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  1. gatorwpb

    Opinions please

    wow that looks like a great tank for only 4 months old. you lucked out for sure!
  2. gatorwpb


    110 lbs of LR in a 65g, EuroReef RS-100, 5 fish, Excellent fuge with fast growing cheato over a 3.5" deepsand bed, and a phosban reactor have resulted in 0 nitrates and phosphates. I only do monthly 10% water changes. And I think you need to worry about getting those nitrates down before...
  3. gatorwpb

    Is my acro dieing?

    Originally Posted by bioneck47 Sorry, I completely forgot I opened this thread... I have 300w 14k metal halides w/120watts vho actinics in a 72 gal. All bulbs are about 6 months old and I keep the lights on for about 6-7 hours a day. It is a very well established tank and Nitrates, and...
  4. gatorwpb

    Is my acro dieing?

    Looks like STN and fragging it will help it from spreading. But you need to find out what the root of the tissue necrosis is or else it will continue.
  5. gatorwpb

    pics of 125 sps tank

    amazing tank!! +1 on the glass top comments
  6. gatorwpb

    What kind of MH bulb is the best?

    I love my Aqualine AB 10k 150w. It is not a yellow color but infact a blueish white. The PAR is amazing too. But if you are looking for something more blue, the phoenix seems to be the most popular. Now that my corals are really growing out, I am thinking of switching to phoenix. Ive also...
  7. gatorwpb

    thanks to swf - the restocking may begin!

    good luck nOOb! POst pics once you get them and the tank going!
  8. gatorwpb

    Crazy peach monti

    I just glue them to a plug and let that new frag grow to trade it away for more sps!
  9. gatorwpb

    Montipora's not showing full PE???

    Just because the 20ks have less PAR than the 14k, it could be a specific wave length of light that the 20k has more of that could be bothering the monti.
  10. gatorwpb

    SPS ID Please

    browned out purple digi is my guess
  11. gatorwpb

    Need some Acro help

    Did you ever see tissue(flesh) coming off the frag? Was it dead when you bought it? maybe too much flow? Looks like RTN to me...
  12. gatorwpb

    sps at the bottom of tank?

    yes, and youll have to put them there to start light acclimating them to the tank anyway.
  13. gatorwpb

    Room for one more?

    nice looking frags! they should grow quickly, but youre going to want more, lots more... you'll find every little ledge that could hold a frag and not be happy with the look of the tank until a purple/blue/yellow/red/or green stick is glued to every available space in the tank... Originally...
  14. gatorwpb

    ID this SPS

    on that first coral, the polyps do not look like a digi at all. the growth pattern is a little off for a stylo, but it could have been under weak lighting and was growing thin to get to stronger light. Sometimes growth patterns change under low flow too. as to the second, Im thinking maybe...
  15. gatorwpb

    beginner SPS

    it really depends on your lighting. hardy sps are encrusting montis, monti caps, monti digis
  16. gatorwpb

    lets see them Monti Cap

  17. gatorwpb

    LR tank

    sounds like youve got everything covered. Maybe do an occasional water change, like 25% a month or so just in case nutrients (nitrate mostly) build up in there. Skimmer and water flow are the most important for keeping LR going for extended periods IMO and youre set with those
  18. gatorwpb

    acro milli ??

    8" sounds kind of close. Try aiming it towards the water surface or front glass. That way it will increase turbulence and flow will go in all directions. But if it doesnt show any negative effects, maybe theres no problem.
  19. gatorwpb

    Setup info

    Welcome and good luck! Read read read is the most important thing and try to learn from all the others on here. They are very helpful. As you get questions, post them here and you should get many (different) answers. Start by giving some details of the new tank. and pictures always make help...
  20. gatorwpb

    Can dkh be too high?

    Originally Posted by MaTT B calcium 400-450 DKH 8-12