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  1. skrimpz

    help hermits and there shell

    hey skull69- did you treat those or anything before putting them in the tank?
  2. skrimpz

    anyone with weak stomachs DONT LOOK! caught my monitor eating in action.

    You should use a nail file to file down his nails that way the dont scratch thats what i do with my monitor
  3. skrimpz

    Xbox360 Or Playstation 3

    In all honesty, the way you guys talk about nintendo makes me sick. I love my xbox and gamecube and I never did like sony. Before the whole fanboy thing starts, I suggest taking a long look at what you said about nintendo and see how retarded it was. "saying nintendo is like talking about 24...
  4. skrimpz

    Xbox360 Or Playstation 3

    I don't think i need to be "letting go" i guess im just the odd one, dont get me worng i love some shooting and racing games but i mean there are so many and yes nintedno is going to have to get a little more grown up games if they still want to compete in the new gaming industry but i like all...
  5. skrimpz

    Xbox360 Or Playstation 3

    Nintendo are one of the ones that starting gaming if it wont have been for them, video games wont be where they are today
  6. skrimpz

    New puppy, need help with name.

  7. skrimpz

    Xbox360 Or Playstation 3

    I prefer nintendo over both. But hte x-box r. is going to really good i think as long as the price isnt way to high.
  8. skrimpz

    Feather duster getting knocked over. Where to put?

    Here are some pics of the duster and a pic of the whole tank so maybe i could get soem suggestions on where to place it. I ever tried moving the branch rock around so the duster could be imbetween it
  9. skrimpz

    Feather duster getting knocked over. Where to put?

    I just got this feather duster on sat. The guy at the LFS told me to wedge it in the live rock but i only have about 16 lds ( its a 30 gallon) i plan on getting some more hopefully this weekend. But where ever i put i it is knocked off a hour or so later and i saw my hermits climbing on it when...
  10. skrimpz

    what to feed my fish?

    I just got some live brine shrimp for my green madrin ( i splet that wrong) and the brine didn't even make it to the bottom beofre my 2 clowns and firefish ate them all! :jumping:
  11. skrimpz

    Pictures of our tank-now 2 months old

    Looks awesome by the way
  12. skrimpz

    Pictures of our tank-now 2 months old

    What kind of rock is that?
  13. skrimpz

    What fish should i have in my 30 gallon?

    Thanx for you input!! Well i was think of getting a groyal gramma and and i firfish if i got one of each do you think thats all i should get or could i possbile have 5 fish total? I plan on getting soem more live rock too.:joy:
  14. skrimpz

    What's going on with clowns???

    Im not sure i know i been noticing some of the same behavior from my pair maybe someone will have an ansewer , maybe they are just determing who is the feamle
  15. skrimpz

    What fish should i have in my 30 gallon?

    I am ready to addmore fish what fish do you guys reccomoend i currently have 2 percula clowns 1 choc chip star 1 cleaner shrimp 4 turbos 8 blue legged hermits 20 pds live sand 16 pds live rock its a 30 hex with a fluval 204 on it and one powerhead
  16. skrimpz

    Ich Too Quick

    I heard that ich can be cause by any steress realed issue alot of the time from tempature> I keep allmt tanks salt and fresh and 80 ive heard that is suppose to help ward off fungus and ich sometimes
  17. skrimpz


    I just don't watch wrestling for storylines i know alot of people do but i dont find them interesting there overacted and overdramatic i would rather see actual wrestling
  18. skrimpz


    Not all girls like soap operas, there boring
  19. skrimpz

    Is this how a powerhead is suppose to work?

    Ok , i thouihgt the point of an powerhead was to airate the water though? no. Cuase it doens get much airation on my tank becuase i have a fluval and i dont have a skimmer either. Its a FOWLR