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  1. auntkaren

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    DO NOT miss this post! LOL it's one of the best ever!
  2. auntkaren

    What kind of anemone is this?

    Alright I'll watch it. I have noticed that the center is turning a healthy tan color. (Y'all said it was looking bleached, remember?) It is looking healthy and it's pooped a couple of times so it's sifting something out of the system! Thanks for all your responses they have been a big help. AK
  3. auntkaren

    Trapped Jawfish

    How's the Jawfish doing?
  4. auntkaren

    Something happening in my tank at night

    Could you please define high salinity? If it's not a mantis but a pistol will it harm the pistol?
  5. auntkaren

    What kind of anemone is this?

    Oh wow that's reassuring. It's on the bottom directly under the halide light. We only keep the halides on 5 hours a day. Actinics are on 2 hrs before the halides and 2 hours after is that enough light for him? BTW how big to these get?
  6. auntkaren

    What kind of anemone is this?

    Thanks for the ID and info! I will keep the flower anemone and take the condy to the LFS for credit. My tank is well lit with Metal halides the anemone was moving before the halides came on. It's settled dead center front of the tank and is really a beautiful addition. It was entertaining to...
  7. auntkaren

    Something happening in my tank at night

    He's (She's?) gonna ask how to get the mantis out. I'm going to ask first! We have bought a mantis trap and have baited it for a solid week with shrimp or scallop or talipia. So far we've caught 2 gorilla crabs and 4 snails have crawled in and back out. Any other way to catch a mantis...
  8. auntkaren

    What is THIS?

    I have those in my Nano tank and they DO mulitply. They are right over my fan worm but he doesn't seem to be bothered much by them. Mine have a dark pink center and the little balls on the tips are white. Thanks Dragonladylea for easing my mind about them too. They sure are pretty little things!
  9. auntkaren

    Trapped Jawfish

    He might have purposely made the hole smaller. He will have a network of tunnels under your rocks in no time at all. Don't worry he is just being industrious.
  10. auntkaren

    Is there such thing as a red sea reef aquarium?

    Oooooh a Red Sea reef! That is a good idea! I've been noticing a lot of fishes and inverts and even corals that are from there and was wondering whether to make our aquarium a Red Sea reef. Why do you ask if it needs a higher salinity? It really seems feasible to have a Red Sea reef .... but...
  11. auntkaren

    What kind of anemone is this?

    Thanks for the help! Now... how do I care for it? Y'all are right it does move around and I got some wonderful pics of it turning into a ball and bouncing about to a different spot. I will probably take it to the LFS for credit because we don't want anemonies in our tank as we plan to get a...
  12. auntkaren

    What kind of anemone is this?

    It's the best pic I can provide because of the original's huge size. Anyone else care to input?
  13. auntkaren

    What kind of anemone is this?

    I got this anemone with a shipment of live rock and cleanup crew. There was a condylactis anemone too but I can't determine what this one is. My best guess is either a carpet or a flower anemone. It came from the Gulf of Mexico around Tampa, FL. Can anyone help me identify this anemone, please?
  14. auntkaren

    walmart drinking water???????

    I read a horror story about W-Mart's RO/DI water. It wasn't ro/di at all it was just tap water! Please TEST your water carefully before you put in ANY water that comes from stores! If you want the site where I read the horror story email me and I can send you the site. Please don't buy...
  15. auntkaren

    Help ID coral please

    Looks like a healthy, beautiful colt coral to me. Congratulations!
  16. auntkaren

    Snails deaths

    They also die if your calcium levels are too low.
  17. auntkaren

    Rock and Sand from Gulf of Mexico

    fish1031 email me. Maybe I can help you with a local source for your gulf live rock.
  18. auntkaren

    Is this Ich? And how to treat....

    Yes, you should remove the wrasse too. I"m not familiar with your ick medicine and you seem determined to try it. Follow the directions on the bottle exactly. Meanwhile click the search button at the top of the screen and do a search on hyposalinity or hyposalinity cure. There are a couple...
  19. auntkaren

    Please help ID this hitchhiker

    Look up Whelks, Whelks have a probiscus and if memory serves, whelks eat some corals. If it's not a whelk then I'd bet it's a good snail. :-)
  20. auntkaren

    my fish store wants me to set up saltwater

    You might also consider a little concession to your boss and set up one display nano tank. Make it display only showpiece and stand alone. Not connected to the system you are describing above. A 24G nano for example. Keep a "public" journal so that you can show others what is and was...