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  1. jimmy40741

    All in one Sump build question

    You can run the water level at how ever deep you wish. I would go with just below your overflow slots so you would have the most water in your system as possible. And no, they don't have to step down, they can all be the same size. But you don't want to have them too tall or else when your water...
  2. jimmy40741

    Is this pawn shop deal a good reef setup?

    Definately get the 90 gal. You can look at it this way, 90 gal for $100 or 30 gal with filter and heater for $250, because you won't use any of that other stuff. Take the extra $150 and buy a heater and set up a sump. Then for the same money you will have alot nicer aquarium and filtration system.
  3. jimmy40741

    Fuel Surcharge???

    I've got the same thing going on as you guys. I have been wanting to get a couple of butterflies for my tank for a while, and while at my LFS the other day I asked about them and both are available from their wholesaler. SWF charges $20 & $23 for the ones I want and the LFS told me that they...
  4. jimmy40741

    Fuel Surcharge???

    I don't think they dropped it, but it looks like they have lowered it. This is from an email I got from about an hour ago. $5.00 off Shipping through November! We hate Shipping Charges as much as we are reducing the Fuel Surcharge portion of the shipping fees by $5.00 from...
  5. jimmy40741


    If you have an extra tank or two sitting around take them to your new house a day or two ahead of time and set them up. Fill them with water from the tank in your old house, turn on filters, heaters, etc. On the day you are going to move start by moving all of your livestock to the new house...
  6. jimmy40741

    My new Sabae Clown

    Update on my Sebaes: My female let her new friend into her anemone this past weekend. On Saturday I watched him get close to the anemone and she'd allow him to stay around the edge and every once in a while he'd back into it just enough to hide himself, and if she was around she'd chase him out...
  7. jimmy40741

    Those thin colored scrub pads

    Yea, you can use them, I do on tougher algea (but not coraline). And the ones I have are probably the same thing you are talking about, I got them from the Dollar place and there are about 6 or 8 in a pack, and they are made like a scotch brite pad. Mine are green, and they don't scratch the...
  8. jimmy40741

    My new Sabae Clown

    I've had a Sabae clown hosting a Sabae anemone for about 8 months, and I'd always wanted to get her a mate but could never find another Sabae clown locally. Well I finally found one and he went into the tank this past weekend. As I knew would happen, she went straight at him and started nipping...
  9. jimmy40741

    Fish food question.

    Originally Posted by mcbdz Best not to use flakes. ou will get a build up of nutrients and your phosphates are going to cause you issues soon. Try pellets, frozen and fresh. Your tang needs greens daily. Pattie I don't overfeed, and do not have a problem with phosphates (I test for them...
  10. jimmy40741

    Fish food question.

    In that tank I have a hippo, yellow, scopas, naso, and lavender tang. No, I didn't mix it with the spectra max, I just tried it alone, then when none would eat it I fed some spectra max and spirulina flake (that's what I normally do for my tang tank) and everyone ate as they normally do. The...
  11. jimmy40741

    Got a tank gave to me whats its size

    Here's a pretty good page to add to your favorites.
  12. jimmy40741

    Fish food question.

    Do fish get used to a certain type/brand of food and will only eat that? I have always fed my fish Wardley Sprectramax on the advise of a LFS, but this weekend while at a different store I picked up some Omega One Marine Flakes with Garlic because I have a yellow tang that not eating well. I...
  13. jimmy40741

    Lawnmower Blenny

    I bought a LMB about 5 or 6 months ago and he completely cleaned out a hair algea problem I had. He continues to pick at my LR and the glass, but he also eats anything else that hits my tank (flake, frozen mysis shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, etc). It's kind of...
  14. jimmy40741

    opinions wanted on my sump idea

    I would wonder about the flow through the fuge also, seems like the water there would be stagnent. But you did say that you were thinking of using a seperate pump for the fuge, so that would work. Another option would be to T off of one of your return pumps with a ball valve between it and the...
  15. jimmy40741

    Need some advise

    Ok, I need some advise from all you reefers. I have 2 FOWLR tanks and I would like to add some color to them so I think I might try my hand at corals. My 75 has 4x54 watt T5 lighting and from what I have read I could keep some zoas, mushrooms, and soft corals. Is that correct? Also, what...
  16. jimmy40741

    Merging 2 Tanks (Fish Compatibility Help)

    Can you tell me why you would be concerned about the Royal Gramma and the Cleaner Shrimp? I've never heard of this one before. And I put a Royal Gramma in my 75 with a CBS, Cleaner and 2 peppermints about 6 weeks ago and have not see any trouble out of the Gramma and any of the shrimp.
  17. jimmy40741

    Sebae Anemonee difficulty?

    I have had one for about 6 to 8 months and it's doing great. When I got it it was white and about the size of a half dollar, now it's about 6 inches or more across. When I first got it I set him in the sand bed but he never moved, planted his foot or ate, and my sebae clown would uproot him by...
  18. jimmy40741

    Saltwater Mollies/Platy's

    Platys are freshwater fish, so that might explain why you had some die fast. When you say you are about a month into acclimating them over what do you mean? I started my first SW tank with mollies and I acclimated them for just a few hours and they did fine. And I don't know what the other...
  19. jimmy40741

    Sailfin Tang harassing Feather Duster??

    I had a similar problem, my scopas tang picked at the base of one of my feather dusters until it cut the tube in two. Luckily the feather duster survived and grew a new crown, but after that I took small rocks and placed them around the dusters where only the crown was sitcking out (mine are in...
  20. jimmy40741

    I don't think these are Nassarius snails!

    Those look exactly like the snails I received in a reef pack and are advertised as Nassarius. But I didn't get them from the bay, I got them from Doesn't your pic look the same snail?