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  1. chipmaker


    I seriously doubt it or any other pump , powerhead etc will grind up pods. There just is not that close of fit between any moving parts that would do a pod in. Pods probbaly pass through more pumps etc every day than is conceivable, and I doubt that any really ever get killed.
  2. chipmaker

    29 Gallon biocube lighting and coling fans

    I dunno where yoo heard the fans were noisy and lights insufficient, but the Bio Cubes I have heard and I have head a lot of them since I am always at the lfs have all been nice and quiet, and lights are fine for all except clams and SPS..........
  3. chipmaker

    WTB : Large tank in Al.

    Give aquarium fantasies a call in Montgomery. I seen a 210 gal tank, stand and hood for sale there a couple of weeks ago. He often gets in used tanks etc. Also check on Aquarium Design in B'ham as they are supposedly going out of business and I have seen used tanks in their shop lots of times...
  4. chipmaker

    Live Sand Question

    YOu can use a piece opf PVC pipe, that is long enough to reach bottom of tank and pour sand into the pipe and manuver pipe to distribute sand where you want it. Or use plastic bags with a corner cut off, sort of like those bags used for cake decorating, and submerge bag to bottom and allow sand...
  5. chipmaker

    Skimmer on this normal

    Can't really give an answer to that. Depends on lots of things, what corals, how many corals, how many fish, how many gal tank, what you feed, how often you feed, what you dose with etc etc etc. I would try and turn it down so your getting a darker drier skim. (reduce airflow or water flow)
  6. chipmaker

    wal mart tanks

    Wally Worlds glass tanks are all american made....they are also made to secs concerning size shape and capacity, hard as that may be for some to believe. Check em out with the glass thickness calculators that are on line.......which usually have a 50% or more safety margin built into them as...
  7. chipmaker

    Private messaging

    HOw can PM's be abused? HOw would management know what PM's had in them. They can set software to limit amount of PMs stored. Unless like on a well known Koi forum the moderators there routinley read PM's between members and if any are derogatory or unsuitable to the "management team" they up...
  8. chipmaker

    Sexy Anemone Shrimp...

    Sexy Shrimp are gregarious, so they do better in groups. Its pretty neat to have a "herd" of them in a tank, but two or three is better than just one
  9. chipmaker

    RO/DI Question

    Water general RD-102 rodi off that [hr] site or call in direct to [hr] . $122 delivered. 5 stages ready to go.made in the USA and your choice of membranes at no additional charge. No I am not affiliated with them just a happy camper with the 2 units I have purchased from them already.
  10. chipmaker

    lights on/off

    I personally think if yu have corals a max of 10 hours is about it in most cases so a period of 8 to 10 hours should put you in the ball park and once there yu can make final adjustments if needed.
  11. chipmaker

    Sexy Anemone Shrimp...

    Well they live just fine with an anemone or without. I do not have any anemone in my tanks anymore and they do just fine. I find them rather hardy, much hardier than what they give em credit for being. Just because they are small the only thing is fish that may snack on them, other than that, I...
  12. chipmaker

    green star polyp growth

    They like a fair amount of flow over them. I usually have to peel back the mat evey month or two off tank glass or rock etc.
  13. chipmaker

    wal mart tanks

    Nothing wrong with Wal Mart tanks by any means. Unless of course bragging rights as to Oceanic or AGA etc mean more. There just as good as any other tank is, even if they do sell for less $$. See its entirely possible to get a decent item without having to pay through the nose for it, or hold...
  14. chipmaker

    my rock grew (red) balls...ID please

    Yep definately I'd say it's Botryocladia skotsbergii. Its good to have and it does not do any harm per se. If you want it gone get a foxface. There is one or two types of tangs that will also eat it, but the majority of the other tangs ignore it totally. Some of it will often times flourese...
  15. chipmaker

    12g aquapod fan blown!! replacement?

    Originally Posted by InnerDragon103 yea that would be great... but the only thing is what type of paperwork do i need to submit to them? the tank was manufactured 1/16/06 and he bought it in march. Should not need paper work. It has a 1 year warranty, and a serial number. Its easy for Current...
  16. chipmaker

    Sexy Anemone Shrimp...

    I have em in with skunk cleaner, peppermint and coral banded and not had any problems.
  17. chipmaker

    Is play sand safe????

    There is no reason that they woudl put anythng in the packaged sand. What purpose would it serve. The way I look at it is if its rinsed well what more can you do. I tend to think there is mnore harmfull crap in wet bagged sand than in packaged dry playa sand, bacteria or no bacteria. I also...
  18. chipmaker

    algae on glass?

    I do not have any cowries but heard they are great. I also heard sea hares are good too.
  19. chipmaker

    Water Temp.

    Originally Posted by Crox My wats are around 76 in the morning and they go up to 81 during the day. Should I worry? Bump the heater up to eliminate so much temperature variation. I try and shoot for no more than 1 degree variation and in most cases it can be done with a bit of messing with the...
  20. chipmaker

    Water Temp.

    ANywhere between 76 and 82 as long as its stable. I maintain my tanks between the 81 and 82 deg mark. Looking at the various charts out there with average reef temps low to mid 80's is closer to what most tropical reefs are than with them being in the upper 70's except perhaps during so called...