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  1. gtiguy

    Sand Sifting Goby

    thats my fault yea the 2 spot they are actually pretty amazing to watch as they eat the sand and sift it out of there gills, the ones i had were great until i introduced my first tang and than one of them got intimidated and wouldnt sift anywhere near the tangs swimming area....
  2. gtiguy

    how sensative are racoon butterflys?

    I bought a raccoon once on an impulse buy at the lfs and it died within 3 days bc it never ate anything....You have to physically see them eating first before you can buy them, or they wont eat...thats from what i heard, and my experience shows true... :thinking:
  3. gtiguy

    Need help with flatworms

    A sixline wrasse ate all my nuisant flatworms as soon as i got him home, but he was so small in my 65 he dissappeared after a week, =(
  4. gtiguy

    Helpp!!!! Wthhhhhhhhh!!!!

    Had the same thing happened to me and witt the bigger turbo snails they smell real bad when the pass on, :scared: i think in my case and maybe in yours if your pH and or alk levels arent stable, they wont last, same for all inverts...if you have a shrimp of any kind they usually go first but...
  5. gtiguy

    red algae problems

    Prob. Have high phosphates happened to me real bad but did regular water changes, cut back on lighting and drop some phos-beads (i forget the name) in the sump for 4 days at a time or until exhausted, seem to help) Completely went away never seen it again, but that was the old tank, starting to...
  6. gtiguy

    Who do you order your lights from?

    *** reference to external site removed ***
  7. gtiguy

    Sand Sifting Goby

    Try the 4 spot goby or aka 4-wheel drive goby...had them on my old 30g (should be bought in pairs) they do an amazing job actually tryin to find them again.... :happyfish
  8. gtiguy

    Tank Cloudy?

    Originally Posted by sonicboom1 Ive used the drops many times..worked wonders for me, I checked my water aftera day and still was just clunks stuff together basically. Which drops did you use? I heard they werent so good for the tank...esp if you have reef! Kent Marine just came out...
  9. gtiguy

    Tank Cloudy?

    Originally Posted by dburr What color is the "cloud"? Green or white? White could be ammonia/nitrites or just sand blown around. Green could be a algae bloom. Depending on which it is will decide what course of action to take. Nah its clear and its foggy but not thick like a thin foggyness at...
  10. gtiguy

    Tank Cloudy?

    Originally Posted by wax32 I don't add anything but calcium and alkalinity and food to my tank so I have no experience with them. Has this new tank been set up long? Sometimes it just takes a while for things to "settle". Its been about 2 weeks now since i trasfered from a year established...
  11. gtiguy

    Tank Cloudy?

    Originally Posted by wax32 This may sound dumb, but is your glass clean? Try adding a bag of carbon in your sump. Not dumb at all but yeah the glass is hard to clean but its clean from what i see, whats a good way to clean it? Ill try some carbon maybe that will do it, i know my friends does...
  12. gtiguy

    Tank Cloudy?

    Ok so help me figure this one out my tank is cloudy above the rocks and its been like that for sometime now... :mad: I tried everything and nothing so water parameters are fine, my sump/overflow is fine my powerheads are on and running 3 of them....i dont get it .... Also opinions...
  13. gtiguy

    Whats your light cycle

    250 PC Fixture 2 acintics 2 10000K Everything 8hrs Blues 2.5 hrs (at night)
  14. gtiguy

    Bad Crab?

    Ok here is the best i could do, hopefully this helps!!!
  15. gtiguy

    Bad Crab?

    Will try and post a pic but he likes to hide right now, Kinda looks like a spider on his legs and is brownish in color beefy claws too like popeys forearms lol ....but is realitively small, my friend had about ten of them pulled them out of the local body of salt water (glen island park/beach)...
  16. gtiguy

    ? about Naso Tang

    Have a naso right now, one of the healthiest fish i own (knock on wood) beautiful colors (blonde naso) and loves to eat all kinds of food from greens to brine etc....looks like a rock when stressed in the tank and becomes very still....white spots as well but gets very dark....personality is...
  17. gtiguy

    Bad Crab?

    Just took home couple days ago a crab from my friends tank... Dont know what kind it is but looks like a regular crab (not hermit or anything like that) Found one of the 2 anthias under a rock being eatin by the crab when i got home today, did he die on his own or did the crab snag him somehow?
  18. gtiguy

    VHO or Power compact??

    I just bought my friends power compact (he swicthed over to MH) for my 40g and have numerous amounts of new soft corals doing very well, turned my tank recently into a reef so everything is still new 2 months in w/corals ....only thing ... i got a frag of candy cane for curiousity sake that is...
  19. gtiguy

    New Xenia Help!?

    I bought one thats already on a small rock and i put it in the middle of my tank on the floor...think that is sufficent enough? or should it be placed high on top of the LR? Also does it need to be in a high flow area?
  20. gtiguy

    New Xenia Help!?

    Just bought a pulsating pink xenia and seems to be doing well but; Some Questions to ask: 1.Whats a good placement for it, ? 2.had for 24hrs goin on 48 and has bloomed nicely but is not pulsating like it was at my lfs :notsure: Whats goin on?