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  1. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    Originally Posted by EmeralCrab Hows your little clown doing? Thanks for asking EmeralCrab! Acutally, hes doing great. He is still in the display, since the QT is still cycling. He has no sigs of Ich on him currently and is eating, swimming, and rubbing the anemone. I come home everyday...
  2. sac10918

    Starting Over

    For some reason, I think you are suppossed to leave it empty (no fish) for at least 6 weeks, that way you can be sure that there is no ich in there.... Sorry for you losses.
  3. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    Florida Jo What exactly are you saying? Maybe I am misreading your comment, but it seems rude. I have noticed you posting all over the disease and treatment forum demeaning the people who are asking for help and looking to Sep (or Sir Q as you call him) for backup... Whats your deal? If you...
  4. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    Well I just got home from school and did an ich check. I can see a little piece of "flesh" that is on his front white stripe. I almost missed it, but I saw it when I looked at the profile. I also have noticed a few tiny spots on his mid black stripe, that I know werent there before. This sounds...
  5. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    Okay, The lights just came on. Maximus looks great... I cant see anything on his face, body or gills. I understand that this is not a definate thing, since the ich can drop on and off. However, it is still relieving to see that there isnt any signs this morning. I am going to continue to closely...
  6. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    Yikes, It sounds like ich could certainly be a possibility then. I have noticed spots at the gills. ARGH! My QT is not completely cycesd. I started it up about 6 weeks ago with DT water and cocktail shrimp. It was taking along time so I added a piece of live rock. It still not completely...
  7. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    I looked at the pics in the disease and treatment forum and it doesnt look like that as far as I can tell. The spots dont seem as large and there certainly arent that many, at least not yet if it is ich.
  8. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    Hmmm.... Is it usual for the spots to come and go very quickly (like within an hour or two)?
  9. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    I should also add that he has a new anemone (about 2 weeks old). I dont know if this could be contributing to any of the unusal shapes....
  10. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    The spots are very bizare. One minute they are there, the next I cant see them. I guess it is possible that I am missing them, but I am looking in the exact same area. I understand that certain stages of Ich can come and go by detaching and attaching to fish, but would it happen this quickly? I...
  11. sac10918

    Might this be Ich?

    So I took a chance and added some things to my tank without Quarantining them. I know it was risky, but I dont have proper lighting on my QT. I added some corals, a few shrimps and snails, and a BTA. I did my best not to get any LFS water in the tank, although I know this isnt a fool proof...
  12. sac10918

    Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)

    Hmmm....Maybe I will give that I try next week. I have midterms right now, so I am too busy to deal with it, but I think I might give it a go next week. Actually, I shouldnt be on at all this week! But I can't help myself....
  13. sac10918

    Raw shrimp???

    Thiss might be super obvious, but I thought I would clarify. The raw shrimp is added to start a cycle at the beginning of a tank set up, and is not added once the tank is up and going with inverts, fish, etc. You only want ammonia when there is nothing living in the tank. So this is not done...
  14. sac10918

    Cleaner shrimp

    So are cleaners asexual? I didnt think they were but I cant figure out why yours would have eggs if there is only one in the tank....
  15. sac10918

    DT's phytoplankton vs Marine Snow

    I was wondering if I should be using either DT's phytoplankton or marine snow to feed my corals. I have some mushrooms, frogspawn, star polyps, clove polyps, a BTA, etc. Is there a difference between these two products? Would you recommend one over the other or neither? Please fill me in...
  16. sac10918

    What Kind of Anemone?

    Hmmm I am NO expert, but it doesnt look like any sebae I have seen. However, I wanted to post to comment that a white sebae isnt necessarily a good thing. My understanding is that this means that the anemone has bleached, which is actually undesirable. I healthy sebae would actually be more...
  17. sac10918

    Breeding clownfish.

    I have heard the Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson is a good book for breeding. I own the book, but have no experience breeding so I cant say for sure that the practices are good, but I have noticed it recommended by lots of others...
  18. sac10918

    acclimating a Bubble Tipped Anemone

    When I put mine in the tank (I have metal halides) I put it low and sortof near th entrance to the cave. I believe that I have read that someimes they will hide in darkness for bit before coming it out. It stayed in the cave entrance not getting full light for like 1.5 weeks, and now I can tell...
  19. sac10918

    clownfish and Anemones

    Originally Posted by reefmate75 i would wait 2 weeks befor selling it, they split but they cant eat at frist as their mouths might not be properly formed and something could go wrong and one die for no aparent reason and then your stuck without one Good to know!
  20. sac10918

    Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)

    SO this morning when I turned the lights on it is lookng bubbled up and small, but is confined to the right side of the rock so it didnt split. Would its foot need to stretch out onto both sides for it to split, because the foot goes up and underneath the rock on the right and doesnt look like...