Search results

  1. mdog30001

    Dragon Face Pipefish

    I have seen people with these and i wanted to know peoples experience with them. Are they hard to keep? What kind of fish can you keep them with? Would one or two go in a 120 gallon? Thnx for any help
  2. mdog30001

    lets see some rock work

    im liking ur 30 gallon. Do u have any regular lights on it or just actinics?
  3. mdog30001

    fish load for a 38 gallon

    I would take one of the gobies off the list. You could do it with all 6 but it may be risky. I have a 33 gallon with a 5 gallon refuge and i have 4 fish and im at my limit.
  4. mdog30001

    30 Gallon lighting

    i have a 33 gallon and i had 96 watts on it. (pc 48 watt actinic and 48 watt white vho light) I kept a LTA in this lighting and also a brain coral. I have since switched to 250 watt mh. To answer your question you could low light corals and invertds like mushrooms, xenia, things like that. You...
  5. mdog30001

    I got a purdy new fishy!!

    Did u get the flameback from this site? Thats were i got mine.
  6. mdog30001

    uuugggghhh DeathCo!!!

    i just wanted to say that my lfs does quarantine fish for 1 week, not that it seems to help though. I dont buy fish from my lfs though anymore because i found buying fish from this site and other local fish keepers is cheaper and the fish are healthier.
  7. mdog30001

    Too many fanworms

    well u could sell them, i would buy some. :joy:
  8. mdog30001

    Fire fish gobies..single or pairs.

    I had some regular red firefish like Bret now has. I would say beware because they are well known jumpers, thats wat happened to mine. I started with 2, one jumped. Then i got another and it was eaten by a spiny lobster that i have since returned. The last one i had was also eaten. They all...
  9. mdog30001

    seahorse question

    here is a site dedicated just to seahorses, it may give u more results, not that you havent already had some good ones.
  10. mdog30001

    how old is your oldest fish? poll...

    that regal looks awsome. Hope it lives long.
  11. mdog30001

    Just made a new order

    I just ordered a flameback angel, a royal gramma, a fire shrimp, 10 snails, and a cleaner clam. (got the snails and clam so that i could order the rest). How long will it take to get shipped. I ordrederd it at 8:00 PM wednesday. Im gonna do a 10percent water change tonight and clean all the...
  12. mdog30001

    Sand sifting star dying?

    ya i had one for a month or so and it was fine, it also lost a leg tip. But then i found out that they eat alot of beneficial things in the sand, so i took him to the LFS and traded him for a big bottle of iodine supplement.
  13. mdog30001

    Seahorse and current?

    no u cant put them in a reef because they cant compete for food against other fish. Its good to set up a tank for just seahorses if u really want them. heres a good site for seahorses
  14. mdog30001

    Cyanide evidence

    A few weeks back i bought an African Flameback Angle. My lfs specifacly said that it had not been cyanided. He has always been a really active social fish. The last few days though he started to hide a bunch and wouldnt come out of his little crevice area, not even to eat. Now he is DEAD. is...
  15. mdog30001

    First Pics of my Reef

    the tank looks great for just startin out. It will look sweet once you get some more corals. Im loving those little red things u got.
  16. mdog30001

    My CBS caught and killed a fish?!?!?!

    Ill never get a CBA. ive heard so many stories like this that i stopped counting. I dont care it 9 out of 10 people have had a good experience with them, i would never take the risk.
  17. mdog30001

    Got These today

    lucky. zoo's like that at my lfs would be $50 or more.
  18. mdog30001

    anyone have an elegance coral??

    Srry to hear about the tragedy. i just switched to mh's to and my brain coral started to stress out really bad, he even looked like he was starting to bleach. I noticed it right away and left the lights off for a day, and now have them on for 6 hours aday. He's a lot better now. Hopefully i can...
  19. mdog30001

    Cotton on LR?

    hey i get Coral Magazine to. I havent read it yet but i saw that it had an article on peanut worms in it. My favorite part of the magazine is when they put pictures of a persons tank, then describe it, and list what they have in it. This helps me a lot with my tank. Srry this is kinda off topic...
  20. mdog30001

    helping a friend set up a sea horse tank...questions

    here is a link for a great seahorse forum if you already havent found it.