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  1. gtiguy

    PRIME and other reducers, DO THEY WORK??

    I think the question we need to find out is before you even look to lfs bottled garbage that promotes results is why is he having an ammonia problem? Are their fish in the tank? maybe one died your not aware of? Hows your rock status is it cured? or base rock?? deep sand bed? all things that can...
  2. gtiguy

    PRIME and other reducers, DO THEY WORK??

    yeah as i have learned you shouldnt be adding anything to your tank, most of that stuff is bs in my opinion and only stears the tank in the wrong direction...your tank should progress on its own and start looking good if you maintained everything the right way, ro water, good salinity, temp, and...
  3. gtiguy

    Beth's new 55gal...LOTS of pics...

    Originally Posted by Spectre879 Dont mean to intergect but... I currently use a Hob and for the most part it works fine. Now thats not to say its not perfect. I will be replacing it with a w/d filter soon. But my hob has always worked fine and has never clogged. Now my nitrates and ammonia...
  4. gtiguy

    Lets See Your Reef Videos!!!

    thats a good move, esp if you have a small of my fav corals right now in my tank besides the full GSP is the torch and pagoda nice!!!
  5. gtiguy

    Lets See Your Reef Videos!!!

    Hahaha Thanks, well ya know its been an obesession as soon as the corals went in lol ..... Kenya are crazy, some people hate them some people love them, the problem with them is that they are considered dirty water corals lol ...they thrive in just about any conditions and once they get big...
  6. gtiguy

    Lets See Your Reef Videos!!!

    Ok here is to the start of anyone who has a video of their tank...Very easy to make here is my homemade version....Went for the more carribean music My Tank!
  7. gtiguy

    Beth's new 55gal...LOTS of pics...

    Well i guess i am speaking in terms of doing a reef setup, but i did have FO for awhile.....Phos or phosphate media thats what i was speakin of, its usually found in tap water and tell tale signs of needing a phos media is red cyano bacteria or brown diatoms on the sand and or rocks.... As for...
  8. gtiguy

    moon lights

    I think the first box (with 2 leds pictured above) come with the ac adapter is about $23 give or take, the add ons (w/o the ac adapter) they plug into the side of the main one, giving you additional leds is about $12-$15...This brand is more common than you think apparenetly all of companies on...
  9. gtiguy

    moon lights

    Moonlights rock!!! They give the tank that extra look at night plus they serve as a spawning light for inverts from what i hear....I have all my lights on timers so they go on automatically so my tank is never dark...better for the fish imo!! Here is what i got in my setup, very inexpensive...
  10. gtiguy

    Beth's new 55gal...LOTS of pics...

    I think they are great for lower gallon for bigger tanks i def think you would see an improvement in tank conditons with a sump/refug. Just my 2 cents....You get more flow, a constant replenish of water, higher o2 levels for the fish and can be used if setup right as extra power...
  11. gtiguy

    Pros and Cons of Deep Sand Bed

    Deep sand bed = nightmare down the road.... My personal experience if anyone remembers the green water incident i had followed after the deep sand bed matter....I had about a 3" sand bed and it started to get weird colored deep down and you could see it through the glass at the bottom (like...
  12. gtiguy

    white smoke??

    WoW I have the same thing in my tank!!! I see the little guy every once in awhile and actually on 2 occasions seen the thing blow the white smoke out of its body, and yes it does look like a snail without a shell, anyone have any ideas???? I think its throwing out babies to be honest, thats my...
  13. gtiguy

    Beth's new 55gal...LOTS of pics...

    I havent been a fan of the shrimp cycle method but if it works more power to ya...I have heard it may take awhile and even than you really dont know if the shrimp may cause an ammonia outbreak ...... As far as the tank goes a 55g with a hang on filter may not be the best bet...i would look into...
  14. gtiguy

    Bang Guy..Quick question, or anyone else.

    sixline rasse!
  15. gtiguy

    Is this and outrageous price?

    3 heads for $240 ?!?? WoW thats insane...I picked 1 head up from a friend for $10 lol and i also got 1 head of rainbow hammer from a LFS for $20....and i thought $60-$80 for 6+ heads was crazy lol ..... That also would mean that the green hammer i scored for free at a local frag swap with 12-15...
  16. gtiguy

    Just wanted to share these different star pollops,

    looks like white star polyps from the green star polyp family...they also come in brown colors as well....
  17. gtiguy

    85 degrees

    Put a nice sized fan on top of the tank and let it cool down the lights will help greatly!!! Also if you have an ac in the room turn it up, thats the same as having a chiller.... Fan on top of my sump=80.8 Fan on top of my canopy blowing in=80.0 AC on with fan=78.2 AC and fan all nite=77.1 This...
  18. gtiguy

    xenia question ...

    Mine does the same as everyones as well...reaches for the light...xenia grow like weeds and you can frag them easily to move them to a diff location...i did that the other day with a razor cut a branch off put it on another rock and its doing fine!!!
  19. gtiguy

    Fish losing color, please help

    that is normal at night for some fish to get pale looking, esp yellow tangs, etc...also could be a sign of old age, i know a friend who has an old domino damsel jet black that now is almost casper white.... Also you might want to switch your food, some foods are made for enhancing fish colors as...
  20. gtiguy

    media to put in sump?

    You can put any combination of media in the sump, depends on what you are looking to accomplish...from time to time i put carbon into my sump, helps clear the water and take out some phosphates but becareful with carbon cause it can also take out alot of the tanks essential elements in the...