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  1. thejdshow


    glad I heard that. I would pry worry if it started to shed As far as a pic goes I can get one later. I have to leave for work in negitive 4 minuets. LOL. this forum often makes me late.
  2. thejdshow


    I have had my toadstool for a day now, how long before I should begin to worry if it doesn't fully come out. It started to yesterday, but when the lights went out they retracted. Not really worried about it, as my water parimiters are good, and its a healthy looking leather, just more so...
  3. thejdshow

    do my fish have ich?

    you could try, but in the end.. if it is ich, you will probably have to hyposalin. best of luck
  4. thejdshow


    Well, what would be best then for water conditions? Would it be easier on your system if there were smaller feedings more often? (resulting in less waste at once) Thanks for the replies. I'm glad I got comments from people such as yourself. I place a lot of trust in people like bigarn and tizzo...
  5. thejdshow

    star polyp coral

    They recede into their "matts" My green star polyps took about a day or two to fully come out. It is just getting used to your lighting. I just added a leather toad stool coral that is starting to peak out. I know it can be ruff. When you buy things you wanna see how they look in yer tank. Just...
  6. thejdshow

    Can someone identify this stuff from my lr?

    I beleive they come out at night (could be wrong) and only breifly
  7. thejdshow

    Coraline Algae

    I am getting good spread without any suppliments. Was very slow when i first started my tank, this is one of those things that come with maturity. You do need good calcium levels however.
  8. thejdshow

    Can someone identify this stuff from my lr?

    Originally Posted by Salty Cheese The debris is most likely caused by a peanut worm. I would agree. I had the same looking stuff. Was a worm.
  9. thejdshow

    do my fish have ich?

    A fresh water dip will not help you because the ich can live in the tank without a fish for 14 - 30 days or something. Best thing to avoid using meds is a hypo salinity in a QT. Of course you would have to remove all of the fish. do the hypo salin and after 30 days you can return them to your...
  10. thejdshow

    Flame Hawk and Cleaner Shrimp.

    fantastic. I love the hawk... It is such an intertaining fish to watch. Thanks for the reply. Anyone else?
  11. thejdshow

    Flame Hawk and Cleaner Shrimp.

    Flame Hawk and Cleaner Shrimp will this work? yes / no
  12. thejdshow


    I would like someone with a lot of experience to tell me there idea of good feeding habbits. Currently I feed every other day. I have heard that it may be better to feed half as much twice as often. Is this true. ( i am talking basic fish, not anemone's etc.) Thanks, JD
  13. thejdshow

    Post your crazy clownfish habits!

    my cat gazes at my fish tank all day
  14. thejdshow

    Never ending story...

    a place far far away where
  15. thejdshow

    Good Corals?

    Well, I changed my aquascape slightly and added a leather toadstool. I will post a pick later when it is fully exposed.
  16. thejdshow

    Widescreen Laptop

    just about everything sept for the case
  17. thejdshow

    Widescreen Laptop

    that or newegg
  18. thejdshow

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Sooner the better!
  19. thejdshow

    Never ending story...

    favorite coral
  20. thejdshow

    Widescreen Laptop

    no i wouldn't build a laptop... i dont beleive i ever claimed to. if I had freakishly small hand maybe...