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  1. sac10918

    Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)

    Originally Posted by TangWhispr Razor blade will work I think I would be leery of slicing it. I really am not in a huge hurry for it to split, although it would be nice if it did.
  2. sac10918

    Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)

    Originally Posted by reefmate75 BTW are your MH 10ks? i have a theory i am wanting to test If I am not mistaken, I believe that it is a 150watt 14K bulb
  3. sac10918

    Hard Green Algae

    I dont think anyone really eats the stuff, but I may be wrong. I had the same issue and bought one of those extenders. It came with a plastic scraper but I upgraded it to a metal one which works like a charm.
  4. sac10918

    Please Give Me Attention And Tell Me What Ya Think

    Do you have a pic?
  5. sac10918

    Drip Acclimating Together???

    Yeah, you probably will only get the one. Save it for future use. In the meantime, do you have any extra buckets that you have used to mix saltwater or anything? If not, you could always go get one at home depot.
  6. sac10918

    Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)

    Hmmm.... I wonder if it wants more light then? I have MH, but it is on the bottom of the tank. I guess it will move if it wants to, right? Thanks for the compliment as well!
  7. sac10918

    Finally Coming Together...

    Depending on what type of fish you plan to keep, you might not even need the glass. I think it inhibits oxygen exchange at the water surface anyways. If you think you are going to keep fish that are more prone to jumping (like gobies, for example) then you will want to either figure out how to...
  8. sac10918

    Live Rock arrival

    I would just do as suggested above and get an extra heater and power head. You will probably need them anyways. Most of us have lots of extra equipment floating around, it I can almost guarantee that they will get used somewhere along the line.
  9. sac10918

    Feather Duster Question

    It should be able to make a new one, although I think it is pretty vulnerable without having its tube. Do you have anywhere you can put it where the hermits and crabs wont bother it? I think that would improve its odds.... Hope it works out!
  10. sac10918

    What's everyone using for test kits???

    I use a brand called Elos, which seems to be good. I think its made in italy. I also have some salifert test kits, which are also supposed to be accurate.
  11. sac10918

    In need of a filter?

    Hi I have recently added some prefilter (actually they are nylons) to my koralia pumps so that my new anemone doesnt get sucked up. I have noticed that I have to clean the darn thing every day or so because it gets all sort of stuff stuck to it as it sucks in the water. I have been thinking...
  12. sac10918

    clowning around

    Very nice! How do you like the clown goby? How big is he? I am hoping to get one for my 24 gallon as well. I am just waiting for the QT to finish cycling. Do you happen to have any more piccs of him? THanks!
  13. sac10918

    Drip Acclimating Together???

    Have you watched the acclimation flash (on the left) from I think this is where they say to separately acclimate fish and inverts, but multiple fish can be acclimated together.
  14. sac10918

    Drip Acclimating Together???

    I think you should definately acclimate them separately. If i am not mistaken, inverts and fish shouldnt be acclimated together. Also, I think that technically speaking, anything wet that you add to the display can bring in a disease. That being said, I dont QT new corals or inverts, but do QT...
  15. sac10918

    Cleaner shrimp

    How long have you had it? How does it have eggs if its the only one?
  16. sac10918

    Anyone use non-aquarium style stuff?

    Originally Posted by coachKLM a plastic pie serving thingy for scraping the inside of my tank. I used to use a new (but unwanted) credit card, which works especially good for the rounded corals since it flexes.
  17. sac10918

    a branch of my hammer coral died can it grow back?

    Hmmmm I am not sure why you would lost two heads for what sounds like no apparent reason... Maybe an expert can help!
  18. sac10918

    clownfish and Anemones

    I think she had one and it split into two, and it sounds like she wants to remove one (maybe sell it)? If this is the case, I dont think you have to wait before removing it to sell, transfer to another tank, etc.
  19. sac10918

    Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)

    Thanks for the nice words, Spanko. I sure like it, but not as much as my clown! Its supposed to be a BTA and it definately looked like one when I first bought it, but lately it looks more like an LTA since its tentacles have stretched out.... Does anybody know the cause of it?
  20. sac10918

    Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)

    Can anyone tell if this anemone might be positioning itself for a split? It has stretched itself out so that part of it is connected to one side of the cave and part is connected to the other. I am hoping that it might split becuase it is getting to be too big for my tank and if it splits, I...