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  1. moto757

    feeding time

    you shouldn't be feeding them feeder fish i would try to feed them fresh seafood or frozen because they won't be to healthy eating feeders they have no nutrients in them ps i feed my trigger twice a day and that is the saltwater multipak which is frozen
  2. moto757

    Snowflake Eel

    when i had my sfe he was the first real fish i put so i had damsels and one keep getting near his cave and moving about and he just reached out and snap gone pretty cool i thought but it could happen to someone else
  3. moto757

    The time is almost near!

    looks real good i guess the headache is finally over about getting one from the store
  4. moto757

    Trigger deal...$$$

    dang that is good i usually see those little 1inch ones for that much
  5. moto757

    Where were you...

    was already stationed over seas in japan and heard about it around 230 in the mourning and was on a ship 2 days later heading out to sea.
  6. moto757


    get a nice eel like a black edge or a jeweled would be great also a wrasse would like nice swimming around also
  7. moto757

    introducing new fish in aggressive tanks

    if you have a quarintine tank you could use that or a species catching tank. rearanging rock work and keeping the lights off also help
  8. moto757

    The time is almost near!

    sounds good just picked up my 01 cbr 600 f4i and got done riding to eat something let us know how it is going when the lfs gets it
  9. moto757

    The time is almost near!

    thanks for keeping us updated my lfs store said he was getting one for around 300 he was trying to get me to buy it but that is a bit much since i am going to get my new bike tommarrow i will talk about that on another thread
  10. moto757

    puffer overgrown beak

    don't got a puffer but you should feed him some shrimp with the shells on or some other shell fish with the shell on
  11. moto757

    New Guy on the Block...

    got one too they are nice fish mine rules the roost i would be scared to put any other fish in there now
  12. moto757

    New Fish

    yeah i say the lmb too they both hang out near the bottom but the fish looks cool
  13. moto757

    Add fish

    too many fish your bioload with two lions and a trigger and a puffer would be big. I would get one lion or one trigger with the tangs and a puffer. no clowns with lions they have a chance of getten eaten.
  14. moto757

    New Fish

    looks good what else is in your tank?
  15. moto757

    Eels and Triggerfish

    one trigger would be good and one of the eels be passive like a zebra eel would be good
  16. moto757

    kids in my grade

    stick to it you will be a better succes in life and move further then your friends my friends were big time party people i mean big i joined the marines when i was 17 and got away from it and while i kept in touch with them most of them had gone to jail got dui's mulitiple fights and all kinds...
  17. moto757

    serpant star problem

    dang my trigger took off one of my serpents arms that is it and it lived i dunno see if it lives if not no more starfish that is about it
  18. moto757

    Triggerfish Help!

    second that mine loves the snails not the hermits though
  19. moto757

    Quick Poll

    women's beach volleyball last night we won plus what a great view
  20. moto757

    filtrating with eel

    that ro/di is a device in a simple way to put it you hook it up to your new water when you do a water change and it takes out all the crap and that is what causes the red alage instead of using straight tap