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  1. oceana

    new cycle!

    considering the fish in question like said above just toss them in. very hardy and should be ok.
  2. oceana

    Opinion on stock list?

    it his 120 as long as he has proper rock work he should be ok. they just need there own space but other then that they can be kept together
  3. oceana


    fine except for the stars also some red hermits are known to pick at some corals.
  4. oceana

    can i add more small yellow tang?

    Originally Posted by bullitr how about sailfin tang? purple tang? 100% no on a tang period IMO and definitely not a sailfin which get huge. what about a clown pair or somthing like that. one big problem you face is your dealing with an SPS tank which needs the best of water quality. so why gum...
  5. oceana

    Fragging help please..

    Originally Posted by spinylobster the frag is standing upright now thats a good sign right yup it will "re-inflate" and as long as you leave it alone it will heal rather quickly and be growing again in no time
  6. oceana

    can i add more small yellow tang?

    i would not add another yellow tang
  7. oceana

    best glue to attach live rock and sps?

    Originally Posted by bullitr i need to attach my live rock . at first i want to drill a hole and get a black pvc inside to attach it maybe i 'll do that i i still need a glue for the smaller rock and to attach my sps . any suggestion. i want something that i can get from home depot or hobby...
  8. oceana

    Opinion on stock list?

    for now your ok. in the long run that sailfin will have to go but other then that you should not have much trouble with proper aquascape to give everyone its own place to call home. the dragonet may be a bad choice due to such a new tank with not much rock and other pod eaters in the tank but...
  9. oceana

    Thinking about adding a sump but need help

    simple over flow box running two 1 inch drains with a return pump of around 1200 gallons per hours would be good. very easy to set up and if you get a nice over flow it should maintain itself for the most part. simply put a few hose barbs on the drains and run flex tubing to your sump. then run...
  10. oceana

    Thinking about adding a sump but need help

    simple over flow box running two 1 inch drains with a return pump of around 1200 gallons per hours would be good. very easy to set up and if you get a nice over flow it should maintain itself for the most part. simply put a few hose barbs on the drains and run flex tubing to your sump. then run...
  11. oceana

    new cycle!

    the small water change you did is fine. most QT tanks are unstable due to being put up and down so much but oevr all your readins are nothing to worry about really. just keep the water clean with the small changes are awhile while you keep an eye on the fish for signes of strss na dproblems and...
  12. oceana

    Candy Cane/Trumpet Coral

    same as any LPS IMO. med to high light and not move it. put it in your tank with fair flow but not enough to blow the polypes around and leave it alone.
  13. oceana

    advise on what to do

    i would toss them. they are sub par in quality and IMO not worth the repair unless you are really straped for cash
  14. oceana

    Should I be acclimating fish when transferred from qt to dt?

    Originally Posted by Vpotts28 Should I be acclimating fish when transferred from qt to dt? Ph is about the same, salinity is the same, nitrates will be a tad higher. The main concern is the temp. My QT runs a little hotter, 3 degrees because it is a 10g and obviously is affected by outside...
  15. oceana

    Zoanthid Questions

    Originally Posted by estein02 Alright...I think I've got this. Once I get the zoos home I want to dip them in a solution of a quart of aquarium water with 10 drops of Lugol's Solution for 10 - 15 minutes. After removing the zoos from the dip the LR that I want to propogate is removed from the...
  16. oceana

    Live Rock Keeps Moving

    Originally Posted by Garychef1 This is definately the best way to do it. It secures the rock together and i also use it to place corals onto the reef. ANd, if you decide to change it you can also buy the marine glue un-doer. In case you want to move the LR or something. if you chose to go...
  17. oceana

    Zoanthid Questions

    Originally Posted by earlybird Excellent questions estein. I'd like to keep this up top in hopes for more responses. the zoas can be out of water for quite some time with no ill effect. i take the frag and the rock i want and take them out of the tanks. i use a towel of some sort and dry the...
  18. oceana

    Zoanthid Questions

    Originally Posted by estein02 Thought of one more question. After the dip do you just attach the frags to the LR you want them to propogate with a zip tie? use regular old super glue gel. GELL being the key word. or use two part. putty epoxy if the frags a rock big enough
  19. oceana

    fragging zoos.....clueless..

    Originally Posted by peckhead can i cut off polyps and attactch them to different rocks/??see how i ahve green ones on orange and brownish/yellow ones? what if i want a rock with only green ones or only orange. can i slice them off this rock with out breaking the rock? unless you are only...
  20. oceana

    Frag Plug vs Live Rock Rubble ?

    Originally Posted by PASPhotography Are you able to remove the coral from a frag plug with say a razor blade having a flat surface? yes depending on the coral