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  1. sac10918

    clownfish fat

    Your clowns belly doesnt look quite as large as the one in the other thread. Have you noticed your clowns clearing an area to possibly lay eggs? I sure hope that it is eggs and not an illness!
  2. sac10918

    One True Percula, what next?

    I think you should wait at least 4-6 weeks between adding fish so that the tank can equilize. Also, you might want to consider setting up a QT if your going to adding fish so that all of your inhabitants stay very healthy.... There are several nice fish that you could have in your tank. You...
  3. sac10918

    Raising Clownfish Pics

    Wow! They are fantastic! I am hoping to get my black saddleback a mate and I really really hope they breed. My husband is hoping that this doesnt happen, because he says I will be an emotional wreck.... Congratulations! And thanks for the pics....Keep us posted!
  4. sac10918!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, I would definatley bring the temperature up ASAP, but slow down with the salinity and such. Don't do anything too drastic, you dont want a swing in the other direction. Fish can live at lower salinity (since we hypo them). Did any of your inverts survive? I think your corals will come...
  5. sac10918

    a branch of my hammer coral died can it grow back?

    Is there no tissue left in the branch at all? If so, I am pretty sure that it can't grow back. I might be wrong, but I have never heard of them growing back. I think you can break the dead heads away and just have the live heads if you prefer not to have the dead ones in your tank.
  6. sac10918

    Coral pics!!!! Help please!!!!

    What are your water parameters?
  7. sac10918

    Glass Cleaner?

    I have always found that if the water on the outside glass of the tank has already dried up, you can just use a dry paper towel with nothing on it. It works really well actually. Although, I have never tried the vinegar method.
  8. sac10918

    Anyone use non-aquarium style stuff?

    I was wondering if anyone else out there has every used random items from the house to help in the aquarium.... If you do, post up your suggestions for others to read! I think my most "helpful" item is womens hair claw clips, which work really good for drip acclimating anything. I use one to...
  9. sac10918

    first fragging!!

    I have noticed that when mushrooms get angry they spew up the "stringy things" from the mouth. The first time I saw it, I was really concerned. Now I have realized its not a big deal!
  10. sac10918

    Thoughts on adding a fish

    I think you could add one more small fish to the tank.... You only have the two, right? I don't know much about the royal gramma, so maybe someone else can add some feedback for you. Also, what sort of filtration do you have?
  11. sac10918

    Salifert Nitrite test kit

    1 mL.... Okay, great....
  12. sac10918

    I hate my QT....Its gross

    Okay, so I did it! Its still not perfect, but it definately is improved. I was just worried that by taking out a lot of water and scraping that I might lose some of the beneficial bacteria that I am so desperately wanting to cycle my tank. I guess its silly though, because I dont think the...
  13. sac10918

    New Crocea Clam - Pic!

    Very nice! I would like to get one but don't have any room!
  14. sac10918

    Salifert Nitrite test kit

    Does anybody own one of these? I seem to have lost my instruction sheet and cant remember if I need 1ml or 2mls of aquarium water....
  15. sac10918

    I hate my QT....Its gross

    Hey Al The bottom is covered with black construction paper but it is still reflective when you look from the side (but not from above).... I will definatley get some for the back of the tank too.... So I can replace the water I took out with new water?
  16. sac10918

    New to Corals, Any help appreciated.

    I think its between 8 -12 dKh.... I am not positive, I know there was a thread on here a few days ago asking the same question. I do know that it is better to be on the higher side (like 10-12) of the scale than the lower side of the alkalinity scale (like 3 or 4). I think it helps to stabilize...
  17. sac10918

    Need advice before tomorrow afternoon - Please help (Thank you)

    WOW! You sure have a lot going on! Here is what I think you should do... Go to the store tomorrow and return the damsels. You are definatley right to want to make the swtich to the nicer tank before you get things up and going. It is a true pain to switch tanks once you have fish, corals, and...
  18. sac10918

    I hate my QT....Its gross

    Okay, So I set up a QT about 5 or 6 weeks ago so that I can QT some upcoming fish additions. I used a 10 gallon and some equipment that I had on hand, including a biowheel filter. I filled it with water straight from my display to kick off the cycle. I also added a cocktail shrimp for a day or...
  19. sac10918

    Good or Bad?

    I think that they are good, but I am not certain. I had a few in a previous tank and really liked them quite a lot. I wish I had some in my new tank.... Congrats!
  20. sac10918

    Would you call my tank a "light load"?

    Wow, I didnt realize they were that small. I have one on reserve from a local hobbyist. I am actually glad to hear that they stay small....Maybe there will be less of a chance of it knocking over my corals!