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  1. mandarin w

    20 gallon sump on a 29 gallon tank

    If you want to use a 20gallon, and can make it work, then go for it. You sump can be as large as you want. In fact the bigger the better. A large sump means more water volume, and more water volume is always better for the tank. Think about it, if a regular size fish dies in 29 gallons of...
  2. mandarin w

    14 Gallon Biocube

    What all else do you have in there
  3. mandarin w

    To float or drip..that is the question!

    Why would you waste your time floating. Especially if the fish was shipped. That fish is in a toxic waste dump by the time you get it. And the oxygen in the water is probably very low. You should get the fish out as soon as possible. and new water getting to it. Think about it. Ok you are...
  4. mandarin w

    14 Gallon Biocube

    I see no problem with two clowns as long as they are the smaller clowns. Not the maroon or the tomatoe. Those get pretty large. And very territoral.
  5. mandarin w

    New 12g aquapod...have questions

    For a 12 gallon, I would just get the two clowns. A 12 gallon can't handle to many fish, and a diamond goby can get pretty big, mine is 6inches. I would stick with the Sailifert, they and tried and true. Everything else sound ok. The Sand and Rock from your 75 will help out a lot. Just...
  6. mandarin w

    Lighting Question

    The light system you mentioned before, is a good choice. Daytime as referred to is talking about the "K" lights, Metal, or even the compact fluorescents. You normally see the 10K, 14K, 6500K,20K. Those are the daytime lights. They carry the daytime light spectrum's like the sun. Actinics are...
  7. mandarin w

    Newbie Lighting Question...

    I have 3x 250 Metals over my 180, I use phoenix 14K bulbs so I have a little actinic lighting to my tank. The 10K are just too white for my taste. I have kept my tanks at 81-82 for the past five years with no problems. As I stated I have my light up off my tank about 8 inches with a fan that...
  8. mandarin w

    TDS water reading

    I would not allow my reading to get above 5. But that is pushing it. You want zero, When they get to 3 or 4, start looking for replacement filters.
  9. mandarin w

    Biocube 14

    If you don't want it in the tank, and it will fit in the return section of the nano, I would put it there.
  10. mandarin w

    Newbie Lighting Question...

    That is not a definate. First set up the lights so they are not sitting directly on the tank. Make sure that you can get a good air flow under the lights, Then you can use a fan to blow the heat away from the tank. Then make sure that you do not use the glass covers over the tank. No matter...
  11. mandarin w

    Lighting Question

    Moon lights and actinics are different. Moon lights are almost always, little 1 watt LED lights. They normally give off enough of a blue hue to make out different things in a dark tank. The ideal is to replicate moonlight penatrating the ocean. Some believe this helps with some corals and...
  12. mandarin w

    Time for some eye candy (Site safe)

    It is a red bubble tip anemone. Last summer we have a sweet batch of those come into the LFS,
  13. mandarin w


    Well since we don't know the size of the nano, can't tell you how much live rock and sand to add. I would mix your water in a separate container for about 24 hours. If you have dry bag sand, rinse it. If you have Live sand from the fish store or someone else tank, just put it in the tank...
  14. mandarin w

    Is super glue toxic for my tank?

    super glue is totally safe for attaching corals and rocks. You must take them out of the water.
  15. mandarin w


    Leave the anemone alone. Let it adjust to its new environment. Water changes once a week are fine. You only need to do more if your nitrates, nitrites or ammonia go up. Yes, you cleaner shrimp was probably cleaning it.
  16. mandarin w

    Aquascape question.

    That should be fine. The only problem I could see is not enough flow behind the rock wall. Which could be easily fixed. Put a power head behind the rocks blowing out. This should circulate the water behind the rocks.
  17. mandarin w


    Boston Reefers is a saltwater enthusiast club, that is located in Boston. That group of people will have all kinds of info in Local Fish Stores. who is good, who the stay away from. Who has specials on what. They also work together as a team, helping new hobbyist out.
  18. mandarin w

    extra tanks?????

    Yes 4 weeks is good. A lot of deseases don't show up for a couple of weeks. No sand or Live rock in the QT, bare bottom. That is why you place the sponge in the display to get the benifical bacteria. That will start the bacteria in the QT. As for light, the basic light that comes with the...
  19. mandarin w

    Fighting Clowns

    As the clowns grow, one (the bigger one) becomes the female in the tank. She will normally pick and beat the little male to a pulp. Basically it comes down to she is deciding whether she likes him and will let him become her mate. If she decides that she doesn't like him. He will be in big...
  20. mandarin w

    Blueleg Hermit Crabs Are BAD?!

    As far as crabs go, they can be aggressive. and I personally don't like them. I wont put them in my tank anymore. But that is a preference. Putting them in your tank isn't going to kill your tank. They just attack your other snails. And you don't have to have hermits in your tank to have a...