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  1. stacyt

    do fish fins heal

    If you have a skimmer on the tank then you will want to shut it off for a little while. If you add the stress coat into the tank, with the skimmer running, it will cause your skimmer to create a lot of foam.
  2. stacyt

    do fish fins heal

    The fins will grow back. Maintain good water quality, and feeding a good diet will help the process along.
  3. stacyt

    fish dying

    I doubt the water change killed your fish. More than likely there is something wrong with your water to begin with. How long has the tank been setup, and what changes have you made recently? How did you prepare your water for the water change? Give some more info on your tank setup?
  4. stacyt

    help chosing a eel

    I've had both the jeweled and ghost ribbon eel. The jeweled are very aggressive, and will eat any fish that they can catch, and fit into their mouth. Mine even took a chunk out of my porc puffer that was way to big for him to eat. After that he went to a new home. The ghost ribbon eel was my...
  5. stacyt

    stocking list, order

    I've never mixed the valentini puffer, or porc before, so I don't know how well they would get along. I've also not had any experience with the valentini, so I don't know what their temperment is. Also keep in mind that the porc will eventually outgrow that tank. I've seen some rather large...
  6. stacyt

    Zebra Moray (in a reef)

    I had a ghost ribbon eel in my old 80 gallon reef. He was a really cool eel. Out a lot durring the day, and never bothered anythin in the tank. They stay fairly small, and thin, so shouldn't knock anything over. Had him for about 1.5 years until I started to rework the canopy. Left the tank...
  7. stacyt

    Blue Face Acclimation

    I've never heard of an angel eating shrimp. I'm sure that they should be fine together. I normally acclimate my fish using the drip method for about 2 hrs.
  8. stacyt

    Pinnate Batfish (platax pinnatus)

    I think that part of the reason they do so poorly is the way that they are handled when they are imported. I've watched them at some of the wholesalers when they unpack them. They have usually been shipped in very small bags laying on their sides. The bags are not large enough for these fish...
  9. stacyt


    I only have 1 damsel and he is in my 240 along with several larger more aggresive fish. He holds in own, and bullys some of the much bigger fish. Also removing the damsels will reduce the stress on the tang. If they keep harrassing the tang, it will probably cause it to stress, and then an...
  10. stacyt


    I would get all the damsels out of the tank. Ounce they become established it will be difficult to add anything else to the tank. Also as they get older they will probably start fighting amongst themselves.
  11. stacyt

    4 of a kind

    Like the setup. Good mix of fish. I've been thinking about adding a tusk to my 240, but think I in the long run that I'd be pushing the bio load a bit. They are very colorfull, and I've always wanted one. I may still do it, and if the bio load gets to be to much I may get rid of a couple of others.
  12. stacyt

    Porcupine Pufferfish Puffed (pictures)

    Nice pics I have 2 porcs myself. One puffs on occasion, and the other I've never seen puff at all, not even when I was capturing to move from one tank to another.
  13. stacyt

    Shoot Me - Got a PB Tang for a 60G

    Most likely the tang has ich. If the tang is under a lot of stress than this will become a problem, and an expensive lesson as well.
  14. stacyt

    I need a good eel recommendation

    I would say that it depends on the type of eel that you get. If you added a more docile eel, such as the SFE, I would add them 1st. If you go more aggressive than I would add it last. As far as SFE eels mine has lits of personallity. For the 1st year or so he was pretty wimpy. Lately he has...
  15. stacyt

    Pecking order advice

    I think a Huma Trigger would make a great addition to the tank. There are a few other tangs that would do well, but keep in mind they require good water quality. With only 3 fish, and an eel you should be able to maintain the water quality. Have you considered a powder blue tang? Another thing...
  16. stacyt

    recent tank pics...37 gallon reef

    Very nice setup. I like the aquascaping as well.
  17. stacyt

    Pecking order advice

    I would suggest a SFE to start with. They stay relativly small, and are very hardy. Keep in mind that if you decide on either of those triggers, that they will eventually need a bigger home. Not sure how long a small one would last, but I'd say at least a few years, if purchased small. The same...
  18. stacyt

    Help save a Puffer

    It may take a couple of weeks before the puffer really settles in and starts eating well. Try to start with frozen krill. Seems no puffer around can resist them. After he starts eating well mix it up with a variety of other frozen foods such as silver sides, frozen fish from the store, etc. As...
  19. stacyt


    Since you already have the fish, and taking it back will definatly lead to its demise, why not try to treat it? Since the intent in the beginning was to rescue the fish. I would setup a q-tank, and then treat the fish. Then maybe find it a good home.
  20. stacyt


    I doubt if those 2 tangs will ever coexist in a 75 gallon tank. Sailfins get large, and need more space than a 75. They may live together for a short time, but eventually I'm sure the sailfin will kill the yellow. He will also be very stressed in a small tank. This could cause him to have some...