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  1. stubbbs

    I would like to add coral but not sure about my lighting...Help.

    i have a condi and the trigger is a blue throat. he is a big baby and does not bother any of the inhabitants. the anemone has been doing well for about 4 months and is growing with no loss of color or bleaching. i probably could use an upgrade of lighting but was trying to avoid if what I have...
  2. stubbbs

    I would like to add coral but not sure about my lighting...Help.

    I have a 5 month old 125 gallon tank filled with 150lbs LR, anemone, 3 crabs, 10 hermit crabs, 40 N. snails, clown, 2 tangs, trigger and dwarf flame angel. I want to start adding some coral. I curretly have two 48 inch lights. one is a coralife 20,000k 40 watt bulb and the the other is a 40 watt...
  3. stubbbs

    Lighting ??? For A 125G w/ Coral, Fish...

    I have a 5 month old 125 gallon tank filled with 150lbs LR, anemone, 3 crabs, 10 hermit crabs, 40 N. snails, clown, 2 tangs, trigger and dwarf flame angel. I want to start adding some coral. I curretly have two 48 inch lights. one is a coralife 20,000k 40 watt bulb and the the other is a 40 watt...
  4. stubbbs

    Blue throat triggerfish

    i have one and he is a big pansy. he gets pushed around by my clown
  5. stubbbs

    My New Powder Brown Is About To Kick The Bucket...Help

    all parameters were normal except nitrate level of <15. I did a water change but probably too late...any ideas to maybe save him...poor guy!
  6. stubbbs

    My New Powder Brown Is About To Kick The Bucket...Help

    Rec'd a powder brown and yellow tang 11 days ago. acclimated him w a 3 hr drip. placed in a QT tank. they were eating and doing fine. I came home from work and he's on his back and gills are maroon red. can't get pics since the camera is at work. He doesnt appear to have any other outward signs...
  7. stubbbs

    Scooter Blenny Not Acting Right?

    i have had him about 2 months and i think the problem is he is starving...what can i now do to get him to eat? i used to see him picking at the gravel but have not noticed lately. I always float some algea sheets but can honestly say he never really looked interested in the algae
  8. stubbbs

    Scooter Blenny Not Acting Right?

    my scooter seems to be very lethargic....all water parameters are normal except nitrates around 15. all other fish appear fine. any ideas?
  9. stubbbs

    Coral Question From A Beginner

    anemone seems to be doing very well for the past 4 months. he doesnt wander at all. thanks for the advice...greatly appreciated!
  10. stubbbs

    Coral Question From A Beginner

    I wanted to mess around with some easy corals for a beginner. I was toying with the idea of some zoos, polyps and/or mushrooms. Here is what I have: 125 gallon tank with a actinic and i think T5 10000K lights amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate <15 ph 8.2 salinity 1.024 i have multiple power heads that...
  11. stubbbs

    Do You Qaurantine New Fish?

    i am new to this hobby and about 2 months ago i did not qt a yellow tang and within 2-5 days it wiped out my tank. qt is a pain in the butt but its a bigger pain to remove the unhealthy fish, let the tank go fallow for 3-4 weeks and then start to reintroduce. i simply bought a rubbermaid storage...
  12. stubbbs

    Any thoughts on high nitrates?

    thanks for all the great advice...i love this message board. way better than the LFS. Thanks again.
  13. stubbbs

    Any thoughts on high nitrates?

    how deep should the sand bed be and sorry but what is a refugium and how would i set one up? sorry, i am new to the saltwater fish thing. thanks for the help.
  14. stubbbs

    Any thoughts on high nitrates?

    how deep should the sand bed be and sorry but iwhat s a refugium and would i set one up? sorry, i am new to the saltwater fish thing. thanks for the help.
  15. stubbbs

    Any thoughts on high nitrates?

    i have some crabs, h. crabs, 30-40 snails and 2 anemones. should i be worried or still ok??
  16. stubbbs

    Any thoughts on high nitrates?

    i have a 125g with 100lbs live rock and about 9 fish. nitrates are consistently around 15. any thoughts and other than frequent water changes, what can i do??? appreciate any advice. Thanks
  17. stubbbs

    Blue Hippo Tang Scratching On LR

    i have had him about 2 months now...he is about 1 inch long. salinity 1.022, amonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates <10, ph 8.2, temp 78. I recently added 2 green chromis and one 4-5 inch blue thorat trigger. he seems happy hangin out with the chromis and the trigger doesnt bother him. as a matter of...
  18. stubbbs

    Blue Hippo Tang Scratching On LR

    I have a small blue hippo tang that has been scratching on some LR. He does not appear to be distressed nor do i see any spots...Is this something I should be concerned about??? Thanks for any advice.
  19. stubbbs

    2 Clowns in the same tank?

    thanks for all the great advice
  20. stubbbs

    Can I add another clown?

    thanks for all the advice