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  1. musipilot

    a water question plz help

    The good one was WELL water!
  2. musipilot

    Need Help With Tank .... Please

    Send me some photos! We'll get the ******** designers on it.
  3. musipilot

    small fish selection suggestions needed...

    Yah, green chromises. We have 8, they stick in two groups of 4, are always active, and don't bother anyone (including each other). They amaze me that they all manage to find a place to sleep IN the rock at night. Great fish!
  4. musipilot

    Maybe OT...What made you choose to go with Saltwater???

    The first time I saw a Yellow Tang.
  5. musipilot

    a water question plz help

    If you figure out how much you're spending for water, you may want to invest in an RO/DI unit which will save you a LOT of money in the long run. Its a hefty initial investment (150-200), but well worth it in the long run. Get the kind that hooks up to the sink, and make your own perfect water...
  6. musipilot

    putting angels together

    C'mon Kevin...tell 'em how big the tank is! :)
  7. musipilot

    what is your favorate tang?

    I like the cherry tang...the watermelon is too sweet. OH, you mean FISH! I have a brown scopus tang that is the highlight of the fish in my reef tank, he's beautiful. Heres a shot of him <a href=""...
  8. musipilot


    Nope...for those of us without drilled tanks (my tanks have tempered glass bottoms, which you can't drill) there are these neat little lifesavers called OVERFLOW BOXES. They are what you need!
  9. musipilot

    Live Rock

    I would highly recommend Kaelini live rock...a little less dense then Fiji, and loaded with life! Out of respect for the board here, write me if you want the place I got it.
  10. musipilot

    Hagen test kit - maybe not so good....

    I use Salifert tests. In the past I've used the Red Sea kits, which were good, just not as easy to read as the Saliferts. You can get them online, and buy them in a bunch to save on shipping.
  11. musipilot

    Fighting Conch

    They can get big, but very, very slowly! They are also hardy - as long as your SG stays above 1.020 and stays fairly constant! They are great film algae eaters, and great to watch. You can safely keep a fighting conch in a small tank without a problem. We have one in our 10 gallon refugium and...
  12. musipilot

    my new 130 gallon tank is being order need suggestions on what fish to buy?

    Be careful to do this right...thats a big tank and you can really make it awesome! Read all about filtration, methods, deep sand beds, skimmers, sumps, refugiums, etc. and decide which way to want to go. It is SO important to think this out in advance, since it will save you time, money, and...
  13. musipilot

    Do I have a mantis shrimp?

    Mantis shrimp are kept by people in species only tanks. Its true they have the power to break glass, but it certainly doesn't happen that often. There would have to be a real special set of circumstances for it to do so, like an irresistable treat on the other side of the glass. Some people that...
  14. musipilot

    coral banded shrimp

    I'll give you the skinny on the two CBSes that I have. One is in a 54 gallon corner reef tank with 2 scarlet skunk cleaners, and 2 peppermints. He is HUGE for a CBS, about 4" long. He reaches for every fish in the tank like he wants to rip them apart, but after 6 months he hasn't touched a...
  15. musipilot

    hey newb. here with some ???'s...

    Lemme answer your salt question...there are many mixes on the market available, and you must start with excellent quality water. Most people use RO/DI water (you can buy this at the supermarket) or they get an RO unit to make their own. I recomment Instant Ocean brand salt, I've had great...
  16. musipilot


    Please post your water parameters, and we'll see what we can figure out. Salinity, Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph, etc...
  17. musipilot


    Please post your water parameters, and we'll see what we can figure out. Salinity, Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph, etc...
  18. musipilot

    just bought a tank

    Hi, good luck with your new tank! Post the dimensions (lxwxh) and we'll be able to tell you the gallons. Answers to your questions one by one: The trigger will quickly make a meal of any inverts. The niger trigger is harmless to corals, so don't worry about that...however in the overall scheme...
  19. musipilot

    Back of tank

    You have to be careful with that...for one main reason. It may be TOO reflective, believe it or not territorial species will often think they're looking at another fish like themselves in the mirror and either attack it, or get stressed out by it. Also, be sure you like the look...if you have...
  20. musipilot

    lobster lookin shrimp safe for reef??

    Lobsters and crawfish molt also...what color/size/shape is he?