Search results

  1. granny

    Plans For Aquarium Setup With Sump/refugium

    I dont have any plans to send-but there is lots of info on the net and many pictures on this web site. You can use an overflow from the tank to the sump which can be grandiose or just a tank to hold water, your skimmer etc. you can actually use the same sump as both the container for eqip and...
  2. granny

    Anyone in Central VA? Like Chatham??

    Better buy your land now and move quickly!! Folks from up north have discovered us and prices are beginning to rise. Our quiet little lake has been bought out buy a developer and now they are selling lake front lots for around 50,000. A year ago, you could buy 50 acres with that! The property...
  3. granny

    need soft coral expert please!!

    OK, What am I looking at here? Are those your weapons of destruction?? SCARY
  4. granny

    need soft coral expert please!!

    Thomas, Took the advice and moved my Snake polyps out and up into the light-also removed a bunch of the little stars-though I do think they are pretty waving in the breeze- You are merciless arent you?? Results have been good. The snakes are looking better, though they do droop during the day...
  5. granny

    Anyone in Central VA? Like Chatham??

    We are right smack in the middle of the state!! Your perspecitive is skewed from away up north there. No one ever heard of us, but Pittsylvania County is the largest county in the state with only around 60,000 residents. We are in the country. Looks like we are the only Virginia people who use...
  6. granny

    loctite super glue gel question

    Thanks Guys, I have great red kelp, but it blows all over the place.
  7. granny

    ok day 9: clown will not eat!!!!

    Have you tried any LIVE foods? Live mysis or live brine or live black worms? Many fish just wont try dead stuff at first. Once they get to eating, they cant stop. but, it worries me he hasnt been more enthusiastic in trying foods. Are there other fish in your tank that do eat? Usually the new...
  8. granny

    new tank all set up, cycle finished, and my new fish!!!

    Your enthusiasm is contagious-makes us remember why we are all in the hobby! What are your lights attached to?? It looks like youve got them screwed into a concrete overhead?? and yes, Herbie and Moose are gorgeous (two boys??)
  9. granny

    How To Cure Rocks

    Sure-piece of cake. You pretend the rocks are fish-top off your tank with fresh salt water, start all your pumps-check water parameters just as if you were cycling a new tank-youll get yuck and should see some ammo and nitrite -as you are now an expert-once you have cycled again, do a nice water...
  10. granny

    loctite super glue gel question

    What about Krazy Glue Gel?? I sent my husband out for Super glue gel and he came back with the Krazy glue. His comment "same difference" EXCUSE ME?? Does any one know if this is safe??
  11. granny

    Is this fire worm to big?

    I hate these things. They give me the creeps. In the olden days, we killed them if we saw them-considred them a nuisance rather than a benefit. Ugly and they do eat-or bore into rocks and stony corals. you will see their enlarged holes filled with rock dust. Yours isnt in the sand-mine never is...
  12. granny

    Aquaripure denitrator

    Packer, I e-mailed Rick and he contacted me quickly with info on the sulfur unit. They are pricey, but look easy to connect and if they work are worth the $$. I tend to overstock my tanks because there are just so many beautiful fish to choose from. I keep adding tanks for livestock because I...
  13. granny

    Finding Nemo?

    WOW! SCSInet, Extremely well said-in a few words(comparatively speaking) you have summed up our desires to be a part of the enchanting marine environment with vs our personal responsibilities to ALL living creatures. My hat-if I had one-is off to you. IN admiration and total agreement, Granny
  14. granny

    Anyone in Central VA? Like Chatham??

    It would be nice to find some other Saltwater enthusiasts close by-have never seen another Virginian posted here. Any out there?
  15. granny

    Tank READY!!!

    Not that I know of. It is just very fine residu floating around in your water that needs clearing out. It will settle on its own eventually, but it is better to clean it out now. You have a couple of options-using the pre-filter, changing the pads as they get clogged -using a diatom filter -just...
  16. granny

    Bubbles in Tank

    this is a common problem-check former threads for bubbles and you will find some good infor. You might try cleaning the venturi, which needs to be done every 2-3 weeks on my Aqua Clear skimmer. Get about a cup of very warm RO water-not salt-and place the venturi intake into the container of...
  17. granny

    Pimple bump thingy

    and back to your problem-if it is a problem at all. Do you have access to any good books on marine aquaria? at the library or your LFS? There is usually a section on fish diseases/parasitic infestations with good pictures. Try to pinpoint EXACTLY what is on your fish before tanking any...
  18. granny

    Tank READY!!!

    OK, Great. Did you clean out the pieces as it deterierated? If not, then some of your cloudiness may be due to that. I would still suggest cleaning up the water with a pre-filter, increasing your temperature to a minimum of 78 and only addint one fish for starters-just in case there is a...
  19. granny

    Tank READY!!!

    Oops! Forgot-i Agree-increase Your Temp A Little To At Least 78. Mine Stays On 80 All The Time To Avoid Fluctuations As That Is What Our Summer Thermostat Is Set On.
  20. granny

    Tank READY!!!

    I Would Not Add A Cleanup Crew Yet And Would Suggest Waiting For The Cloudiness To Clear. It Could Be Residue From Your Sand Or Cc Whichever You Used. It Will Settle, But You Can Attack A Pre-filter To A Power Head Very Inexpensively And Polish That Water Up. Once The Water Is Clear, Add Your...