Search results

  1. stacyt

    flame angel................reef safe?

    I have a flame angel in my 240 reef. He was originally in my 80 reef, and made quick work of my yellow polyps. I moved him into my 240, at the time it was a FOWLR. Since I have torn the 80 down, and moved all the corals into the 240. He hasn't bothered anything in the 240, but I still keep an...
  2. stacyt

    Question on Large Angels

    Thanks for the reply's. I currently have about a 2" Flame angel in the tank. I do like the bi-color, but I really like some of the larger angels. I may get one on the smaller side and see how he does. If he ever becomes a problem I could move him to my aggressive setup.
  3. stacyt

    Question on Large Angels

    Has anyone had any success keepnig one in a reef? I have a 240 reef that contains mostly soft corals, mushrooms, polyps, and leathers. I was thinking that I might try a blue or a blue face angel. Any opinions or experiences would be appreciated.
  4. stacyt

    Arrow Crab eating shrimp????

    I've never seen mine eat any of my shrimp. I'va also never noticed any aggression towards anything in the tank. Are you sure that it was eating the shrimp, and not just the shell left over after a molt? Another possibility would be that the shrimp was already dead, and the crab made a meal out...
  5. stacyt

    pistol shrimp & watchman goby

    I doubt if the pistol will kill the goby. The shrimp uses shells to build the front entrance of his cave up. I see mine from time to time gathering shells. Pretty cool to watch. Normally they are not aggressive, and the snapping is just to warn off anyone who gets to close. I've never witnessed...
  6. stacyt

    pistol shrimp & watchman goby

    It's highly likely that they will pair up. I have a pair in my 240, and they share the same den. They may not always be together, but most times that I see the pistol shrimp the goby is not fr away. The goby roams the tank every now and then without the pistol shrimp. Keep in mind that the...
  7. stacyt

    Metal-heads around SWF??

    fshhub, Growing up around here we used to love to give the Preist fans S***. We always said they were not really Heavy Metal. Most of the people that liked Preist around here where also big Poison, and Bon Jovi fans. So we lumped them all into the posers group.
  8. stacyt

    Metal-heads around SWF??

    WOW I havn't heard some of those names in a long time. Didn't think anyone outside of cali ever even heard of DRI. Of course I'd have to disagree with innsmouth about Preist being heavy metal.
  9. stacyt

    Sanity check

    The plan sounds like I good idea. I would just suggest a couple of changes. I would maintain hypo for 3 weeks after all signs of ich have disappeared. Then slowly raise the salinity. Using the filter from the LR tank is a good idea, but I would still keep a very close eye on water params. 15G is...
  10. stacyt

    Clownfish help

    My clowns have taken to hosting in my toadstool leather. I would wait a little while before adding coral to a new tank. Give the tank a little time to settle. Also you'll need decent lighting to keep corals. As far as the anemone that hitch hiked on the LR, it is most likely aptasia. I would get...
  11. stacyt

    hows this

    The SFE should not bother any of your fish. They do however like inverts. As far as the stocking level for a 72 IMO it's a little overcrowded. I would leave it as is, and keep in mind that the sailfin will outgrow the tank. I think if you removed the SFE, and sailfin, then you could consider...
  12. stacyt

    San Jose

    How much time do you have to spend? There is a really nice LFS over in the area, with a really knowledgable owner. He's got a very interesting filtration setup, worth stopping in and taking a look. It's been a while since I've been, but I could probably get the address from a freind. There are...
  13. stacyt

    vacation question

    I travel a lot. What I do before I go for a week or 2 is make sure my water changes have been done. Usually 25% a couple of days before I leave. I normally remove all the mechanical filtration just so I don't have to worry about anything getting clogged, and I don't need to rely on someone to...
  14. stacyt

    300 gallon aggresive stocking list

    From what I understand I don't think the yellow cowfish would do well in that setup. They are pretty slow movers, and would have a difficult time eating. I've tried keeping an angel in my 240 aggressive, but keep in mind you have to keep the water quality up for the angel, and thats tough in an...
  15. stacyt

    care level?

    There can be many different reasons such as difficulty to get to feed, acclimation, some require excellent water quality, and immunity to disease.
  16. stacyt

    Can I add a Hawaiian Dragon eel to my 120G tank??

    I like the Hawaiin Dragon eel. I've been looking to get one for some time now but they seem to be difficult to track down and you will pay a pretty penny for one. I don't see a problem with adding one of you remove the SFE. They will eat anything that they can fit in there mouth.
  17. stacyt

    Why Did my Fish DIE

    I would also consider looking for another source to buy from. The advice given by your LFS so far sounds like they really aren'y very knowledgable. I would agree with what birdy has suggested. Also I would avoid a tang in a 30 gallon setup.
  18. stacyt

    Possible ban on Formalin....

    Formalin is already outlawed in CA. Not because of the reasons that you are stating though. It is one of the ingredients they can use to cook narcotics. I forget what drug but remeber that's why they can't sell it in CA. I'm sure it wont be long before they put some type of restrictions on it...
  19. stacyt

    Sick (or just behavior) - Naso Tang

    Sounds like he is really stressed. Also sounds like the beginning signs of ich. More than likely all your fish will need to be treated. Also a 55 IMO is to small for a naso. May be part of the reason that he's stressed.
  20. stacyt

    how many tangs in a 125?

    I've had the same experience as TSL. I had 3 tangs in a 240 for about 18 months. Then one day the whitecheek decided he needed more room and made quick work of the other 2. The whitecheek is the only tang left in the tank. It may work for a while but probably not for the long run. As they get...