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  1. gtiguy

    How Many Fish In 65g???

    This is all tru, just curious and good to know if i want to add one down the road ya know....I have a sump very basic with 3 drip trays and a decent skimmer running my system...Ive yet to decide what fish to add but wanted to at least reseach it first before i dive in .... :happyfish Prob gonna...
  2. gtiguy

    How Many Fish In 65g???

    Just curious, been into SW tanks now for about 2yrs and have had my 65g going strong now for 1.5yrs... I have 6 fish, with 3 inverts (2 shrimp, 1 star) .... Can I add 1 more? Depends on size? Or have i reached my limit?? :thinking:
  3. gtiguy

    How Many Fish In 65g???

    Just curious, been into SW tanks now for about 2yrs and have had my 65g going strong now for 1.5yrs... I have 6 fish, with 3 inverts (2 shrimp, 1 star) .... Can I add 1 more? Depends on size? Or have i reached my limit?? :thinking:
  4. gtiguy

    What is my blackcap basslet doing?

    Ive Had one now for 3 months and noticed the same thing, they burrow under a rock to make their home and spit the sand where its most convienent for them :hilarious Mine would spit the sand all over my sun polyps rock.... :notsure: He is still one of my favs, question though on their body do...
  5. gtiguy

    Favorite PC lighting

    I go for the coralife's as well, straight pin setup with 10ks, or recently switched to Odessya straight pin setup but 12ks (all 21" and 55w) .... The 10ks are more blue spectrum, and the 12ks give off a more white/yellow hue....I like personally the more blue look.... I mounted them in my...
  6. gtiguy

    What do you use for medai in your sump?

    From time to time i use carbon, or a phosphate sponge, but thats really sump is basically bare....I do however have 3 drip trays which all have different filter pads embedded in them to take out the unwanted from the tank...
  7. gtiguy

    Wet Dry?

    From my experience with HOB filters....your fish will def be alot happier with a sump due to the many added benefits that it carries, ...but it needs to be set up flawlessly or else you could have yourself a major nightmare waiting to happen.....esp with it being blackout season now.....
  8. gtiguy

    Who has a Leopard Wrasse?

    Id be interested in this as well.....They are pretty cool fish, looking to grab one sometime soon!!! Check out to see one in Carl's tank....
  9. gtiguy

    Can someone ID this coral ( pics)

    Yup Def a rasta leather, my lfs had one that was as big as my arm, they grow very fast .... Whered ya get it from, id like to get my hands on one of them too!!! Nice!!
  10. gtiguy

    My Water Is Brown!!!

    Sounds exactly what I went through, but instead of brown water mine was a greenish/yellow and it came back after each major water change...I even added a better skimmer and carbon and no happend like the other person above with me being away on vaca and coming back to my tank looking...
  11. gtiguy

    Sand sifting goby

    Get a 4 wheel drive goby, aka...2 spot goby....they have them on here...they sift the sand and spit it back out through there gills, the bigger the better though bc they tend to be very scared of large fish and wont clean where the fish swim....
  12. gtiguy

    Where did my Fire Shrimp go?

    Fire shrimp are known to hide, they dont like to much light which i have come to notice with mine of 3 months now....I also have heard they do better in pairs, makes them more active ....
  13. gtiguy

    Your guidance appreciated...

    Blenny's are the coolest, i would get a lawnmower blenny bc of their personalities and ability to eat algae in the tank....As for the damsels, my first fish was a 3 stripe damsel which i still have today and is a joy to watch with the other fish, i did have the experience to own a blue devil...
  14. gtiguy

    Too much lighting

    I def think that 400w MH on a 33g is overkill and would def burn corals placed in direct high lighting.....but on the flip side you prob could have a killer hard coral tank under those lights if they dont burn up ....
  15. gtiguy

    Brown growth

    Yeah its def "new tank syndrome" diatoms, it will cover alot in the time it takes the tank to cycle, but not to worry it will go away in time, just make sure your not using tap water or else you will also get a red cyano algae and that gets annoying..... Brown diatoms can also be a sign of old...
  16. gtiguy

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    Originally Posted by Jelezoglo how do the caves not fall apart??? how do you make them stable?? Yeah basically trial and error and once you get them to "lock" dont touch them again ....Had the caves for awhile now, always loved the look but since i did my friends 120 with islands, my...
  17. gtiguy

    Vietnam Star or Neon Star ?

    def not neon's, believe me if they were neon's youd know it the minute your acntics went on!!! Look like brown stars to me, i have some small rocks with them on it, as for the zoos if they get frilly around the edges would most likely be sun polyps, they grow like weeds...i started out with 8...
  18. gtiguy

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    My rock work!!! I like the look of the caves, but recently did my friends new 120g with 2 large islands, and its making me wanna change over .....
  19. gtiguy

    Why did my cleaner shrimp die? JEEEEEEEZ

    PH/ALK swings could have a dramatic effect on inverts..... Also check the copper as posted before me, when inverts die water quality is usually first suspect!!! :thinking:
  20. gtiguy

    Lets see some of your favorite coral

    Here's mine!!!