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  1. granny

    Combo RO/DI unit question - Ready to buy

    My Unit Produces 75 Gpd-one Recommended By Many On This Site. We Dump Into A 30 Gallon Rubber Trash Can For Fish Changes And Use The Holding Tank For Our Drinking Water. It Also Has A Bypass Hose For Filling Jugs. This May Get Edited Out, But The Site, Responds Immediately To...
  2. granny

    Need help, please!

    It looks like a beautiful bubble tip anemone. Did you buy it? Dont tell me it just showed up with some rock??? Lucky you if it did. BTA's dont need as much light as many corals do so you are probably frying it with teh MH-the light and the heat. It looks like it is trying to hide and has placed...
  3. granny

    Newbie with questions on an icky tank.

    I would like to say that crushed coral isnt all bad. Sand is the 'new' thing to use-as are refugiums etc. Crushed coral was used as a substrate in almost all saltwater tanks for years and years and years and I personally still use it in some tanks. I provides a good buffer, looks natural and...
  4. granny

    Club Soda

    HMM, I like the drip techinique and will try it in the future. I have to say that I resorted to using Ginger Ale last week-had no club soda!! The GA worked well. I took out the rock which was encrusted with tons of good stuff, held it over a bucket and poured ginger ale through the holes, The...
  5. granny

    Lighting for fish only tanks

    MH are not necessary for Fish only tanks, are expensive and will cause your water temps to rise. All you need is something to give you good color. A full spectrum daylight bulb in your standard fixture will work just fine. Save your money for another tank-you will want one before you know...
  6. granny

    Clown Tang

    He is a beautiful fish and appears to be in good health. This species can grow to an extremely large size-18-20 inches in the home aquaria and needs a very large tank. They also require immaculate tank conditions, clean, highly oxygenated water and are considered to be extremely aggressive...
  7. granny

    Pictures of my 58 (I hope)

    Hey, you did a great job on the pics. I am a techno-phobic-without a digital camera (am I the only person in the world without one?? I still use polaroids!) What is the yellow fish in the first photo? A Wrasse?
  8. granny

    Red algae problem- please read!

    I have this problem as well in my newest tank-the only one which has a deep sand bed. My LFS saltwater guy-who is pretty knowledgable as he is a marine biologist said it takes a while for the sand beds to 'settle in' and meanwhile, they hold the waste products and bacteria-He keeps telling me to...
  9. granny

    Cleaner Gobies- Please help!

    Its called a cleaner wrasse-but looks just like a blennie that bite fish, so you have to be careful. It is also a small blue fish, larger than the neon gobies, with an elongated body. they have a funny swimming motion in the tank which is supposed to attract or let the other fish know it is a...
  10. granny

    OK so whats wrong with the BTA?

    You are probably right. I havent gone back upstairs yet to look in my book-have been reading Bob Fenners web site comments and he does speak of several different colored anemones there-but only references on species the Entacmaea Quadricolor. Lets see, its Family, Genus, then species-right? Then...
  11. granny

    fish list (overstocked?)

    Yes, How mature is your tank? The Mandarin is always on the alert list-Should ONLY be in lonng established reef tanks with a minimum of 100 lbs of live rock-unless you are going to provide them with live black worms and bring shrimp daily. Can you set up a second tank or trade some fish back in...
  12. granny

    Taxes-am I the only one who hasnt filed yet?

    At least you have your priorities straight! I was hoping to purchase the Typhoon III RO/DI unit, but now hav to PAY TAXES instead! Oh well such is life.
  13. granny

    Fine dust?

    Could be velvet- Did this JUST show up and is it on ALL the fish?
  14. granny

    Tank cycle and stocking

    Perhaps in the larger tank, but I would not EVER try it in a small tank like the 37 gal. Active fish like angels, wrasses, tangs need lots of swimming room and lots of rock work to hide in-the smaller tanks are great for smaller, less active fish like gobies, blennies, the clowns are ok-some...
  15. granny

    Taxes-am I the only one who hasnt filed yet?

    I think the folks who expect a refund file first-Those of us who have to pay wait till the last minute(literally) to send ours in. I sure hate writing that check every year - doing my part to help our economy!!
  16. granny

    Life span of dwarf angels?

    15-20 years is the 'normal' life span-I had one for 12 years and he was alive and kicking when I had to move to a new town and found new homes for all my stuff. If your Flame was an adult when purchased, you dont know how old he may be. If he was a F'enfant (fishbaby) then something has...
  17. granny

    Ammonia in tap water?

    Most city water supplies have Chlorine added, which will test as ammonia. It is a gas, so easily disspates if the water is aerated adequately. Our local water guy told me that simply squirting the water from your hose into the air gets rid of the chlorine in it. Are you aerating your water and...
  18. granny

    Taxes-am I the only one who hasnt filed yet?

    And here I sit on the message board instead of finishing up my taxes. Well, this IS more interesting!
  19. granny

    Bat Fish

    The fish store where I used to work-just for funsies-had a 1000 tank with a bat in it. As he grew, he became less attractive, the body grew larger and the fins diminished in size as the body grew. he ended up looking more like a huge Discus!!-well, not exactly, but the beautiful long fins were...
  20. granny

    New Saltwater Enthusiast

    In a matured/cycled tank, you will show NO ammonia at all and at the end of cycling you should have some nitrates-the end product. Your bioload could be small for the size tank you have, but still the ammo should read 0 before you put anything in. It is important to monitor the progress of your...