I got my first powerhead today i was jts wondering if it is suppose to make the water so bubbly. i know that kind of a dumb question becuase it is putting air in the water it just sees like alot of bubbles and do i have it in a good location, i had been having probelms with my ph i think of...
I just had the same problem. What kind of substrate are you using? I cam,e homw last week and one of my clowns ahd died took my water to the LFS and my ph was 7.4 i didnt use a buffer cause my alkialinty was already 300 normal so i did 2 15% water changes over 2 days and it is curretly 8.2 i...
I have seen some really nice fakes beofre and im sure after theyve been in ur tank of r a little while and have gotten some growth on them they look pretty real. I have this white ornament in my tank not quite sure whatit is suppose to be just though it looked cool
Well i have a small bubble wand to help airate and rais the ph in there right now. What would be the best thing for my to get just a powerhead? I know a skimmer would be better but do you think my tank would be sufficent with the fluval and then a powerhead?
Ok i tested my water while at wotk and this is what i have
as of about 3:00
ph 7.8
Ammonia 0
Nirate about 10<
Nirite 0
Alkalinity 300 so im guessing its just my ph and it did improve since my water change last night so im going to do another of about the same in a few mintues
Its just a 30 hexagon with a flugal 204 on it thats it i been looking for a skimmer but didn't think it was that be of a hurry i guess i will try to get one
Would i check for calcium though i only have a FOWLR tank? well im have to go to work im going to test my water there and i may get a buffer just to bring up the ph fast before the rest of the fish die. I put a small air wall in the tank the fish seem more active now. I'm going to try to do...
Thanx everyone well i went to the LSf and turned in my damsels:cheer: Anyway i had them test my water for me and everything was good except my ph! i changed from cc to sand i used live sand the Agra-live kind it is supposed to be buffered so i dunno whats going one anyway. It was at about...
Our tak is in our living room and i saw all three clown this moreing when i came home from class about 30mins ago my mom said that one of the clown fish had died and the hermit crab was eating it so she took it out. I looked at and couldnt find anything wrong with it except where the hermit was...
oh no it didnt mean it like that i just have had alot of people tell me they flushed good fish because they were tired of them. And i dont want to do that ill keep them until i find a home for them.
I guess i could be one, my bf has turned me on to it although we don;t watch much off wwe, more idny stuff. i don't really like wwe that much it like a over acted soap opera.
One of my snails always hangs on the tank right above the water level i dont know why. But he moves around fine i guess they just like it there. I also always see one of my turbos on the outlet of the canister filter i alwayst think he is going to hit the water pressure and go flying across the tank
Alright thanx everyone, yea i figured it wouldnt be much but i didnt want to flsuh them i think that mean to do to a perfectly healthy and pretty fish. was just hoping to get a little off a royal gramma or something.:jumping: :happyfish
I want to sellmy blue finned damsels back to my LSF so i can get something cooler, does anyone know if it is worht it and how much they would probley give me if any, really i would just like to get rid of them but a little off my next purchase would be cool. they are nice looking fish and have...