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  1. sebae09

    PVC work

    yea it will work, its for cpvc
  2. sebae09

    Soldier in need of help.....

    josh just send me about 20 bucks ill cover the rest. im not going to screw you over either ill send a recept with the corals. i will leave you my address on myspace. and ps sorry about my myspace pic lol my girlfriend took it one day.
  3. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    if it was me i would go with the smoothounds and some horns. even tho your crazy about blacktips, you just cant keep them for long with that size system. i personally would rather keep something for the rest of its life than a few months/year. and what are you going to do after you give it to...
  4. sebae09

    best predator tank contest

    so do i have to stay up untill 12 or can i judge tomorow morn?
  5. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    colder water right? and if you had a bigger tank i would suggest a leopord shark considering their not illegal in mexico. Description: * Size: adults are 116 cm - 161 cm * Color: brown to dark gray above, white below Habitat: Gray smoothhound sharks can be found down to 25 fathoms, but usually...
  6. sebae09

    How to add sand to a bare bottom

    the best way is to cut an X in the top of the bag and lower it into the tank than flip it over at the bottem.
  7. sebae09

    Soldier in need of help.....

    josh i didn't get up there today. sorry but i definately will tomorow
  8. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    you should just go with the smaller sharks. bamboo's eppulettes and horns. they will give you valuable experence for later on when you have the space or funds to keep requiem sharks.
  9. sebae09

    This weeks "Monster" update

    are you sure thats an elegance coral? it kinda looks like a retteri anemone to me
  10. sebae09

    Soldier in need of help.....

    i have to go eat dinner with my girlfriend but i will send that email later tonight. do you have Aol instant messanger? if so it will be much easyer to talk back and forth on there. my sn is amphiprion12 and im going to get my brother to frag some of the stuff he has for you also. he has alot...
  11. sebae09

    Soldier in need of help.....

    thank you for fighting for our freedom, i have some xenia, green star polyp ,and a leather i can send you to get started.
  12. sebae09

    IYO what are the chances?

    your a cocky one candycane i dont think saying your MEGA smart is going to get you respect on this board its going to take time and alot of helping others. right now by saying that your smarter than everyone else your not very high on my respect list. just to help you fix your attitude
  13. sebae09

    CPU fan

    i got a 3-12 volt plug-in, it has a swich whare you can pick how many volts you send to the fan. 3,4.5,6,7.5,9,12 you just adjust it to what the fan needs. check your local lowes or home depot, and if you have to look at wal-mart in the electronics department.
  14. sebae09

    Shark pond construction pictures

    i told you guys.
  15. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    well have you ever seen a house being framed up? if so you can base your design off of that just smaller. consider yourself to be building a small room. thats the easyist way i can think of telling you. on the otherside have you considered a regular blacktip for your pond insted of a blacktip...
  16. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    well as far as keeping a blacktip, no your pond will not be large enough for them. your pond wont even be big enough for atlantic sharpnoses. this isn't just my conclusuion its my friend krj-1168's also. im not sure if you can make your pond larger but we have some species that we can recommend...
  17. sebae09

    Not enough algae and I want a flame angel.

    watch out for pesticides when you use lettuce.
  18. sebae09

    Pics of my new 125! YAY!!!!

    if you didn't use LS that sand shifting star might die. im sorry if thats news. but than again you might want ophuria to confirm that.
  19. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    welcome to the fourms, judgeing by your name im guessing your wanting blacktips? your pond wont be big enough for them. there are alot of varible's in makeing a shark pond and most of them are cost prohibited. how much are you looking at spending? once you tell me that i can walk you through the...
  20. sebae09

    Coralife Venturi Skimmer VS. CCS

    sorry i mean css