Search results

  1. granny

    ocean collecting

    Did someone say the Navy?? My husband retired from the Navy a few years ago and we finally settled down out here in the country! Once before, I told my lifes history and commented that at one time, all we had was what we collected locally from the ocean -including the sand and our water. I have...
  2. granny

    What food to you serve?

    Regularly, I use the multipacks of frozen food which have 4 different mixes in them and feed 1/2 of one cube in the morning and 1/2 of one cube in the evening. For my starfish, I chop up squid or mussels or pieces of fish from what my husband I may be having for dinner. Usually I soak the food...
  3. granny

    new... kinda!!!

    Oh WOW, Are you saying that little crab killed your cleaner, then your clowns??? I had a small crab, actually two, that looked very similar to that one, but they are now gone(victims of my ginger ale remedy to get rid of unwanted pests) Mine did in my BTA-but it was competing for the food. My...
  4. granny

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe??

    Alll right, NM Reef, Please tell me HOW they are positive? and why do all three of the marine aquaria books I have say they are pests? AND, why do I NEVER see them anywhere except boring tunnels through rock-in the LFS tanks, they have bunches in some of th tanks and they look HORRID, plus...
  5. granny

    ? about Amonia and Nitrates

    Your nitrates probably came in with the stuff you transfered over. But it is strange your ammonia levels havent changed at all, unless for some wierd reason, your beneificial bacteria had a major die off. It would be a good idea to do both, a larger water change, then add your turbo start. Are...
  6. granny

    Bristle Worms? Friend or Foe??

    Personally, I detest bristle worms. They usually live in the rock, not in the sand, can leave painful little 'splinters' in your hands when you work in the tank, get very large and ugly-all of the Marine Aquaria books that I have (which were all printed prior to year 2000) consider them a...
  7. granny

    pajama cardinal

    I reiterate I would NOT get one PJ cardinal. Your damsel will go after it every time it tries to stick its head out and it will hide all the time. Get another fish that stays up in the water column and can defend itself. The PJ will not. and it cannot compete for food with the others in that...
  8. granny

    protein skimmer goin haywire!!

    There is a simple, quick, maintenance item that needs to be done on most skimmers every week or two. I do mine every time I do a water change. Salt crust builds up in the juncture of tubing and pump that needs to be cleared. Simply take a cup of warm ro water-NO SALT_ Hold it by the venturi...
  9. granny

    Why do my shrimp keep dying?

    Shrimp also cannot take high nitrate levels-though your readings are fine. Nor can they tolerate copper if your tank has ever been treated with a copper medication. They also need iodine=I add a vial of iodine to my tank each water change and have over a dozen peppermint and cleaners which have...
  10. granny

    pajama cardinal

    I have 3 pg cardinals in my 75 gallon now. They were the first fish I added, and like y ou, I read they were schooling fish, which they are. However, two of mine have formed a bond and pick on the third one so I am considering giving him back to the fish store. PJ's are also ver very timid fish...
  11. granny

    Live Sand Help!

    If you are running charcoal or any kind of 'rocky' material in your fluval, that has colonized as well as all that live rock. If you have gotten away with removing it, washing it and putting it back in with no problems, then I dont see why you cant just remove it and replace it with sand without...
  12. granny

    24 GL stocking Question

    There s a web site that posts pics of fish for nanotanks and it would give you a good selection. Maybe nobody is watching this late at night-or esrly in the morning. Go to ***********.com under marine fish, then click on nano tanks and beginner fish. You can buy here or there or in your local...
  13. granny

    A Couple Zoo moonlight pics

    Moonlights give an eerie effect-BUT-uh, there is a lions face looking back at ya That is better than looking at cloud shapes! Good night-its past my bedtime.
  14. granny

    Live Sand Help!

    You have had nitrifying bacteria colonizing your crushed coral-that is one of the things it is good for-so I would anticipate some possible ammonia and nitrite in the tank. do you have an external filter or anything else you have been using for biological filtration? If not, it would be...
  15. granny

    New Tank

    Some people actually run their tanks in a state of permanent 'almost hypo' in an attempt to discourage some protozoan parasites, but the natural salinity of seawater is closer to 1.023 and that is what we should strive for, a more natural environment. Some fish come from locations where the SG...
  16. granny

    new tank all set up, cycle finished, and my new fish!!!

    But then she will have a girl with a boys name!!
  17. granny

    Anyone in Central VA? Like Chatham??

    93 cents isnt bad. My son lives in Deep Creek and their property taxes are $1.55 on the 100 but who can afford a house there anyway? You can still purchase a 3 bedroom brick house with basement here for around 100,000 and it will have a nice chunk of land with it. Land alone runs around $2,00...
  18. granny

    adding water to refugium

    wait, wait wait, If you are increasing your water volume, then you need to add saltwater to the tank. If you are just topping off from evaporation , replacement water, then you add ro water only, no salt as the salt does not evaporate with the water, though you do lose some salt and if you just...
  19. granny

    New Tank

    oops, sorry for the misstype=should be WITH, not QITH. I left out the PH. Make sure it is between 8.0 and 8.4, nothing less or higher, please. try to keep this consistant.
  20. granny

    New Tank

    First off, PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO CYCLE YOUR TANK QITH THE CLOWNS> Now that thats said, lets continue. You ahve a good start-go ahead and put your live sand in and let it settle down. Add something to start the cycle like a few flakes of fish food or toss in a shrimp from the freezer-before...