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  1. granny

    OMG!!!! I lost all my fish (heater)!!!!!!!!!!

    So sorry to hear of your loss-That is horrible. The chiller is a great idea-However, I dont have one-never have and have been fortunate not ever to have had your problem. I reccomend using two smaller heaters in tanks rather than one large one for just this reason. INstead of a 200, go with a...
  2. granny

    29 gallon stocking list

    Fairy Wrasses are indeed invert safe. They are extraordinarily peaceful-except to conspecifics. However, they also require quite a bit of swimming room as they are very active. Fish that are not tremendously active swimmers do better in smaller tanks. Perching fish like hawks or small gobies...
  3. granny

    ? purchase pods

    Well, I broke my own rule. My LFS had the most beautiful Mandarin - just could not pass him up-so now he is in my 75gal tank. I do have 100lbs + of live rock, but do not feel there are adequate pods to feed him. I am feeding live brine and black worms, which he seems to love, but would like to...
  4. granny

    bad algae or coralline?

    I get the same thing in my tank. NOt sure if it is coraline or just algae 'scum' that calcifies in the salt water. Anyway, it takes a razor blade to remove it. You can purchase a longhandled tool with a stainless steel blade for just this purpose.
  5. granny

    usinf diatom filter with kick ich

    Yes, you can continue to use your diatom filter while treating. It will have no impact on the chemicals you are using to treat, other that you will need to discard (change) the filter module after you complete treatment as it will absorb the medication used. The diatom filter can aid inthe...
  6. granny

    I moved my tank, what happens now

    "NOT EVER!" LOL! If you have only one powerhead you need to find a way to angle it-opposite from your water return(assuming you have a sump or canister here) so that the water coming from one direction sort of washes over the other one creating a mini vertical whirlpool effect. Usually the best...
  7. granny

    I moved my tank, what happens now

    There are many factors which determine whether your tank will recycle or not. Generally whenever you have a major move, you have some die-off of beneficial bacters. I would reccomend proceeding as if you are setting your tank up new-test for ammonia and Nitritites. If some show, then wait till...
  8. granny

    time question ???

    Their anemone of choice in the wild is the carpet, so your selection is perfect. Do you knowif your fish are wild caught or captive raised? If they are raised without anemones, it takes a while for them to get the idea. If they were wild caught, shouldnt take long at all. My tomato jumped into...
  9. granny

    Pics of My New Tank!

    Your new tank looks great. I love the way you have your rock arranged-amazing how much it weighs isnt it?? UM, did all those things you mentioned come in on the live rock? You do know it is unlikely they will survive your tank cycling-if you let it go through a normal cycle, the nitrites will...
  10. granny

    Cycling with a shrimp

    IT doesnt really matter-It will disintigrate or decompose as your tank cycles. Once it starts to get yucky, you can remove itif you want to, but it is there to be a catalyst for bacteria growth, so it is fine to leave it for cycling. The cycling process will take several weeks and once you have...
  11. granny

    leopard wrasse pic

    INcredible as juveniles-they do change as adults to a more subdued coloration.
  12. granny

    Thomas your advice please

    Sometimes the difference inlight is the problem. If your LFs has them under metal halides and you are putting them under PC's they probably cannot adjust. Often, supplemental feeding will help to compensate, but ifyours wre under a rock for 2 weeks, itis unlikely you were feeding them. That...
  13. granny

    Stocking list

    Personally, I love the fairy wrasses-all of them!! They become tame, are peaceful, and constantly swim in and around your tank, adding lots of activity to the tank. You could safely add a kole tang(in my opinion, they do fine in a 75 gal) or something exotic looking like the Kauderns cardinal or...
  14. granny

    Good, Bad, or Ugly

    OK, Your bicolor blenny is fairly aggressive. He will literally attack the small gobies if tey come near him, so I would suggest getting just one of those three-either the blenny or one of the gobies. If you choose to add a butterfly (which i would NOT reccomend) do it after your tank has been...
  15. granny

    Can I, or Can I not?

    MOst anemones require intense lighting-preferably metal halides. I have kept a bubble tip for about 5 months now under the Orbit PC system which has 130 watts of high outputlighting-probably the same thing you have-but the depth of the tank is important. My 75 gal is only 20 inches tall and I...
  16. granny

    what is normal sump evaporation?

    YUP! Remember to add buffer to your top off water or you will lower your tank PH
  17. granny

    Yet another question from a newbie

    Is great that you are concerned with having happy fish-As much as possible in a closed environment that is what we want to do. However, as noted above, your blue tang will not be 'happy' for long at all. These fish are constantly swimming and grazing. It will be miserable in your tank and suffer...
  18. granny

    Red Algea ?

    I started to say that it is probaly coraline coating your plants, but then noticed you said it was fuzzy. My Mermaids fan has turned red, but it is with coraline encrustacion. Is it hair algae or the good stuff whic I cannot remember the name of right now??? Oh, its angel hair caluerpa
  19. granny

    Other Fish???

    My yellow tang and coral beauty are best buds!
  20. granny

    Any tips for getting rid of fleas?

    I have used Frontline Plus - from the vet-and Advantix both successfully. My dogs have not had a single flea in years and we live inthe country! Either you are getting a bum product from somewhere besides your vets office, or perhaps not enough for your dogs weight. As far as killing them in the...