Search results

  1. granny

    Frozen Foods

    My fish are so tame, they come right to my hand to eat-so I take the frozen food and hold it in the water-they hit it one after the other. Sometimes, if I am not in a rush, I put it in a little container, drop some Zoecon on top then let it thaw some. As Chipmaker said the other critters in the...
  2. granny

    Natural sea water

    Personally, I would check the salinity of the water you are adding each time and the constancy of it in your tank. What do you do for top off water when yours evaporates? If you dont have a basis, you wont be able to keep your water parameters stable. In the old days=when I was young-we had no...
  3. granny

    Mixing clowns

    All the data I have read says no-The Marine Science Museum at the Beach NEVER mixes clowns. They are instinctively territorial, protecting their anemone to the death. If your clowns decide to fight, the percs will lose. They are the most peaceful of the clowns and mix well with many fish. If...
  4. granny

    Best protein skimmer for 75G

    I run a Euro-Reef, probably the best, or at least one of the best on the market.Comes with pump, runs super quietly, efficiently and lovely bubbles. overflow cup is easy to dump and clean and it just runs and runs and runs. It is simple to set up and the adjustments are very easy to make, Get...
  5. granny

    Any suggestions welcome

    ONe of my all time favorite fish is the Marine Betta-it is a small grouper, dark with spots and huge tailfin. It kind of hangs in the water-will eat small shrimp etc. but they are not shy and will come to you at feeding time. A hawkfish would also go well with the Betta and in that size tank.
  6. granny

    Size for a quarantine tank.

    HA HA!! My quarantine tank is a 29-but that is just because I found a nice used one inexpensively to use. Tanks are not expensive and the small tanks are pretty easy to maintain. personally, I would go with a larger tank if you have room and you can spare a few extra dollars. Your fish will be...
  7. granny

    Firefish Goby

    If you havent seen anyone picking on her (the goby) then it is probably just 'new kid on the block syndrome'. Some fish take a couple of weeks to get comfortable in a new tank and will literally hole up for a while till they feel safe. The firefish goby has that long dorsal fin to lock...
  8. granny

    antenna lionfish&clowns

    My Marine Aquaria book states that they will eat any fish they can fit into their mouths as well as any shrimp in the vicinity. They reccomend feeding them ghost shrimp and live feeder fish. Seems to me they would happily eat clowns and gobies as well, The Antennata reaches about 7 inches and is...
  9. granny

    General help on a new sw aquarium.

    There are some great canister filters out there-they force the water through chemical filtration media with no bypass so are very effective in that respect, plus you have your pump, intake etc. all in one package. BUT, you need to make sure you have adequate aeration for sufficient oxygen...
  10. granny

    Question about adding sand

    I am not a sand lover-only have one tank with sand in it, about 4 inches and it is always a mess! Blowing around and looks gross from the front of the tank. BUT all that aside, you rinse it in a bucket under running water till it runs clear. You will lose some as you pour off the dusty dirty...
  11. granny

    What Size is Your biggest shroom?

    None of mine is over 3 inches either, but there was a post on here where one guys shroom ate his Lionfish!! He posted the pictures of it. It may still be around somewhere.
  12. granny

    Why are bubbles bad?

    I also run airstones, but not in my reef tank-inthe FOWLR tanks. micro bubbles all over your tank are harmful and an irritant to the fish-the confined upward stream of an airstone is NOT harmful to your fish and does aid in moving water to the top of the water column, which can help in nitrate...
  13. granny

    To Many Bubbles

    NOt familiar with the coral life specifially, but know that if your venturi gets saltwater crud in it, it will cause bubbles. You can backwash it with warm non salted ro water and that dissolves any salt that may be in the lines. I do this with my Euro Reef skimmer every coupld of weeks.
  14. granny

    General help on a new sw aquarium.

    Fish Guy-micro bubbles all over your tank are harmful. but an airstone has a contained column of bubbles, usually fairly large that rise straight up to the top and dont diffuse around the tank unless you have it directly infront of a power head. This kind of airstone is beneificial in the tank...
  15. granny

    Where is your aquarium located in your house?

    My 75 reef is in the entrancy foyer-slate floors, 29 gal fowlr is in the bedroom-not really very noise at all and the 55 fowlr is in the downstairs game room on the other side of the pool table.
  16. granny


    Do you also have a deep sand bed? The only thing I can think of is to remove as much as you can every day. The stuff is too heavy for the siphon to pick it up. I just reach in and scoop it up in my fingertips, then toss it into a container. You do need to keep it off your rocks. You could use a...
  17. granny

    General help on a new sw aquarium.

    OK, the Antennata Lionfish reaches about 7 inches in the aquarium and he eats live stuff-other fish and shrimp primarily. I think he would consume your clowns-and would definitely not let you put any shirmp, cleaners or others in your tank. If you really want the lion, you need to rethink your...
  18. granny

    General help on a new sw aquarium.

    The air stone is up to you. If you like the look of it, use it. It does help move water from the bottom of the tank upward, which is a benefit to the circulation. I keep one if all my tanks on a batter powered pump which will turn on during power failures. On my 29 gal, I have an airstone that...
  19. granny

    General help on a new sw aquarium.

    Yes, its fine to have an airstone in a saltwater tank. Some of the fish enjoy swimming through the bubbles! If you have no fish in your tank now-FIRST make a list of your favorite fish, most favorite at the top, then going down! Then check to see if they are compatible with each other. Then buy...
  20. granny

    hiding anenome

    Yeah, The BTA doesnt care whether you can see it or not, front or back of tank, all the same to him!! It seems like they always head for the back of the rock when you first get them and eventually, hopefully will end up back front under the lights again. The lighting change was probably enough...