Search results

  1. bheron

    Cloudy water Diatoms? Bacteria Blooms?

    really, the best thing to do is to keep searching this site and get tons of opinions!
  2. bheron

    Horseshoe Crab

    you might wanna do some more searchigno n the board here. i was about to buy one but was turned away for some reason. dont always trust what any online retailed says about something being peaceful and compatible.
  3. bheron

    Tring to get rid of ich but water is cloudy!!! HELP

    what kind of filtration and water movement do you have? are you using carbon? did you put chemicals in there to treat the ich? what is your water source - tap water? have you done a water change lately? just a couple of things to check on first to narrow the problem. of course, it could be a...
  4. bheron

    Tiny Annoying Bubbles from Airstone

    you know, thats a great question. i LOVE the look of bubbles. why doesnt anyone use them in SW tanks?? always had them in FW. and, in saltwater, they look a little bit finer and cooler. why why??
  5. bheron

    new trigger

    thats one of the nicest pics i've ever seen!
  6. bheron


    hey, i'm sure you can find tons of pics if you search or check the disease and tratment forum. but, in short, its very obvious and looks like white spots on the fish, raised up like specs of sand kinda. also, if you dont see them but do notice your fish literally trying to scratch itself on...
  7. bheron

    Tiny Annoying Bubbles from Airstone

    you mean just a plain airstone supplied by an air pump? or is it used to like a skimmer or something? if not, there are other ways to get oxygen exchanged with your water. - surface agiation - sump - even an airhead - macroalgaes i think too? I dont think many people use simple air pumps (like...
  8. bheron

    Just one green chromis?

    got it. so it'll be three then. small. thank you!!
  9. bheron

    Cloudy water Diatoms? Bacteria Blooms?

    marbio, try some carbon in the filter. has it cycled completely? nitrites and ammonia are detectable. that wont cause the cloudiness, but a spike of algae could mean the tank hasnt yet cycled. carbon does mircales. do a search on the board here to see how poeple use it.
  10. bheron

    Adding LR need expertise

    hi, i'm pretty sure you should add the salt first. also want to be sure temp is right - 78-82 most likely. the better water conditions, the less die off. 1) is the rock cured or uncured 2) are there any other fish in there? if the rock s uncured, be sure to fully cycle it first. alot will...
  11. bheron

    Feather duster

  12. bheron

    Feeding zoos

    is that DT stuff something you'd find in a LSF?
  13. bheron

    Feather duster

    BTW - how do you feed them phytoplankton? not how, but where do you get it? i've only heard of culturing this stuff yourself. surely this cant be the only way to feed a featherduster?
  14. bheron

    Just one green chromis?

    i think i'll get 3 or 4. this is the 2nd time i've heard peope say a bunch died off. i've heard some mumblings about mixing --- as well. maybe its b/c most people use them to cycle their tanks! i've also heard some stuff about them losing their color/brightness?
  15. bheron

    Buying first coral

    its pretty good. lots of reivew on the forums and barnes and noble had it for 31 i think.
  16. bheron

    order for new display...

    good stuff to know.
  17. bheron

    Buying first coral

    hey cape coders... not sure if you knew already, but i just bought Palettas new book on 500 reef tanks around the world. one of my absoulte favs was from a guy in provincetown. have you ever heard of it? cant remember the guys name but i sure do remember provincetown!
  18. bheron

    Feather duster

    wow. iv'e never heard of this problem. i have two peppermints and was planning on getting some feather dusters eventually. anyone else chime in here??
  19. bheron

    Unusual pics

    dburr - thats a kodak dx? man, i wasnt too successful taking pics of my tank and that's what i have!!! maybe i'm doing something wrong. either way you've renewed my motivation to try again!!
  20. bheron

    Just one green chromis?

    I'm thinking about adding a green chromis to my stocking list (75g community). always thought theyd be like their damsel cousins but have since heard otherwise 1) are they nice community fish (for yellow tang, occelaris, gramma, etc)? 2) i know they like to school. is just 1 ok? would like to...