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  1. devilboy

    Alk and CA

    i am sure this has been asked a zillion times but i can never remember when adjusting alk and you ca. which one do you raise 1st? the alk or ca? i am testing my ca now, i just tested my alk and it was at 2.0 meq/l per salifert kit.
  2. devilboy

    Where to place Favia

    i would definitely live it on the sand, until you see what happens to the coral once he adjusts to your lighting. then maybe move him up alittle after a week or 2 and see if he still opens up.
  3. devilboy

    Blackish spots on clown?

    yes i have heard the black spots are from being stung by corals in the tank. i dont know how true it is but that is what i have heard
  4. devilboy

    Is this Aiptasia

    it certainly looks it too me
  5. devilboy

    White and Red Live Rock

    the red growth could also be cyanobacteria. a picture would help the ID
  6. devilboy

    First LR Cure Questions

    Originally Posted by cmatt3 I have been reading a lot about curing live rock and I just wanted some opinions and advice from all of your experience. I am going to put 100 lbs of live rock into my new 75 gallon tank. Since I can't afford curred rock I am going to buy un-cured and do it myself...
  7. devilboy

    New Io mixed up - What's with the Alk?

    if it was me i would use the seachem reef complete and reef carbonate. but thats the main reason i do not use IO
  8. devilboy

    Corals-Please Identify

    GSP are mainly filter feeders that i know of
  9. devilboy

    Anyone here use or have ever seen LALO live rock?

    i really dont know as of yet, it is still curing. but it looked nice in the box when i got it
  10. devilboy

    Anyone here use or have ever seen LALO live rock?

    i got it from the Dr.'s i am in Eau Claire, you?
  11. devilboy

    Cerith Snails.....

    Speg, This is why i asked..... The Cerith snail is a small scavenger with an elongated spiral shell that is usually black with tiny white dots covering the entire shell. One of the most ideal scavengers, detritus eaters, and algae eaters these snails are perfect for the reef aquarium, quickly...
  12. devilboy

    Anyone here use or have ever seen LALO live rock?

    yes, thats the type of rock i have in my tank, along with a few pieces of Tonga branch.
  13. devilboy

    Tiny starfish!

    it looks like an asternia species....
  14. devilboy

    Mated Maroons arrived

    Fishy, just a quick question for you, if your LFS knew you were picking the fish up today why did they acclimate the clowns into their own tank? Thats strange if you ask me, they should have kept them in the bags, it is just going to cause more stress on the clowns being caught, bagged...
  15. devilboy

    aquapod 24

    its actually a sticker that is placed on the lower left hand side of the heat shield. but the 24g were never recalled it was only the 12g. As for you lighting, 64w for a 24g is not alot of light only about 2.5wpg or so. i would suggest only lower light corals.
  16. devilboy

    Cerith Snails.....

    i have read that cerith snails are hard to breed in a home aquarium. What must you do in order for the ceriths to lay eggs? do i need certain water conditions, etc??
  17. devilboy

    aquapod 24

    that has 64W total correct?
  18. devilboy

    I need to be able to make these two corrections

    if your that ticked about it, just stop coming to the forums. and i am sure after awhile the name will be deleted due to lack of activity.
  19. devilboy


    its very hard to say without a photo
  20. devilboy

    I.D. please.

    i was thinking a scallop since u mentioned the venus fly trap. but thats elimanites that. maybe it is a turkey wing which is a type of clam