Search results

  1. stacyt

    Skimmer ?s

    You're probably getting to much water, and not enough air. You want the foam in the collection cup with as little water as possible.
  2. stacyt

    Moving to larger tank a couple ????

    Are you going to add anymore LR/LS to the 55? If so then it should start the cycle proccess over. If you are going to just move the current LR/LS without adding anything else I would say that chances are you wont see much, if any, cycle. I would however wait to add anything for a couple of weeks...
  3. stacyt

    cleaner shrimp

    How long has the cleaner shrimp been in the tank with them? Also did you add him before the other inhabitants?
  4. stacyt

    Help! tang police!

    To answer your 1st question. It's possible. If all the tangs where extremely small, and for a short period of time it may work. To answer your second question. Tangs need their space or they will become aggressive towards each other. The way it is the Naso will get to big for a 100 gallon tank...
  5. stacyt

    advise please

    Theres really nothing that you can do. You can try adding them, but you will have to keep an eye on them. Some people have been lucky, and have been able to combine them without problems, others have not. It's just hit or miss.
  6. stacyt

    advise please

    You'd probably get more input in the aggressive forum on these types of fish. In the long run some of those fish would need to go to a new home. The puffers, possibly the grouper, and depending on the type of tang, will need a bigger tank. I have 2 porcs in my 240, and I know that eventually 1...
  7. stacyt

    new additions

    When you moved the reef, did you leave all the LR in this tank, or did it move with the reef? IF the tank has been running as is for 5 months, and everything has been good for a couple of weeks, with the fish you added, then I would say that you could probably get away with adding another fish...
  8. stacyt

    over stocking?

    How big are the fish right now? In the long run those fish put on some size.
  9. stacyt

    Responsable Fish Keeping

    Sashimi, I should also add that I think the your tank is appropriatly stocked, and with a nice selestion of fish as well.
  10. stacyt

    Responsable Fish Keeping

    nolson, I think you misunderstood the points of the post. One of which is stock according to what the tank is capable. The foods that I listed are not expensive. If you cannot afford to buy the food, you can prepare your own for a lot less money. I think a good varied diet leads to Fat Healthy...
  11. stacyt

    Responsable Fish Keeping

    How many of you consider yourself as Responsible Fish Keepers? I left the boards for a few months because I kept getting tired of answering the same questions over, and over. Example: In the newbie forum. A member asks about problems with his Naso Tang's. 2 in a 55-gallon. Another member makes...
  12. stacyt

    Need Help With Puffer

    Chandler04, We do not need to "Chill". Simply stated the puffer will outgrow a 55 in the long run. If you cannot plan for the long run of the fish then you should not be purchasing the fish.
  13. stacyt

    Spiny Box Puffer

    My LFS stopped ordering them about a yea ago. Almost everyone that they ordered died before they where able to sell them. I would say if it's eating at the LFS than you could give it a try.
  14. stacyt

    does this sound good?

    I would not add any damsels myself. Most of the time they become to aggressive and will harass other tank mates. Especially in smaller tanks. The black and white stripped could also be a bengaii cardinal.
  15. stacyt

    yellow tang

    Even a very small tang in a 29 for a year is pushing it. While it may survive, it definatly wont thrive.
  16. stacyt

    found a small hippo? can i get it???

    The problem with tangs is the possibility of ich, and hlle. Also how long has your tank been running? A very small hippo would work for a year, maybe 2, but he will definitaly get to big for a 55. If you do decide to give it a try I would highly recommend that you quaranteen the fish before...
  17. stacyt

    Need Help With Puffer

    What have you tried feeding? I feed mine frozen shrimp, fish, squid, and silver sides. You may want to start off trying to feed it krill. Seems most puffers love it, and can't resist. Also he will outgrow a 55, if that's the tank that you have him in, so be prepared to da an upgrade in the...
  18. stacyt

    Tang question

    Purple tang tend to be more aggressive tha most of the other species. In a 55, that purple will get extremely territorial, and will likely kill anything else that you add. As far as mixing tangs. It's not as simple as different shapes and sizes. There are several factors such as the individual...
  19. stacyt

    Restocking my 240 FOWLR

    I'll do a search for he pic. How big was it when you got it, and how did it acclimate?
  20. stacyt

    Restocking my 240 FOWLR

    I'm thinking that I'll go with a queen angel. I like the looks of the clown triggers, but they are way to aggressive. I do like the sohal tangs, and have consider them as well, but I think I like the hippo better.