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  1. feixjai

    Major Problem

    was this at a fish store? if it is then they are usually connected sharing the same water so its just one big tank
  2. feixjai

    BigPete's New Nano Pics

    looks great bigpete. one questions about your sixline wrasse. does it come out and swim regularly or does it hide alot? im planning on getting another fish for my 24 since the only fish that actually is out in the open is my goldband maroon.
  3. feixjai

    210 Tank Pics

    absolutely beautiful! im speechless.
  4. feixjai

    feeding necessities

    My goldband maroon won't eat anything besides frozen brine shrimp and flakes. I recently ran out of brine shrimp and decide to feed her something different. I bought emarld entre', frozen mysis shrimp , and blood worms. When i came home, and got near the tank to get a feeding cup, she swam...
  5. feixjai

    mixing clowns

    IME, i wouldnt do it. i had a 1in. false percula beat up my 2 inch whitestripe maroon and a 1in clarkii.
  6. feixjai

    Goby or no Goby.

    IMO i say go for it. someone correct if im wrong but i heard that clean up crews clean more waste than they add. in my nanocube 24 i have 3 fish which consist of a goldband maroon, royal gramma, and a purplefirefish. for acclimation i just do the basics oh floating bag and drip. for more...
  7. feixjai

    How to get my yellow headed jawfish to eat?

    you can try to soak the food in zoecon or selcon or garlic extreme. i got my maroon to eat frozen bloodworms by soaking my food on zoecon for almost 5 minutes.
  8. feixjai

    Triggers in reef tanks

    welcome to the boards. my friend had a blue throat trigger in his reef. it was about 3 inches in his 60 gallon. all the times i took care of his tank i have never seen it bother any corals or inverts. he had mushrooms, zoos, frogspawns, hammers, clams. it was doing great, eating really well, he...
  9. feixjai

    Mini Refugium in 24G Nano Cube?

    i wouldnt put live sand in the 2nd chamber. as started before it would mess up your pump. second the slot where it lets water through is all the way on the bottom so sand would just go into the 3rd chamber.
  10. feixjai

    *PICS* - Tank Update

    your water looks a little cloudy but other than that its looks really nice. that clownfish must be really big. how big is it?
  11. feixjai

    how little

    to me i think nanos should be around 30 and less.
  12. feixjai

    5g nano need advice

    that sounds pretty good. just make sure teh gobys dont go at each other and cause trouble. cant wait to see a picture.
  13. feixjai

    babybs tank

    looks good. any fts?
  14. feixjai

    babybs tank

    Originally Posted by sleasia babyb you may have to resize your photos first on your computer they can not be bigger than 500x500 to post here...then after you write your thread and before you submit it you scroll down to manage attachements. select it. and a browser window will open...browse...
  15. feixjai

    First pics of my tank--think I need more rock?

    i like that rock work. maybe you should leave that side and put rocks on the right side and have a trench in the middle. that might look good.
  16. feixjai

    Yellow Striped Maroon Clown Question

    if you really want the fish i suggest taking out the cinnamon and then getting the maroon. they will certainly fight unless they are in a big tank.
  17. feixjai

    Baby Serpent Stars? (pics)

    i have a bunch on them also in my tank whenever i moved my corals from my sandbed i see them all the time.
  18. feixjai

    maroon pairs

    thanks for the replies, ill will certainly consider first which is the best decision to make for my maroon and my 24. thanks again.
  19. feixjai

    maroon pairs

    hey fellow reefers, i just wanted to know how do you pair up maroon clowns? i tried searching for the sticky about pairing up clownfish but had no luck. i only remember that you were not suppose to introduce one and then put another one in like for the percula clownfishes. right now i have a 24...
  20. feixjai

    need some help with a Stock list

    an angel can live in a 25. i use to have a coral beauty in my 24 until it died yesterday morning. couldnt find any reason for it. anyways there is a sticky about starfishes just search it up in the search engine and there should be a lot of informative results