Search results

  1. musipilot

    horseshoe crab

    They will turn over your sand, and I dont' think they'll fight with anything, never seen them even acknowledge another fish, unless it tries to take a bite out of them. In that case they play dead and float to the bottom, then run away. I wouldn't worry about that.
  2. musipilot

    2 tangs

    You're going to get abused for thinking of keeping ONE tang in a 75, but thats an agument thats been going on here for years :) Don't get two..if you have problems, you have nowhere to turn except to return a beaten up fish. I would pick either a yellow, purple, scopus or regal tang if you're...
  3. musipilot

    Quantaty Feed 3" fish?

    Here's the only rule I ever heard about the amount of food to feed...bear in mind I don't use this, I just feed what I "think" is enough...but... A breeder of oscars told me he feeds the fish an amount of food equal to the size of the fishes' eyes to its mouth. Got it?
  4. musipilot

    power head question

    If you need some caulerpa, I'll send ya some! My two ecosytem filters have it in the main compartment, and once a week I have to rip out a ton of it before it overgrows the livingroom! We have mexican and grape. Heres a photo of a cutting we planted in the main tank. We only have a photo of the...
  5. musipilot

    YES Soda water does work!

    ...and another thing! For shipping a mantis, or any small invert/fish...there is another good way to do it besides the bags/styrofoam method. You can get the new glad zip containers, they're CHEAP, and they make them in all different sizes. Just fill it with about 1/3 water, and tape the top...
  6. musipilot

    horseshoe crab

    We have had two in our reef tank for a long time. My wife especially loves them, "Buster" and the "Big one with the hole in his shell". They are great little creatures, and very entertaining when they take a swim, swimming upside down and getting knocked all over the place by the powerheads...
  7. musipilot

    Fish Choices!!!

    You don't want to go too much heavier bio-load in there...I would consider something that stays small, is hardy, and eats well. I would go with a group of 3 green chromises.
  8. musipilot

    Does a CBS east parasites?? does depend on the CBS as posted above, but also on the tankmates. In an aggressive tank with few occupants, they will pick parasites, especially if they are the only shrimp in the tank. In a large community/reef tank, especially with cleaner shrimp or wrasses, they will play bad boy...
  9. musipilot

    questoin about a 12 gallon tank.

    Here's my theory on water changes: Know your water. You can test your water for all the main parameters, and that will dictate how often/how much you need to change. Let me add one more a perfectly stable system I would still change 10% every two weeks, just to provide "fresh" and...
  10. musipilot

    Tang info from exp, not books

    Ok, heres our tang tales. Purples are great, but have to be the only tang in anything smaller then 125 gallons, even then, look out if its a yellow, sailfin, or scopus. Same for yellows, although in our experience multiple yellows if a) young b) introduced together) c) groups of 3 or more will...
  11. musipilot

    Manhattan Fish Stores?

    I buy here (, and some other sites as well. Write to me if you want their names.
  12. musipilot

    Best shrimp

    After years of reefing (not the smoking kind, I get drug tested at work, come on!) I will tell you my favorite combination of shrimp is what we have now. A pair of common cleaner shrimp, a pair of peppermints, and a pair of blood (fire) cleaners. Everyone gets along great, and the personality...
  13. musipilot

    Manhattan Fish Stores?

    Hmmm...parrots of the world...been there many times, like you said, great stock, HORRIBLE prices. They're not just high, they're incredible. Case in point: Scarlet cleaner shrimp, 39.99. 'Nuff said. Check out Fishtown USA in can take the number 7 train from Manhattan to about 2...
  14. musipilot

    seeding sand bed?

    Agreed...this is the best way. Find a store or a friend that will give you a baseball sized amount of sand from their established tank. This will speed up the process of seeding your sand tremendously.
  15. musipilot

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    When in doubt, post and shout.
  16. musipilot

    Breeding Pepermint Shrimp

    I found the ultimate resource on this. A book called "How to Raise and Train your Peppermint Shrimp". I kid you not. About 12 bucks on, and a great read. Covers raising larvae to adulthood from a pair of peppermints, and has lots of other great stuff about aquarium shrimp. Check it out.
  17. musipilot

    HLLE Purple Tang update

    He's in the reef tank Bob...which was an adventure, since we had to move the scopus out of there to make room for him. We put the scopus in the big tank, where he's very happy, and theres enough room in there (with the dual territories set up) that the yellow tang doesn't seem to mind. Yet...
  18. musipilot

    Pygmy Angels... ich magnets?

    Yes, emperors are a good choice, also the aquaclears are good for this kind of setup as well. About the jumping out...I've never had it happen although I guess its a possiblity. You may want to get one of the cheapo hoods they make for these tanks as well, although if you put light on the tank...
  19. musipilot

    HLLE Purple Tang update's the thing about it. I have been in contact with Bob Smith at Ecosystem, and he says the same thing I'll tell you here -- we're not sure WHY the ecosytem filtration setup cures HLLE, but it does. This is the third fish we've cured of this disease, but the purple tang is by far the...
  20. musipilot

    OK to add a cleaner?

    If the crabs haven't gotten the peppermints, they probably won't hit a cleaner. Make sure the cleaner is large, which gives him better mobility. They're also better/happier in pairs.