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  1. granny

    3 clowns + 3 anemonies = trouble

    Ive never had cinnamon clowns, but have had Maroon, Tomato and Ocellaris. The Tomatoe constantly moves anything that is place near his Anemone. It is very amusing to watch him headbutt moveable objects. I think this is normal behavior and has nothing to do with your cyano problem (which is most...
  2. granny

    No appettite????

    Have you tried any of the seaweed selects? My tang loves it. Iwas going to suggest you soak some chopped shrimp in Zoe or Zoecon-usually it is irresistable!
  3. granny

    Temp question

    80 is okay-mine sits there all the time. There are probably some inverts that would prefer it a little cooler, but just make sure your oxygen levels are adequate, which is the real culprit with an incrase in temp. Some fish are from cooler waters ie off the calif coast and need chillers to...
  4. granny

    need coral help

    If its the reef nano cube, it has a small power compact on it, which will support quite a few corals. The problem is anemones and some corals like the frogspawn can get very large and take over your tank. Look online at the nanopaks of corals and I think you will find some good selections. As a...
  5. granny

    Success stories of yellow tang in 75?

    I love reading some of these posts. Its almost as if we were sitting around the living room together having a discussion. I, who know better, just put a very small yellow tang in my 75 gallon. Why? because he was getting the tar beat out of him by a purple tang in the same 90 gallon tank-that...
  6. granny

    need coral help

    WEEELLLL, It isnt such an easy question to answer. What size is your tank? What lighting do you have? What other tank inhabitants are there?, what is your substrate. Are you showing any nitrates or phosphates? The mushrooms and leathers are generally the easiest for starters as well as colonial...
  7. granny

    New Tank Syndrom NEED HELP!

    If the live rock you put in was uncured, it will probably take 5-6 weeks to complete the cylce and be safe for sea horses. You can add 'CYCLE' to the tank to speed it up a little bit, but as you know patience is essential to this hobby. Keep testing-when all is 0, then do a partial water change...
  8. granny

    Totally new!

    Hello and welcome to Salt Water Fish keeping-an enthralling, time consuming, energy and $$ draining hobby!! Sounds like you are starting out on the right foot. There is so much information out there and so many things you will be told you just have to have-so go slowly-take a couple of days and...
  9. granny

    Fish Tank Can Be a Haven for Salmonella??

    Really interesting article-though they do not actually tell you how the salmonella is contracted/passed to humans or for certain that it is the fish, snails plants or whatever OR if it is all tanks, or just fresh or just salt. How much water have you swallowed trying to establish siphons...
  10. granny

    tomato clown and bta

    The BUbble Tip is generally accepted by Tomato clowns. When I bought mine, I asked the LFS to put the clown in with the BTA they had and hold both of them for me if it hosted. I came back two days later and the tomato was nestled in there. Dave said he jumped on it as soon as they put him in the...
  11. granny

    Anemone Question

    They would like to have one but will certainly survive without as food is their primary interest in life. The Percula prefers the Carpet anemones which grow large-if they live long enough-and require high intensity light and water flow. There are several posts on here of people with percs...
  12. granny

    how to clean sand & rock

    'How to clean sand and rock' Answer VERY CAREFULLY! the problem with tanks like yours is that you cannot put inany of the traditional tank cleaners-they are food for the gang. I have never had an aggressive tank, but in the large LFS where I used to work, the tanks with aggessives were kept with...
  13. granny

    ID this elastic stringy creature

    Ha Ha! I really dont care to see them ether! Had company this weekend and they all stood around my tank looking and asking questions "whats that" they thought the featherduster worms were plants. Anyway, I have had fishing worms in my tanks and have never seen the actual worm, only the little...
  14. granny


    Right! You are not removing 15% of your nitrates, only diluting the remaining water. The percentage of nitrates, phosphates, whatever are the same in the remaining water as they were in the water you removed. but adding fresh water, dilutes the concentrations-so the larger the water change, the...
  15. granny

    ID this elastic stringy creature

    They are 'fishing worms' common in live rock and that is exactly what they do-fish for food. Totally harmless-may get eaten by your shrimp, crabs or a wrasse.
  16. granny

    HOLY COW ---Dibbs

    You could start your own store with that! Amazing.
  17. granny

    SPINACH as food supplement

    The concern is pesticides being used on the spinach-then being introduced to your fish. Organic is better-from your own garden is best. Use a fruit or vegetable wash to clean it well if you are not sure it is pesticide free.
  18. granny

    Bang Guy..Quick question, or anyone else.

    Ive been fortunate to have a tank full of live, healthy, large peppermint shrimp that clean any growing aiptasia off my rock, but when I purchase a new rock that happens to have some on it, I pour gingerale on it. I now this sounds wierd, but it has worked better than anything else I have tried...
  19. granny

    fish food????

    The fish you have will eat a large variety of foods-please offer a wide selection to make sure all their nutritional needs are met. That roasted seaweed is probably ok, but often foods meant for humans have various additives that we dont want our fish to have. Let me tell you what most of the...
  20. granny

    Powerheads off at night?

    I only turn mine off when I am cleaning the tank/water changes. Can you adjust the flowon yours? Either the direction or volume of water? I know moving anemones isnt practical as once they are settled, its tough to move them-and they may move back. Your anemone probably settled there because it...