tank in decmber 04 the second is from march the third is from may the last two are from today and these next two are also from today
  20. skrimpz

    My tank progress 7 mths. what do u think

    Ok so this is my first saltwater tank i just bought some more rock the other day and kinda re aquascaped my tank i wanted to get your guys opinon of my tank i hva esome pics of when i first stated too... :happyfish :happyfish