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  1. mandarin w


  2. mandarin w

    Has anything like this happened to you?

    That is a very strict rule I have in my house. Whenever anyone brings thier kids over. The first thing I do is tell them they are not to hit, slap, yell at my tank. If they do, they are not allowed to stay in the same room as my tank. They will have to sit on the bathtub, that is the only room...
  3. mandarin w

    Has anything like this happened to you?

    Her husband had to take the kids to Grandma's house for the week. It took her just about that long to calm down. I was with her when she broke everything down. It is a very sad thing to have to go through. I think if those kids were anywhere where she could have reached them, She probley...
  4. mandarin w

    Dumb thing to ask...but

    you should also note, that depending on each persons allergies, and sensitivity to some things. While a lot of people have no problems with putting their hands in their tanks, other have many. Some people will have minor issues with their hands burning, to some break out in a rash. Some people...
  5. mandarin w


    Are you sure it is dead? Conches go into a hibernative state every few months. This is when they go. They will appear to be dead. They don't move or eat. This last for about two to three weeks. Then they are on the move again.
  6. mandarin w

    Has anything like this happened to you?

    Originally Posted by Hammerhed7 Just thought I would share an unexpected affliction on my tank courtesy of my 5 yr old son. While my wife was sleeping my son got out of bed to look at the 46 gal reef I am currently setting up. The tank just finished cycling, and I added 2 perc clowns today. My...
  7. mandarin w

    Help! My plumbing is leaking!

    One note, If you can get the pvc off the pump, and you redo your plumbing, It is a good idea to use ball valves and use a union in line before your pump. This is a good idea to have in case down the road your pump goes out, and you need to replace it. Then it is just a matter of unscrewing the...
  8. mandarin w

    Metal Halide

    One option is to use 3x 250 MH, The reason for 3 is because a typical MH bulb has a 2x2foot coverage. And with a sixfoot tank you have 3 2x2foot sections. You may consider useing 10K bulbs for the crisp look and accent them with VHO's or T-5's (T-5 are cheaper on electricity and run cooler)...
  9. mandarin w

    Electricity ?

    When My landlord put in an extra outlet for my tank. I didn't want everything on the same circuit. I think it took them 10 minute to run a new line off the back bedroom to the livingroom. and put the outlet in.
  10. mandarin w

    Metal Halide

    Originally Posted by azaintcold I have a 150 gallon I'm setting up right now and I'm going to try the reef world out. I am going to build a custom canopy for the top to house some MH lighting. I have chose to go with dual 400W MH lights w/ 10K bulbs as well as two moonlights. I'm also going to...
  11. mandarin w

    PH IN my rocks?

    I have seen many hobbyiest hide their powerheads in their rock work. You should be alright.
  12. mandarin w

    water question

    A sink attachment is not going to remove what all you are going to need removed,. In a tank so small it is already going to be a challenge to keep things on the straight and narrow. You do not need to be adding questionable water in the mix. Check your local fish store. Many of them sell...
  13. mandarin w

    GSM attack

    You are so close. Where did you pick up the potters angle? Which LFS are you using?
  14. mandarin w

    power outage

    It is a bad time of day to be out of electricity, If a walmart close by is open, then run up there and pick up a power inverter, and an extention cord it you need one. A power inverter plugs into your cars cigarette lighter, and you can run the cord to your tank, you could plobly plug in your...
  15. mandarin w

    GSM attack

    Where in Southern Il are you from?
  16. mandarin w

    sump or canister?

    Originally Posted by thewoodbutcher so im in the process of setting up my 55g tank, and im wondering whats better a canister filter or a sump setup? If you can use a sump, then use a sump. The sump offers you more options and hides alot of the equipment which is a plus. I adds more water volume...
  17. mandarin w

    GSM attack

    If you can find a new home for the potters I would. Potters Angles for the record have a history of just not doing well in aquariums. Most just can't make the transition. And to have a clown that is actively seeking him out and attacking him is just going to make matters worse. Right now the...
  18. mandarin w

    Hermit attacked puffer! (See Photo)

    This is exactly why I don't put any type of crab in my tanks. There are plenty of different types of snails that can and will do what ever any crab could do without attacking any other livestock. I hope your puffer will be ok. Watch the eye for infection. and make sure the fish isn't...
  19. mandarin w

    start out a small tank for say an apartment

    Your monthly cost would depend on what equipment: skimmer, powerhead, different pumps lights. All of this would vary the electrical usage greatly. It also depends on what your power cost. Lucky for me. I live in a town that handles thier own power and water. So I don't pay nearly as much as...
  20. mandarin w

    Putting Sump in Basement

    I know we have a few members in our local club that did this. I myself don't know how. I just know you can do it.